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Chocolate Rose

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Posts posted by Chocolate Rose

  1. I've been doing LCHF and Keto for 2 1/2 years. I specifically am doing it because of a type 2 diagnosis. About a month ago, I made the switch to Optimal Keto. I found out about it through a facebook page and have learned a TON! I think the info there would be very helpful to you. Lots of documentation - not just theory. If you want to find out the specifics, it's Optimal Ketogenic Living. 


  2. I want to thank everyone for sharing their book recommendations. I've read many of the books in this thread only because someone here had previously recommended them. Some I enjoyed, but weren't necessarily "page turners".  And, I've just added a couple more to my Amazon cart.


    Some page turners for me have been:

    I would recommend pretty much anything by Stephen King (love his writing - his earlier works are the best - and they are definitely the kind of books that suck me right in and make me want to shut out the rest of my life to finish reading

    S King's son's (Joe Hill) books are also very good - Heart Shaped Box, NOS4A2, Horns

    The Silo Trilogy (Wool, Shift, Dust) (I wish these would be made into movies)

    Newsflesh Trilogy (Feed, Deadline, Blackout)

    The Martian

    Hundred Foot Journey

    Orphan Train

    Gone Girl

    Life After Life

    Code Name Verity

    I also enjoy Lisa See's books

  3. I never ever thought I would do this in a bazillion years, but I spent a small fortune on one pair of jeans last week and I LOVE them. I was exactly in the same place as you and tired of my jeans not fitting right. I am short, but round. I had finally found a great pair of jeans a couple of years ago (Levi skinny something or other), but because of medication, gained weight and still can't get back into them and I've been unable to find this particular Levi style again. So, I was wearing jeans I found at JCP. They fit, but are incredibly baggy in the legs and they look so bad, I haven't worn them all summer. I've just worn capris. Anyway, my dd and I were shopping for jeans for her last week and ended up at Macy's as she is hard to fit. We found jeans for her and I figured I had nothing to lose and tried on a bunch of jeans. Every pair I tried was sized "short" and every pair was too long for me. SOOOO frustrating. So, I asked a sales person what to do. She said she'd be right back and she disappeared. She came back with "petite" jeans. Holy cow!! I'm not "petite", but I tried them on anyway and they fit and I loved them. They are the Not Your Daughter's Jeans or something like that and are a bit over $100 a pair. The cashier person said that she now has 4 pairs and won't buy any other kind of jeans. The lady behind me in line said that she also has them and loves them and that they last forever. So, my recommendation is to give these a try and see what you think.

  4. I had a dachsund as a child who had this same issue. I don't know how my family afforded it, but he was put in traction at the vets for weeks if not months. I can't remember how long for sure. I got to go visit him on several weekends. Dachsunds are obviously known for back problems. Anyway, our dog came home and lived a long normal life. It sounds like maybe traction isn't something that's used on dogs any more?

  5. This past year I toured the apocalypse/zombie genre and the books I really enjoyed were World War Z, Wool Omnibus, The Passage, One Second After, and I Am Legend. Excellent escapism, though One Second After might be too much for me if I was pregnant.

    Wow, I've read all of these, too. Last night I finished Raising Stony Mayhall by Daryl Gregory. One you might want to consider if you're into zombie lit.

  6. I'm loving all the responses. They're really helping me clarify what I want. When I was at the store, I was told that Straight Talk, Tracfone and Net 10 all utilize Verizon towers. That's definitely what's needed in my area. My Net 10 phone works just fine, but, I want to be able to utilize the internet from my phone which means upgrading to a smart phone. This also means that I won't be using wifi to do this for the most part. One of the reasons I don't want a contract is that I don't want any company messing with my bank account/credit card to get paid. I want to pay them rather than them just taking the money each month.

    This is all so new to me that I thought you had to buy the phone that was specific to your carrier. I don't want to spend a fortune on a phone, but I want one that will work and is easy to read. Any suggestions? (still considering Straight Talk, Tracfone and Net 10).

  7. Thanks for all the comments so far!

    Liz, I'm glad to hear that you are happy with Straight Talk. The person I talked to at the store seemed to think it was the best way to go. But, their phones were pricey than Tracfone and Net 10. I've heard that there customer service is based in India and can be very frustrating, so that's something that worries me.

    Kristen and Hypatia, I've never heard of Ting so I'll have to check into that.

