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Everything posted by jrn

  1. I only use the hose to water the lawn when I've put out seed. Occasionally the kids are super hot and run through the sprinkler, although they are getting older so it doesn't happen as often. I use rain water to water the flower garden. I have 2 big barrels so there is usually plenty until the next rain.
  2. I believe so. Although I do yell at the kids that I can't hear them while I'm doing dishes and they are in the other room trying to talk to me.
  3. I would love a smartphone. I like fun new toys, but I do not have a need for one much to my kids dismay. My dh has one but his boss pays for it.
  4. My first pregnancy was like this. Very light period-or so I thought. I even donated blood because I really thought it was a period.
  5. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  6. My go to confirmation gift is a prayer book.
  7. I am so jealous. What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon.
  8. It sounds silly, but take some stinky laundry and rub it on both cats.
  9. Thank you for sharing this article. It fits the Bible study we are doing at church.
  10. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  11. Yes, totally fine one second then gone the next. Had we been in a vet clinic with all the emergency equipment available he still would have died. It was so fast. I've run everything through my head, what did I miss? what should I have done differently? There was nothing. If I'd be working in a vet clinic I would have requested a necropsy. I think that's why I'm so broken up over it. Thank you to all of you for the hugs and hugs back to you who have lost pets too.
  12. I'm a former vet tech, working for 10 years in a vet clinic, I've had numerous pets, numerous losses. This one hit me hard. One minute my sweet Maxie boy was jumping up on the couch to snuggle and the next minute he was gone. :crying: Horrible. My sweet Max, the best orange tabby with the most amazing purr anyone could ever hear and the longest whiskers you can imagine. To make matters worse, I can't find any pictures of him. Ugg, now I'm crying again. Take pictures of your fur babies before it is too late.
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