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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. Sounds like my sinuses. Mine BLOCK instead of draining. My nose will be totally fine, but I will have pain up higher. I had to take an antibiotic (a really strong one) and when it finally kicked in, I drained like a fountain for a week. However, the pain went away and I have been sinus infection free for over a year now (I suffered with it for 5 years before the strong antibiotic). See an ENT.
  2. LOL...That Bubba one would work around here in E. TN. An, honestly, the questioner would probably say..."oh, I heard bouts that "hoooommmeeschulin" on that there news channel."
  3. No...because even though I never said it, the first time I met with a homeschool family (the dad was a friend of dh's and we had dinner there), I was thinking the SAME THING. :) I didn't pull my kids out and homeschool immediately after meeting them, but you can bet that when I started really considering it, those people came to my mind often and encouraged me to go for it!
  4. When things go right in your life, do you ask God why you are so wonderful? What you have done to deserve such greatness and assume you are just an amazing person? I bet the answer is no. It is easier right now to blame God or to assume He hates you, but are you prayerfully asking him for His will to be done? Or are you trying to fit the square peg in the round hole yourself. <gently> Are you seeking his guidance or just blaming him when things go wrong? My advice is for you to hit your knees. Pray for His will to be done. My dh and I did this when it seemed all but hopeless that we would be able to leave GA and come back here. We had a hlaf finished house that we couldn't let someone finish until we sold the other house...then where would dh live? What about the kids? What about school? OMG, I was a MESS. Then, I stepped back and prayed. I gave our lives over to the will of God - praying specifically, "Lord, Your will be done here, because I am absolutely not able to do this alone. Lead, guide, and direct us." That next week, we listed our house on the market. It sold in 5 days. We found an architect who desigened our "finishing" of the house and immediately found a crew of builders who were ready to go to work that week. :) By the time I wrapped up all the stuff at the old house and got the closing finished, there was enough house built here to move into. For 2 months, we lived in ONE ROOM - all 4 of us. But I knew it was only temporary. We made the most of it, and before long, we were able to sprawl into the 3100+ sq ft we have now. God provided for us in MIRACULOUS ways...but only after we stopped trying to be in control. Huge hugs to you - keep your faith. He will provide...in HIS time. :grouphug:
  5. I also wanted to add that putting 3 teenaged boys (read TESTOSTERONE) in one room may be asking for trouble. LOL
  6. Well, we are a family of 4 with 2 cats and a dog. Our home is 3100+ sq feet and it is a bit big right now...however, when my kids are teens, it will probably feel tiny. :( We have 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, and a bonus "man room" (of course, living/dining, kitchen, laundry too). Occasionally, when the kids get really loud, I am thankful I can put a FLOOR between us! Have you considered purchasing a house with an adjustable rate mortgage (low interest now and sell before it cycles since you only plan to stay there four years)? Maybe you would find more you like, in your price range, if you chose another option rather than renting. Also, is living just outside the city an option?
  7. My MIL and I had our differences at first, but as we both get older, we get along much better. I see the little things I can do to bring joy to her and it changes her whole demeanor. Now I let most comments just roll off my back. She is also starting into Alzheimers and I try hard to overlook some of it knowing that it is the disease...and it very well may have been the disease even back when the comments were worse. My running joke is that she forgot to hate me. ;)
  8. Not yet...but sometimes I do wonder about my older son and if this is really what is best for him. Then I remember why I pulled him out of ps to start with! His attitude is definitely tough to take sometimes, though.
  9. Check out CLE Music. There are 8 books and each one builds on the next. Over the 8 books, it covers fundamentals - the "mechanics" like scales, notes, lines, meter, pitch, rhythm...
  10. Wow. Sounds like you definitely fall in the "trial" phase of life right now. Since it seems you are a Christian, let me say this.... Have you paused to listen to God's Will for your life? I mean, it seems that sometimes, when we want something to happen, we sort of try to push the square peg in the round hole. After years and years of shoving and suffering, dh and I decided to stop pushing and listen to God. It took time. Lord did it ever take time. But God did it in HIS time and not ours as that was one of the lessons we had to learn, I suppose. However, when we allowed HIM to take control (as if He ever lost it), and gave over to the Will of God, things fell into place so effortlessly, so wonderfully. I will surely say a prayer for you tonight - and I pray that you will find peace and solace in waiting on God to lead. :grouphug:
