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Everything posted by FLDebbie

  1. I'm hoping someone here can help me with remembering the title of what I believe is a book about parts of speech. In it, the author makes each part of speech into a family member. I recall reading about how the author (who I believe is a teacher) was in class one day and her students weren't getting the parts of speech so she started drawing them as characters. She then made characters for all the parts of speech and put them together into this book. Does this sound familiar to anyone???
  2. My boys love Ninjago and I have not seen them on sale at all. In fact, I saw them at Legoland cheaper than I found them at Target. Hopefully someone else has a good idea.
  3. I can't believe those are still made. We LOVED those as kids and decorated our bedroom doors with them (my parents were very understanding). I might have to find some for my brother and sister.
  4. I love the idea of having him read the sample summaries after doing his own. It never occurred to me to do that and now I realize that's another learning opportunity.
  5. I worked for a defense contractor in Jacksonville and we worked with helicopters. There are several contractors here and more in Orlando. That might be worth looking into.
  6. I decided I was done a few hours after my last was delivered and my OB said I could have easily died if I had gone into labor, and he recommended never having anymore. I was devastated since I had always wanted more. It was hard, but I look at the two wonderful, healthy kids I have and am thankful none of us died (older DS almost died when he was born, which in turn led to the issues with younger DS). I sometimes wonder what would life be like if we had a fuller house like I had wanted, but I also think of the things we couldn't have done with a bigger family.
  7. Growing with Grammer does diagramming and they even have a whole Digging into Diagramming book now that might be what you're looking for.
  8. I'd find out what level is right for her, no matter what age you think it should be for. That's a beautiful thing about homeschooling. Also, I haven't used this yet, but I've heard that TWSS/SWI is a good bridge between WWE and WWS. My plan is it to go through WWE next year and then transition to a year or two of TWSS and then into WWS.
  9. This made me think of a conversation I had last week with a psychologist going over my son's gifted test results. He did great everywhere except in working memory. The psychologist, who is an older woman, said she has noticed a decrease over the years in that one particular score. She attributes it to how much easier it is for us to access information these days and also the lack of practice of memorizing passages in school. I can completely remember having to memorize poems or famous speeches in school and having to recite them. I hated it, but with practice, it got easier. I thought about the dictation I use in WWE2 (with my other son) and realized that is helping him immensely. We just finished week 11 and I have noticed how much easier it's getting for him to remember the sentences. This past week, he said he wanted to write it from memory of what we had covered the day before and he got it completely right! My hope is that by working with him through WWE, this working memory skill will be sharpened over time.
  10. I have a CTT history course that isn't really enticing to either my son or me. I like the content so we're pushing through with it. We should finish in early February and I can't wait.
  11. It could be a mental illness as well like some others have said. I was out with my mom once and she started yelling at the cashier about something totally out of place like that. It turned out that she was in the early stages of Alzheimers and when she got confused, she started to say very odd things. With so much media saturation about the election, it could be that was just on her mind. I apologized to the cashier, but I could see she was shaken. Hopefully, your son will realize she didn't want help, but what a wonderful thing it is to help others. If we could all could do that, think of how great this world could be.
  12. I also would change very little. I did well, had fun, and had a decent view of my looks. The one thing I might have changed would I might have liked to have been on the swim team. But, I was in band and that took much of my time. I dated many different types of guys (then and through college) and am glad I didn't settle on one type. I'm glad I didn't just limit myself to the "good for marryng types." I certainly wasn't ready for marriage untill well after high school and by dating all sorts of guys I really learned what I liked and what I didn't. I'm now married to someone who was the geeky type in high school, but is an absolutely wonderful husband and father (and I wouldn't change him for anything).
