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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. I don't schedule by the hour. This is my work-up of my ds10's schedule for this coming fall. He will be doing what is in my sig line and he is in 5th grade. The ? will be filled in closer to time for school to start back (it will depend on what he finishes this summer). He works at whatever pace he wants and we eat lunch between 12 and 1. If he needs more time, he gets back to work after lunch. This schedule may be tweaked in regards to History and Science. This is how Bigger Hearts lays it out (5 days each) - but we are not used to doing it spread out like that, so we will just have to see which we like better and go from there.
  2. My son has really long legs and is really skinny. I actually prefer him in shorts that come below the knee by quite a bit. I don't think it looks gang-like. Oh...and FWIW, my kid looks pretty cute in his basketball shorts with his hat turned backwards shooting hoops. :) Not gang-like...sporty.
  3. The way this actually pans out is that *I* got the divorce, but ex-h was the one who walked out. When we divorced, I moved to GA from TN. He moved to NEW YORK. I moved back to TN just minutes from where we had lived before (okay...like 60 minutes, but still!) and ex proceeded to move to Massachusetts, and then to Maryland. Has he made an efffort to move CLOSER to my son in all that time?? Not at all. Has his salary gain caused him to come visit his son more on long weekends, etc. Nope. He is an "I want it, right now, my way" kind of man. Example: I was living in GA and was pregnant with ds5 at the time. I had gone into early labor and was given a shot to stop the contractions. ex-h called me and screamed at me for over an hour telling me I was a piece of sh*t because I wouldn't drive 2 hours and meet him with our son. He's not a bad person, persay...he is a "take care of #1" kind of person. The last time my son came home from his dad's, he asked me to make him a PB&J. I told him to make it himself and he responded, "that's woman's work." I thought my dh was going to freak out! But ds9 got it from his dad...that is just how ex-h is. :( Honestly, if I had it MY way, in a perfect world, I would ask for full custody of ds and have ex terminate his parental rights and my dh adopt ds9. That will NEVER happen...but in a perfect world....
  4. LOL...nope, ex h makes so much that there is no way I would ever have to give money to HIM for ds. I claim ds on my taxes...and that is mostly because 30 days a year does not constitute "raising" a child! He would only be staying 2 weeks total. Lord no, not 3!!! :ack2: I'd have a coronary!
  5. Almost all of my choices for next year, so far, are huge winners. :) I really love all of the CLE materials I have purchased - Math 100 and 400, LA 100 and 300, and Bible 100 and 300. I also got the Music elective and Art elective sold by CLE and those are going to be great additions as well. I purchased Beyond from HOD and really am thinking it will be great for ds who will be 6. I am very happy with Bigger for my almost 10 year old because I think the "extensions" will beef it up to his level. I am impressed with DITHOR. :) I like Speedy Spanish I ordered from CLE. New American Cursive has been perfect for ds5 who needs it in small doses. Not so sure about: Song School Latin. I have NO IDEA how to teach it and the TG is a copy of the student book...with answers. :( It says for Kindergarten, but the kids are writing the words from memory in the workbook in LATIN. Ummm...am I missing something?
  6. CLE is NOT teacher intensive. at.all. All of the CLE instruction is in the light unit and is explained very well to the student. I love CLE Math - and I say this after using Horizons, Calvert, and Singapore. CLE is hands down the BEST math. The constant review is priceless. My kids review facts in small chunks every single day - to the point they don't even realize they are memorizing the facts.
  7. What's wrong with french kissing the morning. ? While some marching band keeps its own beat in my head while we're talking...about all of the things that I long to believe..about love, the truth, what you mean to me and the truth is...baby you're all that I need. I wanna lay you down on a bed of roses, for tonight I sleep on a bed of nails. Oh, I want to be...just as close as...the holy ghost is...and lay you down on a bed of roses. The song is about a man who lives his life going from this woman to that woman (likely a famous person/rockstar/whatever) but is never truly happy. He is in love with someone else, but his life just doesn't allow him to be with her. I like the song, actually...and as far as 80's hairband songs go, that one is nothin'! LOL
  8. My ds, who had a year of speech therapy for an earlier delay, did not say the R sound correctly until he was about 4.5. The ST told me that was well within the normal range. I would just work on it closely. My little guy just started saying the L sound properly this year and that was after much working and repeating and modeling. Some kids just take a bit more time. Heck, my 9 year old will occasionally say the f sound for th. THAT drives me bonkers...but for him, it is out of habit now.
