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  • Biography
    Mother of 2 girls oldest is pdd-nos
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    All things natural.
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  1. 25% of those with current autism dx, 75% of those with Asperger's Syndrome, and 85% of those with PDD-NOS will no longer.... Crimson Wife, I'm curious, where did you get these statistics from? Thank you, KFK
  2. ....seeing a BOARD CERTIFIED DEVELOPMENTAL PEDIATRICIAN! Even if you have to travel out of town for the appointment!
  3. http://WWW.NBNUS.net supplements Arch supports for back pain...(just a thought)
  4. Go to the FCC website and fill out the online complaint form. You don't have to fill it in perfectly, just the parts that pertain to you and these calls, as best as you can. Also, 99.9% of the time, just threatening the caller with with your intentions of reporting them to the FCC will stop the calls in their tracks!
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