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Status Updates posted by JenniferB

  1. It's OK, don't worry about it. I doubt I'll get it anyway. I want to get my teacher's certificate and eventually work either with the virtual academy, or an alternative school, or maybe the plain 'ol elementary school. I need to set aside for retirement, and it's proven to be very difficult as a small business owner. So, I think a government job will be good in my latter years. No rush. I want to get my kids through homeschooling at least through elementary school. Then, maybe I'll farm out their education in pieces or all the way. :)

  2. Crissy, It was nice meeting you as well. I'm going to make more effort to attend these events. It was great to get out of the house.

  3. Aurelia, did you get my message about the Atelier art? Please let me know if it's OK to send it out. Thanks, Jennifer

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