  9. Wow - I am surprised to see so many harsh judgements of the OP. :( When you don't walk in her shoes, it is hard to know where she is coming from. As a woman who left her husband...the father of her son...when everyone around her was saying she was making a huge mistake - I have to stick up for the OP here and say that only she can determine whether or not she should leave. She asked the board members if we knew whether or not she could legally move back to FL if the baby's dad lived in TN. I never saw her ask for relationship advice or judgements of her past life with other men, divorces, etc. I do realize she answered some posts that maybe opened her up to comments (i.e. saying that they fight and she wants out), but really, why must we judge her? We were all there for the divorce, the fighting, the moving? Nope. Just like no one knows what it was like INSIDE my first marriage or why I left my ex husband. This is pretty shaky ground...I really wish everyone would tread more lightly.
  10. Well, I was 22 and my husband was 32 when we met. We have been together for 8 years now, married for 7. The only time I really start to think it is a bit weird is when a 55-60 year old man marries a 21-22 year old woman. I mean, each situation is different...but the couple I know personally just, honestly, creeps me out. The girl is sweet and pretty, the man is just creepy and odd. :(
  11. Sometimes it IS better to end a marriage/relationship than stay in it. I did that with my older son's dad. I can't count the number of people that told me "don't leave...don't break up your family." (And you all read the posts about him recently with regard to my son staying alone...imagine being married to him!) I tried for almost 4 years. We did counseling, he told her I was just a b*tch. His words. There was fighting to the point of physical pushing/shoving. Never hitting, but scuffling. There was name calling, yelling, screaming, throwing of things across the room. When my son was 3 (and had seen this for 3 freaking years of his life), he crawled into my lap and said, "mommy, I am scared of daddy." THAT WAS IT! I didn't care what anyone said about "saving my family" - I filed for divorce. In some cases, it IS worth leaving. We don't know her personal situation or what it is like in her home. I can also relate to "sticking it out" in my current marriage. The first several years were ROUGH...but mostly it was learning to live together, having a baby in the first year, and growing as ONE. There was no name calling, pushing, throwing things. We argued, there were times I thought I should leave of we should divorce, but it was NOTHING like my first marriage. NOTHING. It was worth fighting for! KAREN: When dh and I first got married, we moved to GA. After we had been there for a month or two, my dh became depressed. He longed to be back here (his land, his extended family). Of course, I didn't listen. We bought a house, we got jobs, but he was still MISERABLE. It changed who he was. I saw that and told him that I would follow him wherever he wanted to go. He worked hard, got a job and we moved back here. Since then, he is so very happy. I am happy seeing him happy. It sounds like you are very much like my dh living here in TN. Sometimes people just can't adapt and really, a partner who loves them, will see that and do something about it...especially if the partner CAN adapt easily. :)
  12. Is the other one the one in Kingsport? That is the one I was thinking of. The one I am with would be too far a drive for you (it is in NC).
  13. Prude here. I think as people who likely never experienced breast cancer (THEY WERE MEN!), that was a mockery! IMO, if a woman who has battled breast cancer (or a man...men can get it too, but it is rare) wants to wear one as a survivor, I would be less likely to say a word! But, for a man to put it on to raise money...it is kind of like making a joke of the cancer. Can you imagine giving to a colon cancer foundation whose slogan was "Save the poop chute!" ????
  14. :iagree: My side. :) I was in her city just yesterday. My dh works there and makes the 1 hour drive each day...just so we can live here. LOL Isn't it funny how some people HATE what other people LOVE. My dh was miserable in NW GA and was dying to get back here (we have a large farm, lots of land, and a house that he had started building before we were married that we finished when we moved back). I think of it as my little piece of heaven. :D
  15. No idea, but I love your chicks! We have week old buff orpingtons here...and one Columbian Wyandotte. :) We love love love our babies. I named my Columbian "Charlie." :)
  16. Absolutely! I have a small mom's forum that I admin and it is definitely not small work to watch out for any and every little thing. The mods here are on top of things, for sure.
  17. She is an hour from me and there is a big homeschool group where she is...and an even bigger one about 30 minutes from her. We are in East TN.
  18. It could also be mild intermittent asthma. That is what I have and I actually had to use an albuterol inhaler the last two weeks due to allergies and the various junk in the air.
  19. How do you know they weren't sharing the tops? LOL I agree...I can't even stretch to a sexual inuendo on that one. WOW.
  20. That's harsh! You are an hour from me. I am not a Bible Thumpin whatever you said. :( I have been here 3 years, but grew up in another part of TN. You remind me of my dh when we were living in GA. It really didn't matter what GOOD happened there...he hated it and wanted to leave and there was no changing his mind at all.
  21. LOL I saw it. I think it is hilarious that they don't have real people...is there something i am missing?
  22. They also have a separate reasearch paper writing Lightunit in the electives section. I suppose one could buy that if they did not want to go back and buy the grade level it was first done in. Research Paper I http://www.clp.org/product/research_paper_i_1635 Research Paper II http://www.clp.org/product/research_paper_ii_1636
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