  11. Oh pooh! I am so sorry you have the flu. Hopefully yours will pass quickly and you will be back on your feet soon!
  12. The worst present I ever received was when my ex-h got me potato chip clips from the dollar tree (among other dollar tree items) for Christmas. Now...wanna know the best gift? It is one and the same. Of course, I was 22 at the time and thought it was terrible and made a big deal about it until he went and spent some money (that we didn't have) on me. However, now that I am older, I look back on that as one of the most SPECIAL things he ever did for me. I actually hurt to think of the selfish and rude person I was back then. We were poor...very poor and we spent ALL of the Christmas money buying for our son (my oldest ds who was the ONLY from that marriage). We had agreed not to buy for each other. However, he didn't want to get me "nothing," so he went to the Dollar Tree (which he HATED) and he was there for over 2 hours picking out little things he thought I might like. I still have most of the little items. And yes, I still use the potato chip clips. :)
  13. That is WONDERFUL!!! Don't you feel better now?! Congrats...now get to packin'. ;)
  14. Okay, so when my ds was learning his English letter sounds, he started with short sounds and then moved to long ones. For, oh FOREVER, he would confuse the sounds on the short letters after this. It took a long time for him to stop. He is still moving through phonics right now. Should I wait on Latin until the English Phonics are mastered? I don't want to confuse him and tell him letters sound one way and then turn around and hit him with Latin. LOL
  15. Ahhh, I see. Well, then that leads me to the next question...what if your kid really dislikes "fun kiddy songs?" LOL My ds5 detests them (he hasn't heard the Latin ones, but I have). He is the kid that will listen to "Life is a Highway" and "Praise You in This Storm" and sing every single word. But he literally HATES when I put in anything that is kiddy of fun sounding. I know...weirdest kid ever! :glare:
  16. :iagree: DH's dad died when dh was 21...but he looks and acts just like his dad, so I have been told (and seen in pictures. The resemblance is amazing).
  17. She told me, when I was 8 mos pregnant with our youngest child that my husband married me too soon and if he'd waited, he may not have married me at all. She also told me once, in front of the entire family at Easter dinner, to only get on my plate what I would eat because "you tend to waste, dear." I left. BUT...I love her dearly now. :)
  18. I have NO IDEA how to teach it and the TG is a copy of the student book...with answers. :( It says for Kindergarten, but the kids are writing the words from memory in the workbook in LATIN. That is not very "Kindergarten." My son is going to be 6, 1st grade, reading at, I'd say, a 2nd grade level...but this looks way too hard for him. Ummm...am I missing something?
  19. Find one place you DO like in your house and make that your sanctuary. My sanctuary is my office/school room. I clean it more often than I do anything else. I organize this room more. I added a nice chair that is comfy, there is plenty of floor space for exercise, yoga, or just playing around. I have a CD player and like to place comforting music when I am in here. My husband also has a sanctuary - his manroom. :) That is where he keeps his hideous old furniture that I don't want other people to ever see...but he loves it and that is "his place." :) Maybe if you have a place you can go when you are feeling upset, it will help until you can move. I actually like my current house, but when I lived in GA, I had an apartment where the light actually never came in the windows. When I got pregnant, there was no choice...we HAD to move. LOL
  20. Cherry is the softest hardwood flooring EVER. Ask me how I know. :( I would definitely NOT get the house with those floors. My kids have destroyed mine and my little stinkin cocker spaniel has scratched them before.
  21. This has been fun to read! Here are mine: ~I can't seem to keep my house clean. It is 3100 sq feet and when I spend a whole day cleaning one part, the other parts are just getting messier. It is a never ending cycle. ~It drives me insane that my house isn't clean to my standards. I am an OCD neat freak and things like dust on the baseboards drives me bonkers. ~I am secretly afraid my son may get the swine flu while he is with his dad and his dad will not take care of him or know when to get him to a hospital. Please pray this doesn't happen! ~I am a hypochondriac and I recently tried going off my Lexapro only to find that I hated everyone and everything and then started worrying about cancer again. :( Back on the meds I went. And I feel like a failure for it! ~I miss co-op classes already! ~ My back is KILLING me and I am worrying way too much about WHY. :( (insert hypochondria again)
  22. I agree 100% with Pentime Handwriting. Explode the Code My ds has learned so much from the time we spend in ETC. The pace is slow, but it is not meant to be fast. That, and I have a 9 year old that is benefiting from it as much as the 5 year old! Christian Light Education (CLE) At first, I bypassed it because I was reminded of AO Lifepacs. But, somehow I found my way back and I just couldn't be more pleased. I don't have enough vocabulary to say as many nice things as I would like to about their Math, Language Arts, and Bible study. Their music and Spanish courses are just as superior looking (though we haven't begun those yet). Child's History of the World My son and I LOVED this book and LOVED the lessons each day. Ds9 would ask to do it first each time he saw it on the schedule.
  23. A child that can natually spell a word without really having to study at all. For instance, if you (as an adult) are given the word "conscience"...are you going to try and spell it "conchence?" No...because you know that letters just don't go together that way. It doesn't look right. A kid that is a natural speller (I always was) just inherently "gets it." A child who can study a list and regurgitate needs to be able to then use the words a week or a month later and STILL be spelling them right. If they aren't, like my ds, then they fall more in the poor speller category. My ds can LEARN and regurgitate anything...just don't ask him to spell it later!
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