    Betsy, thanks for your comments on tracfone.

    Coffeegal, I've never heard of Platinum Tel, either. Have to check it out.


  8. I have a dumb phone and am considering switching to a smart phone. I've used Net 10 pay as you go forever (after being with Verizon for several years). I don't want a monthly plan, I just want a pay as you go.
    It looks like my best choices are Net 10, Trac Phone and Straight Talk.
    Does anyone use Straight Talk? What are the pros and cons? Any other suggestions, comments, opinions?

  9. Neil Gaiman is a boundary pusher for me. He tends to plunge into the depths of darkness in ways that surprise me. I've read The Graveyard Book, Anansi's Boys, Neverwhere, Stardust, and Odd and the Frost Giants (lol) . I Started American Gods, but dropped it pretty quickly.  I couldn't handle the weirdness. Even the Graveyard Book had me shocked in the first chapter. There was no cushion of wonderful detail to lesson the impact of what happened as there was in Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone.

    I just finished The Ocean at the End of the Lane and I don't know what I was expecting, but it was not at all what I was expecting. I kept thinking that it was totally a Stephen King-type book. 

  10. I enjoyed The Martian very much also when I read it last month.  I kept thinking that it would make an excellent movie as it's Castaway meets Apollo 13.




    I thought the same thing about it making an excellent movie!! Hopefully the people who can make something like that happen realize it, too.

  11. I just finished a couple of good books due to recommendations from these threads. Code Name Verity was one that was very emotional, but very enjoyable. The day after it arrived and before I even had cracked it open, my dd called to say that she had just read a book that she really wanted me to read so that we could discuss it. It was Code Name Verity.  :001_smile:

    The second book I just finished was The Martian by Andy Weir. LOVED this book and have been recommending it to everyone at work. And, coincidentally it is on my dd's "to be read" list as well. I was a little worried that I wouldn't like this one as I usually don't like a "journal" format, but I was totally fine with this one. The main character had a great sense of humor. Also, I was worried that there would be too much scientific jargon/explanations for me, but I actually enjoyed all the science background. Amazing. For me, this was one of those books I didn't want to put down as I wanted to know what was going to happen to this poor guy next and what he would do to solve the problem. 

    Right now, I'm in the middle of a book that a co-worker gave me (his wife doesn't like having books around the house -  :eek: ). It's one I normally wouldn't have chosen to read, but I am enjoying it. Invisible Prey by John Sandford.

    After this one, I'll have to choose from my several stacks of books on and around my night stand/bed that I've bought due to the recommendations here. Thank you!

  12. - use a seam ripper to get the hair off your vacuum cleaner.


    - shop around for prescriptions. I just learned that different pharmacies have different prices for prescription drugs and no single pharmacy has the best price for everything :-/


    Oh, my gosh!!! If someone had told me this 20 years ago it would have changed my life. :lol:  I can't tell you how many hours I have spent taking the vacuum cleaner apart and trying to cut off all the long hair that got rolled up on the roller. 

  13. I've been doing LCHF for a little over 2 years now. I started because after getting some blood test results, my A1C was ridiculously high. I immediately stopped eating all carbs and started researching. LCHF seemed the best direction to go in. After having a second set of labs done to confirm the readings on the first set, I was diagnosed as diabetic. I know that I will be eating LCHF for the rest of my life (unless some miracle cure is found). The good thing about LCHF for me is that it is sustainable. I don't have cravings and I love the foods that I can eat. The first year weight-wise was great. I continued to maintain a 125 pound weight loss. Then,last year, I was put on a medication that actually caused me to gain weight. Now that I'm off of it, I'm hoping to get these pounds off. I've stuck with between 20 and 30 grams of carbs per day since beginning this woe. I'm to the point that I can't even imagine eating carbs again. I eat primarily protein and fat and occasionally some veggies. My labs have been great.

  14. I know a homeschooling mom who smoked pot. She let her kids skip every other problem in Saxon, and she never taught her kids to outline.


    I think the pot fears are more than justified.


    OMG!! The pot made her do it!!  :lol:  :lol:


    Maybe she just didn't like a bazillion math problems and outlining and went on to something else??? Or, then again, maybe pot was controlling her mind and she never came to her senses.


    I wonder if Celebrity allows for that. If so, I'll be delighted. :)


    Definitely check. Right now, I'm planning on taking Princess, so have been paying more attention to those posts. I know that there are other cruise lines that allow you to take as much water/pop as you want also, but don't remember specifically which ones.