  13. Is it a curriculum, experiment set, or book? curriculum Title plus a link: Connect the Thoughts A brief description: SCIENCE COURSES OVERVIEW A student needing a particular course to round out curriculum could use any of these courses. These cover science basics, biology, oceanography, meteorology (the study of weather and of the atmosphere), chemistry, physics, astronomy and space exploration, and there is a final science review and project course. Again, these courses include many films and documentaries. If it is a complete or partial year course (if a curriculum): many full years available Level of material or what types of students would enjoy it: three levels - lower elementary, upper elementary, middle/high If a student can use it independently - yes, when they are reading independently If it includes tests: yes, but the ones I've seen so far are purely knowledge-based questions If it includes the supplies needed for experiments: no Please note if the material has a christian overlay, YE approach, or other important overlay: secular
  14. :glare: I wish I had cable. Hopefully it will be available through another way (e.g., Netflix) in the future.
  15. I think it's just discourteous not to use someone's name the way they want it to be used. My name is Debbie and for a while at work for some reason it seemed like everyone started calling me Deb. It was like nails on a chalkboard everytime I heard Deb. I would politely ask them to call me Debbie, but for some reason, many of them ignored it. I found it got better when I arbitrarily shortened their names in conversation. "Well Bi", "You're right Cat", "Good job Joh", etc.
  16. We're also having to cut back on Christmas this year, and we haven't been that extravagent in the past anyway. I'm making pillow cases for all my nieces and nephews this year and challenged myself to make them out of fabric on hand. My kids (and I) will then make snacks to go along with them. I'm also thinking of these for my nieces. For my own kids I'm making them pillowcases too. Plus they each will get a day with mom and a day with dad to have one on one time. The catch is the day will have to be free or have a limit of around $5 or less. We'll give them suggestions like a day at the beach, a hike in the woods, a picnic lunch or dinner, a trip to the museum (we have passes for one and a couple of others in town have free hours). I've also gotten some very cheap, but nice, books from garage sales. Hit the ones in nicer areas of town and you can find some good stuff cheap. A last item is if I'm going to buy something for the kids anyway (like socks, underwear, toothbrushes) those become either stocking stuffers or wrapped presents. Heck, one year we gave my son cheese as a birthday gift and he was elated. His own block of cheese that he didn't have to share with anyone. Of course, we had another block just like it for the rest of the family, but he didn't care.
  17. I'll preface this by saying I have no first-hand experience with this type of issue so take this FWIW. I have heard from parents that even if others have "given up" on their children, that the parents refused to and the kids improved. People can do amazing things when surrounded by love and support. It sounds like your son has already done things that the doctors have said he couldn't. :grouphug: to you for what seems like it's a tremendous job.
  18. Yum and Yum. I'm glad I have something good planned for dinner tonight too. Alton Brown's pot roast, white acre pea cakes, mashed potatoes, and probably a salad or some other green veggie.
  19. When my child was finally diagnosed with dyslexia, it was nice to finally know that he just wasn't being careless or lazy with trying to read. I use Barton with him and she has wonderful information on her websites (here and here) even if you don't use her materials.
  20. Thank you! This book is one I want my son to read this year.
  21. Do not store the quilts in air-tight plastic bins. For long-term storage of some old quilts, I got some tubes that decorator fabric comes on and enough muslin to cover the quilt. I layed a quilt on the muslin and then wrapped them around the tube. Make sure to have enough muslin to wrap around the tube first. Then, tie just tight enough to keep the bundle togehter. I have mine standing on end in the back corner of my closet. Every few years I unroll them, wash the muslin, and then rewrap them. If you want to store flat, then wrap in muslin and loosely fold the quilt. When re-wrapping every few years, fold the quilt in different places to avoid putting too much strain on any one part of the fabric. Store in an acid-free box. If you must use a plastic bin, don't put the lid on tightly.
  22. Our big hits so far are Evan Moore Geography Daily Worksheets Any and all logic work Times Tales WWE2 Not so much a miss as just not as interesting as last year's history is CTT history. Today was fun (we had a Lego battle), but we're looking forward to something with more hands on fun later this year.
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