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Tree Frog

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Posts posted by Tree Frog

  1. On 7/21/2022 at 8:20 PM, Harriet Vane said:

    Gyrotonics today, the crazy weird exercise I never knew I would love. It's doubly great because I do it with a good friend and I love spending time with her. 

    I'd never heard of gyrotonice, so I looked it up. It looks like a lot of fun, so I looked for one locally. It closed in Feb. 😞

    Things making me happy this morning. Having all the windows in the house open and hearing the birds outside. I love hearing the everyday normal neighborhood sounds, the clink of the neighbor's home gym in their garage, the people walking and talking. Normally it would be too warm and humid to open them (we're at 80* right now), but we're trying to prevent us from getting sick. Everyone in dh's office except dh tested positive Thursday.

    • Like 4
  2. What did the body shop say? Are they willing to honor their work?

    Anecdotally, ds hit something that flew down possibly from an overpass while he was heading back to college In Jan, making the car undriveable. It wasn't until the end of Feb the body shop was able to start looking at it. He got the car back, but ended up taking it in 3-4 times for things they should've caught, like connecting the washer fluid resevoir with the wipers. It was frustrating and time consuming for him, but they honored their work. I hope your body shop will do the same!


  3. I don't usually mind detours, but as I've aged, I like them less and less. I used to see detours as an adventure to see an area I don't usually see. 

    I can't remember verbal directions easily unless they're very simple. They go in one ear and out the other and sometimes what sticks isn't in the right order or the info doesn't even go together. I've had problems with Google taking me in circles or the most circuitious route possible. When that happens, I have to pull over and study the map. I don't have a screen in my car, just the phone.

  4. 1 hour ago, ScoutTN said:

    Nope. Not my deal. it is irritating, but not to the degree that I will bother him about it. Also not necessary if people would just turn it off...

    My dh leaves the fan on due to odor and white noise to sleep to. I had an epiphany one night after he looked at me funny for asking him if anyone would even be near that bathroom (master bath) before the odor disappated and pointing out he could leave the fan off. I can hear the fan in the main part of the house and it bothers me. Odor bothers him much more than it does me and sound bothers me much more than odor.

    • Like 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, BeachGal said:

    You could also try stinging nettle root supplements. Now is the brand we take. 500 mg per day should be okay. You will want to make sure it is root only and then read about allergies and other drug interactions it could have.

    One of my sons is about to go on a cruise and will be taking that as well as Thorne’s quercetin phytosome, some other supplements and using the Xlear spray. We will see how he fares.

    Hope you don’t get it. 🤞🏼

    I got quercetin for my mom and just checked to see if I got any for us. Looks like something I'll need to order. Do you know what does the phytosome does?

  6. 35 minutes ago, sheryl said:

    I hope you 2 escape it.  In my post I mentioned dh and I went 2 1/2 years and didn't get it until 2 weeks ago today.  DH is day 14 Fri and I'm day 13 Fri.  I do agree with Eliz86 to stock up on food if you can.  Do it now before symptoms set in IF they do.  Maybe they won't and you'll still have food to consume.  

    I figure we're due to have it at some point. I just don't want it now!

    I'm so sorry it's taken you and your dh so long to get over it! Are you both still having symptoms?

    • Like 2
  7. Dh works in an office with 3 other men. All 3 tested positive yesterday and this morning with symptoms ranging from 103+ fever and massive headache. DH doesn't have any symptoms yet, but we're staying in different parts of the house just in case. I'm supposed to drive in 4 days to visit dd, my mom, my sister, and my dad, a total of over 20 hours of drive time plus visiting time. If either of us come down with it, I won't go. What can we do to keep this at bay? Neither of us have had Covid that we're aware of. Thanks for your suggestions!

    Things I'm doing and have suggested to dh:

    Supplements: Vit D, Vit C, Zinc, NAC, Zlear nasal spray (thanks, @BeachGal)

    Air purifier going

    Windows open for now. There's a breeze, but we're supposed to be up over 100* today, so they'll be closed at some point.

    All ceiling fans going.