  16. Nope. I live in a legalized state and have no desire. And, I work for a company that has random drug tests. Just not worth the chance. :thumbdown:

    I have tried it (eons ago) and it just made me paranoid). Also, I just don't like the feeling of not being fully aware and functional. I even stop after 1 or 2 glasses of wine. I'm a wimp.

    But, I agree that if you want to give it a try and personally experience it, one time isn't going to be a problem.

  17. Chocolate Cream Cheese Cake Balls? Of course I want the recipe!


    Here you go! This was my best lc recipe so far for non-low carbers. My notes are at the bottom of each recipe.

    * Exported from MasterCook *
                        Chocolate Cream Cheese Cake Balls
    Recipe By     :
    Serving Size  : 0     Preparation Time :0:00
    Categories    : Cakes & Frosting                Cakes & Frostings
                    Desserts                        Gluten Free
                    Low Carb                        Parties
                    Quick & Easy
      Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
    --------  ------------  --------------------------------
         1/2        recipe  GF Chocolate Mayo Pound Cake (see recipe) -- cooked and cooled
                            Cream Cheese Frosting:
      6        Tablespoons  butter
      4                 oz  cream cheese (1/2 a block)
      2               cups  confectioners Swerve
      1         tablespoon  cream
      2        tablespoons  butter
      1 1/2           bars  Lindt 90% cacao chocolate
                            sweetener to taste
    Yields approximately 24 balls.
    In a large mixing bowl cream the butter and cream cheese.  Beat in 1 cup of the confectioners Swerve.  Add the cream and vanilla.  Beat in the rest of the Swerve until smooth and creamy.
    Crumble the cake in another large bowl.  Dollop the cream cheese frosting on top and stir it into the cake with a fork until the whole mess comes together.  Form the cake into 24 balls and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.  When all the balls are formed, stick them in the fridge for a few hours or the freezer for 30 minutes or so until completely chilled but not hard.
    Line another baking sheet with parchment paper.  In a deep microwavable bowl, melt chocolate and butter. Dip each cake ball into the melted chocolate to fully coat and take it out with a fork, letting the excess chocolate drip off.  Place the balls onto the new baking sheet and repeat until all are done.  You can drizzle a different colored chocolate over them.
                                        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    NOTES : Originally a High carb sugar/flour truffle recipe from http://thepurplespoon.wordpress.com  I revamped it for low carb and made them into larger cake balls/pops.
    * Exported from MasterCook *
                  GF Chocolate Mayo Pound Cake (w_coconut flour)
    Recipe By     :
    Serving Size  : 0     Preparation Time :0:00
    Categories    : Cakes & Frosting                Cakes & Frostings
                    Gluten Free                     Low Carb
                    Quick & Easy
      Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
    --------  ------------  --------------------------------
      3 1/2           cups  almond flour
         1/2            c.  coconut flour
         1/2            c.  cocoa
      1 1/4            tsp  baking powder
      1               tsp.  baking soda
      6                     eggs
         1/2            c.  Erythritol
         1/4           tsp  liquid sucralose or 1 c. grandular splenda
      3            packets  truvia
      1                tsp  vanilla
      1                 c.  mayonaise
         2/3            c.  vanilla davinci syrup (or other flavor)
         2/3            c.  cream or almond milk
    I used my kitchenaid to mix this. You can use a food processor (Put ingredients into food processor in order listed and process for 30 seconds, scrape down sides and process for another 1-1/2 minutes.)
    Mix this a couple minutes than scrape down and mix again for 2 more minutes.
    Pour batter into a greased and floured bunt pan and bake.  (Spray nonstick bunt pan with cooking spray and then  use cocoa powder to flour the pan with.)
    This makes a lot. Could  bake in a large bundt pan and 3 small bundt pans.
    350 for 45 minutes and the little ones took 30 minutes or until cake tester inserted in center comes out clean.
    it made just a perfect amount for 2 9 inch springform pans.
    A half cake made in a 9 x 9 baking dish lined with non stick foil
                                        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    NOTES : Baked half the recipe in a 9x9 pan and 30 mins cooking time was perfect. I used 3/4 cups erythritol, 2 tablespoons truvia, 2 drops stevia glycerite and 1/3 cup chocolate davinci syrup. 
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