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    Inland Empire, CA
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  1. Our youngest is starting Kindergarten and was accepting into a 50/50 Dual Immersion Spanish program. This is a question I am interested in as well.
  2. Is this still the active CA thread? I am new here. I live in the Inland Empire- So Cal
  3. I am at the beginning stages of HSing. I have been looking into the Evan Moor books a lot and would like to use them. I am encouraged to find another person who is using them. I agree with breaking up the LA aspects.
  4. I am just starting my journey and have started with the 100 easy lessons. How did Explode the Code work for you?
  5. :grouphug: THANK YOU for sharing!! I am at the start of our walk through the problems and your encouragement is appreciated.
  6. I agree with getting an evaluation. I would call his doctor who is treating his ADHD. Do you have a behavior specialist? Contact your insurance to see if they have someone they recommend. Does your local school system provide IEP evaluations?
  7. I do not have any advise as my son is much younger as we are just starting our HSing journey. I find your post helpful as I am sure this is something we will face. Hang in there though.. Could he need a different curriculum? Something different to peak his interest again?
  8. Hi, I have been around here for a couple weeks and you all have been very helpful. I THANK YOU all. As you may know I am bringing my DS home in the fall after being in the public school system for the past 3+ yrs. We live in California (Inland Empire) His history: 3mnt old- Suffered SBS/non accidental trauma w/ Left subdural and subarachnoid hemorrhages with hypoxic ischemic injury. Partial & grand mal seizures (non in past 6 yrs). Multiple bilateral retinal hemorrhages/resolved. Microcephaly, developmental delay. When placed in our home at 22months he was only making noises (non verbal). He quickly began to speak using 1-2 word sentences. DX 4yrs old with Developmental Dyspraxia & ADHD Has IEP- He started kinder in a Mod-sev SAI day class. At the end of the year we opt'd to have him repeat kinder moving him into a Mild-Mod SAI class. He is currently in 1st grade in a SAI class with 1,2 & 3rd graders. He is to be out of the general ed classrooms 80% of the time (hence the SAI special classroom). In Nov he went through the full testing: Cognitive Abilities range Verbal Comp- 65 Working Memory-62 processing speed- 65 perceptual reasoning- 79 receptive voc- 73 expressive voc- 80 Academic ach range oral exp- 64 listening comp- 81 basic reading skills- 67 reading comp- 64 math calc skills- 79 math reasoning- 86 written exp- 65 Psycho processing range: Visual motor integration- 74 visual perception- 77 motor coordination- 60 I didn't list them all. These numbers are actually lower than his last 3 yr evaluation when he was 4yrs old. His speech assessment (OWLS): Listening comp- 73 Oral Exp- 63 Oral composite- 65 Compre assmt of spoken land (CASL) Antonyms- 74 syntax cont- 47 pargraph comp- 81 nonliteral lang- 86 pragmatic judgement- 51 core composite- 62 I am looking at using the following curriculum's- Time 4 Learning (have been using as after-school) Math -U- See Building Thinking Skills Sequential Spelling I like the Sonlight LA What are some others to help with my DS? What works with children with brain trauma?
  9. :iagree: I have a 7 yr old that we adopted through the Foster System when he was 22months old. He has a TBI from Shakin Baby Syndrome and while we are still learning about the extent of the damages it was very apparent he had no impulse control and extreme hyperactivity. My husband and I took him to a routine neurological appt when he was about 5 yrs old and within 15 minutes explained to us he had ADHD. We were referred to a behavior specialist. We chose to medicate and did so for about a year. After DS spending his 6th birthday sitting on the steps while all his friends played we stopped the medication thinking we'd rather deal with the hyperactivity and impulsiveness than have him so out of it. That lasted about 6 months then we started noticing other symptoms like rage and outburst. The doctors wanted to treat DS with an anti-psychotic drug for ODD. While it was a very low dose I didn't want my 6 yr old on the medication and started researching again. I read a book on Syndrome mixes and how you treat the ones you can. We ended up going back on drugs (Ritalin this time) to treat the ADHD. We also found we needed to use Melatonin to help him sleep at night. Through that we have noticed the ODD only when he is very tired or I miss a dose. I tell you this because there are many sides to the ADHD argument. I was against medicating our DS and in the end found it was the best for now. I am always open to trying new things that will allow him to be drug free in the future.
  10. :lurk5: Great topic- I start working with my DS in April then we will be HSing in the Fall full time.
  11. Elizabeth- So many of the issues you have listed are ones I am dealing with as well. DS was also diagnosed with ADHD. He also has "extreme impulsiveness" as the neurologist put it. One of the big discoveries for us was his sleeping or the lack of actual sleeping. We thought he was sleeping but after really watching him I realized that I could wake up at 1am and have a conversation with him. The doctor has us giving him Melatonin to help and it made a difference. We also medicate for the ADHD (Ritalin).
  12. :lurk5: My 7yr old is also lacking in social skills and has been in a social setting including PS since he was 2yrs old. I had him in daycare while I worked at home to help. I am bringing him home to HS now. I was just referred to a social skills office through out medical insurance provider so I don't know what comes next but I love the responses here. I am liking the social books on Amazon.
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