    Lots of water

    Dh is masking when he comes down to the main level. Do I need to mask? Our house is a fairly open floor plan, so the air flows everywhere.

    We're sleeping in separate rooms.

    • Sad 17
  8. People who can't follow the zipper merge when a lane closes and insist everyone should have already been in the open lane. It makes for dangerous backed up lanes when people don't zipper merge.

    People who automatically move into the left lane when they merge on an interstate regardless of whether they're passing anyone or even going the speed limit then refuse to move over if other traffic wants to move faster.


    • Like 9
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  9. When I started to go braless out and about and at home, I had a 17 yo son and 16 yo male exchange student at home. I asked ds if it made him uncomfortable and he said it didn't. I didn't ask the exchange student because he was from a European country that allows topless bathing, so I figured a little bit of shape showing wouldn't matter. I have talked to ds a couple more time when he's home and told him if it makes him uncomfortable to let me know. He always assures me it doesn't, but I try to keep the lines of communication open just in case.

  10. On 7/17/2022 at 9:21 AM, MEmama said:

    Shame, yes, but also we are *constantly* subject to the male gaze. The leering at us starts young, as we all know, and is unavoidable. I’m not ashamed of my body, but I also don’t want anyone feeling that they are entitled to it—and that includes the gross staring that ALL MEN (I’ll say it) do. I can’t even wear a tank top without a bra in my own house without DH staring and giving *that* look. So yeah, sometimes I just want to cover up because otherwise I just feel angry and disgusted. Why can’t they just let us exist in peace! 🤬

    I started with a smaller quote, but as I thought about all of your statement, the more I agreed.

    I don't like having comments made when I'm sleeping in the nude because I'm hot. I don't like comments about being braless when I'm in my home.

    When I was much younger, I was asked "Are you cold or just happy to see me?" I was confused the first time I was asked (I had no idea what he was referring to), but it took me a long time continuing to hear it before I could tell him that was a rude statement. I recently needed to repeat what a rude statement it is. I absolutely hate that question.

    • Like 1
  11. 9 minutes ago, BeachGal said:

    I am going with NOW brand because it contains the root and a local health food store carries it. It's for my son who is going on a cruise this Thursday. I can't get it delivered quickly from Amazon and our Whole Foods only carries Stinging Nettle leaf extract. The root is what the study mentioned.


    Thank you. I did a cursory search, but didn't see the rhizome mentioned in the descriptions. I'm not sure why I didn't think of root extract being from the rhizome. Duh!

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, regentrude said:

    Hate them and try to avoid wearing one whenever possible. What's it about the societal obsession to hide the fact that humans have nipples?

    I agree. And they're visible sometimes even when a woman is wearing a bra. Is this is an American thing? Do people in Germany/other cultures care if nipples show? My recollection from living in Germany several decades ago was that the German people didn't care.

    I prefer not to wear a bra at all, but do when I'm at work or when it matters. I usually wear a camisole if I'm going all day without a bra. My biggest issue with them is the boob sweat. I hate it when my bra is wet so, due to where we live and the extra heat we've had this summer, if I'm running errands, there will be boob sweat.

    I was a chaperone at a teen church camp several years back and was surprised all the female teens wore their bras to bed. They were uncomfortable that I didn't.

  13. I drive once in awhile when my feet are hot, like after work. I won't drive in flip flops unless the sole is stiff. My mother worked for a police dept during my teen years and gets upset when I drive in flip flops or bare feet. She saw too many broken feet due to stomping on the brake hard enough to break a bare foot and accidents due to flip flops getting stuck under a pedal. My dd used to drive bare footed when she lived at home. I don't know if she still does.

    • Like 1
  14. Is it possible for Mark to help your Dad at the rehab facility? Having him there might make it a better transition and might help motivate dad. I have no experience with rehab, so if it's not feasible due to rehab rules, Mark's ability to get your dad safely on the commode, etc, please ignore.

    • Like 3
  15. On 7/14/2022 at 10:14 AM, Scarlett said:

    the divorce happened when he was 13 and that seems about right.

    My parents divorced when my brother was about 13. I think he finally got his life together when he was about 35. He is now a loving dad and husband.

    Take the long view.

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