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Tree Frog

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Posts posted by Tree Frog

  1. This question has always bothered me because it presumes I'm in charge of dinner. Our kids are out of the house now, but dh usually asks if I have anything planned for dinner. It's the same question in a different format. When I ask him what he would like, he almost always tells me "whatever you want to make.", which doesn't really help me. The other night, I wasn't feeling well and he asked me what I wanted for dinner, which was a very nice question to ask. I told him I would eat whatever he wanted. His response was "Well, that doesn't really help me." I chuckled and said "yep!" 

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  2. I wanted to make cherry jello one day and thought my new Tupperware salad dressing shaker would work well to mix up the jello. So I poured the jello mix in, followed by the hot water, sealed it shut, and shook it to mix. What I didn't take into account was that hot water causes the air to expand, so as I'm merrily shaking my jello, it explodes. I had hot red cherry jello all over me, the floor, the counters, and the cabinets. After that experience, I think I got rid of that shaker! 

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  3. I don't remember being given the option to choose my Venmo user/account name. It was just assigned to me.

    I just went into my Venmo settings and it appears you can change your user name. I was able to delete some letters, but I like my user name, so I didn't try to change it. Good luck! 


    • Thanks 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Sneezyone said:

    Bully for you? I haven’t seen an ‘answer key’ in all the years my kids have been in school. The schools don’t even use textbooks. What you’re describing resembles nothing my children have actually experienced this decade. Times change. Kids change. 


    9 hours ago, Frances said:

    I thought we were talking about college? Surely most college students have a textbook with at least the answers for the odd exercises in the back? Every classic math textbook for lower level classes I’ve ever seen has this. My son graduated from college six years ago and all of his math textbooks still had answers to the odd problems in the back.


    My son is a senior this upcoming year in college. Most of his classes have given homework and the professor has either posted the answer key online to check before class or posted it at the beginning of class and asked students if they have questions before beginning the lecture. I don't think it's as outdated as one might think based only on one's own kids.

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  5. We looked at who our providers already were and what insurance they accepted. Once we narrowed those down, we chose the plans that best fit our needs.

    Vision was important because we all wear glasses and my and my dd's prescriptions tend to be very expensive. We chose the most coverage plan available because the coverage more than paid for the difference between what our prescriptions cost and the cost of the policy. Some of our problems will likely impact our medical insurance instead of our visual insurance.

    For dental, we looked at what kinds of problems we already had, our ages and the kind of care we expect to need, and chose a plan that covered our specific issues with a higher co pay to cover potential future issues. We were very happy with Delta Dental, but our dentist no longer accepted it, so we switched when we had the option.

  6. 1 hour ago, ktgrok said:

    DH's expertise/career is security, physical and cyber, and this is why best practice is to have key card entry rather than autolocking doors. Because most people won't prop them if they have a badge to swipe, but will if they have to walk all the way around.

    I'm a substitute teacher. The outside doors all lock automatically when closed, but I prop them open so I can go inside after recess or when dropping a student off for their bus. I know to request a card, but some schools won't given give them out, even for long term jobs. I'm rethinking which schools I want to continue working at based upon whether they will give me an access card. 

  7. On 5/14/2022 at 1:05 AM, Laura Corin said:

    I also make sauces thickened with pureed white beans instead of flour - the beans are undetectable.

    Can you tell me how you do this? Do you puree the beans ahead of time and keep them in the fridge/freezer? How would you use them in a bechamel sauce?

  8. On 5/13/2022 at 7:16 PM, J-rap said:

    I use oat milk (the barista kind) for my coffee instead of whole milk

    Does the oat milk taste like oats? I don't like the flavor of oatmeal, but would like to try something other that 6 the half cup of half and half I use in my 3 cup a week habit.

  9. I haven't worn my ring since probably 4 years into our marriage. (We've over 30 years now.) I don't know if it bothered dh when I stopped wearing it. I think it may have bothered his parents, but they rarely mentioned it. I couldn't get used to wearing a ring and would take it off and play with it unconsciously. I was afraid of losing it, so I stopped wearing it. Dh had to take his off whenever he flew and at some point stopped putting it back on. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, Ottakee said:

    I love these ideas.   She isn’t going to be that big or fancy.  Horse rides would be in the arena for insurance/liability reasons.

    she would be open to people camping as well but not sure how many people would want to do that.

    she is thinking more along the lines of simple, basic farm life not a dude ranch or fancy living.  Her prices would reflect that as well.   Same with a basic cleaning fee, not something outrageous like some I have seen.

    I believe dd used a website to find the place she went to. The rancher only charged about $20. Let me know if you'd like me to ask dd how she found it.

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  11. I agree with an assortment of beds. Dh and I don't fit a queen anymore, so one of the bedrooms would need a king of 2 beds. We probably won't stay at another one that's connected to the family next door because of thin walls and music at all hours of the night. That won't be an issue for your friend, though.

    Here in Texas, several ranches will rent out "spaces" for campers who like to tent camp. Dd paid for one in the middle of a cow pasture. She loved it and said she just had to watch out for cow patties. Would this be something your friend might be interested in on her land?

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  12. I've not been in your shoes, but I wondered if part of the reaction isn't just from telling your mother off, but  waiting for the other shoe to drop. Is there any way to reframe your thoughts about this specific incident?

    I know if I'm feeling anxious about an anticipated negative response, my tummy feels topsy turvy. I've had some calming relief with evening primrose oil and exercise. I hope you're able to find a way to work out this physical reaction.

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  13. When we moved every 3 years, I hated finding a stylist who could cut straight hair short, so it's been bob-length or longer for probably the last 15 years. I get frustrated that I can't wear a ponytail or bun when I drive because the headrest sits right behind my head. The ponytail actually forces my head down when I'm in the car. That means I either wear my hair down or fix it when I get to work

    I also hate the flyaways, the way my hair gets in my face, and sticks to my neck, both of which make me very hot. I've told people that if it were socially acceptable, I would shave my head. I think that would be the easiest way to go. Shave it every morning, maybe moisturize my head, not need to clean out the drain after every shower, be able to keep the windows down in the car, not find my hair in the dishwasher drain (ew!) or on the vacuum roller, not need to find someone to cut my hair. I would probably need to wear a hat outside.

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