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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. If my child tells me he "hates me" for any reason, his life is miserable. I do not allow my kids to say those things to me, dh, or each other. They may think it, but they know better than to utter it in my house. "I hate you" is just not in the vocabulary. My older son is defiant and difficult, a struggle every.single.day, but a struggle that is well worth the reward in the end. :D To the OP, have you ever tried Math U See? I don't use it myself, and do not plan to use it...but I have read good things about it really helping kids who struggle with math. There are DVDs for the "teaching" part and it comes at math in a different way - seeing WHY it works the way it does. Maybe the combo of the DVDs teaching instead of you, and the gentle approach will help your dd plod through math easier..??
  2. Kids here got out May 22nd...and that was LATE by normal standards. Generally, they get out the middle of May (the 15th-ish). However, they typically go back to school the first week in August.
  3. If it is obvious that it was likely damaged in shipping, then I would just go on and not say anything. As someone who sells, I would hate for someone to come back on me with something that was damaged in shipping - especially if it is still usable. You always have the option of purchasing insurance...and if you chose not to, then there is not much you can do. That is just my 2 cents.
  4. LOL - I didn't scream because I found screaming useless and was irritated by it when I watched mom after mom do it on "A Baby Story" while I was pregnant. However, that was my personal take and a reason behind why I did my best not to scream. That said, I don't give a rats a$$ what everyone else did while they were giving birth (so long as I didn't have to watch/listen!). That was just my personal choice. :)
  5. We grill yellow squash and zucchini with a bit of seasoning (usually creole to give it some flavor). My kid will devour it that way. :)
  6. You know, I never get that comment. My oldest will actually go up to ADULTS at the playground who are watching their kids play and strike up a conversation. Then they tell me "oh my, he is so social" and I say, "well, WE HOMESCHOOL." ;)
  7. Awww...enjoy this puppy time...it won't be everyday that you go to put your shoes on only to find the toe chewed off and the sole still slobbery. ;)
  8. Hmmm...are we counting what I spent at first for the items I re-sold 2 months later and then the price for the ones I purchased after that??? LOL Or just what I spent on what we are using? I spent just over 1K this year for both. We won't even talk about what I spent last year! LOL
  9. I actually watched "A Baby Story" a lot when I was pregnant and became so irritated with the women who screamed like they were dying during child birth that I promised myself I would NOT scream. I pushed, breathed, and gave birth. No screaming....at.all. :)
  10. If it is not broken, don't fix it. If it IS broken, then do. You will likely not pay more than $170 for everything you need for SOTW if you buy used.
  11. We love CLE's Bible series. My older son started is doing the grade 3 books because of what they cover in the Bible. It is told in story form and he is really enjoying them. :)
  12. How rude!!! Kids DIE every year in ridiculous heat like that at sports practices. You hear about it at least once a year - especially with college football players. I think it is insane!
  13. We had a tough year curriculum wise (read: I am a curriculum junkie) this year as well. My only goal for next year is to stick with what I start! I have fallen in love with CLE and plan to use their Math and LA throughout school for my kids. Right now, we are also using CLE Bible and enjoying it. This fall, we will be giving HOD a try. Our line-up is in my signature...but since it is sooo tiny, I will put it here too. :) ds 10 - 5th grade in the Fall Bigger Hearts for His Glory CLE LA finish 3, start 4 WWE finish workbook 1, start workbook 2 DITHOR Level 4/5 CLE Math finish 4, start 5 CLE Bible finish 3, start 4 States and Capitals/Spectrum Geog Typing Instructor for Kids Speedy Spanish I ds 6 - finish 1st grade in December, on to 2nd in January Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory w/ Emerging Readers CLE LA finish 1, start 2 ETC books 4 and 5/ETC online Finish Phonics Pathways CLE Math finish 1, start 2 Map Skills Geography CLE Bible finish 1, start 2 New American Cursive BOTH: CLE Music and CLE Artpacs
  14. Absolutely not. LOL My mom would not have been a wonderful homeschooling momma. As a matter of fact, I would have probably been begging to go to public school. My mom never was "good" in school and I asked her once if she would have ever homeschooled me and she said, "no...I was never smart enough to get ME through school...much less you." Now, I don't believe that for a second...but I am also glad she didn't try. Could have been kinda ugly when I was a teenager.
  15. I would say, "wow...I must have more money than I know what to do with." No, really, I don't think I could spend 3K decorating my bedroom, much less my school room.
  16. If it were me, I would stick with R&S and not switch again. I found that switching only confuses the kiddo...are at least that is what happened to mine. We started with CLE, went back to 3rd grade and we plan to stick with CLE!
  17. Oh what a nightmare! Another reminder is to tether heavy bookcases, etc. to the wall (or screw them into a stud) because heavy furniture can fall over on children as well. :(
  18. Be there. I got pregnant at 19 with my oldest son and was not married to his dad at the time. We rushed into getting married (which, by the way, was a terrible idea and we ended up divorced almost 4 years later). Nothing would have changed my mind back then on what to do and how to do it. His parents and my parents were just "there" for us. I knew I could go to them and that helped a lot. I actually formed great bonds with his dad and his step-mom. We still talk on the phone and visit. We have a great relationship regarding my son as well. It was those early years of them stepping back and just being there for us that really helped us find our way...even if that way wasn't to be together in the end.
  19. I had my older son 3 days before I turned 20. I finished college with a BA in English at the same time I would have if I hadn't had a child. :) And no, I absolutely do not advocate for my kids to get married or have kids before finishing college. While it CAN be done...it was NOT easy, nor fun, nor smart. I was married at 19 and divorced at 22. I remarried at 23 and am still married (happily :)).
  20. Anyone who has read my posts over the last year probably knows I am a hypochondriac. Well, I woke up about 2 weeks ago with some really BAD back pain. I have had issues with my low back (in the same general area) for over 7 years now. It gets better with chiropractic care (when I can go regularly), but I don't go often because the chiro I love is an hour away. I have had 4 adjustments with this particular issue and I am about 80% better, but still having a bit of pain. So...today I went in and told him my fears (of course, I always fear the worst) and he ordered an MRI to "put my mind at ease." Now I am utterly terrified. Not of the MRI...of the results. I can't help thinking the worst - always. That is just what a hypochondriac does, you know. I just keep thinking, "OMG I ignored it for HOW LONG NOW???" :( My pain has been in my very low back on and off for the last 7 years. It is mostly on my left side. I had a full spine X-ray about 5.5 years ago and the chiro that did it told me that my spine had some curves in places they didn't need to be (scoliosis?) and that my disks in my L4 and L5 were "squished." Just after i had my youngest ds, I had bladder involvement with my back pain. Now, that is virtually gone and has been since my ds was about a year old. Now I just have the pain on and off. Stretching helps a lot. I can actually do stretches most of the time as soon as I feel some pain and that will head it off. I can also feel a "catch" in my back with this particular issue and my chiro said that the "catch feeling" indicates a mechanical problem to him. I would not feel that if it were something terrible. He also told me that if it were the worst case and I had had it for 7 years with no treatment, I would no longer be living. So, please, tell me stories about how you had an MRI with chronic back pain and it was something like herniated disks, early arthritis, and the like. :001_huh:
  21. Wow! I had no idea people were that allergic to these things. To the OP, I am so sorry the church did that to you. Prayers that you find another church that WILL accomodate your needs very soon! God Bless!
  22. I am careful to mostly buy from sellers that have some feedback and quite a few posts. I have never had a problem. I do make exceptions sometimes - especially if it is someone I have sold to in the past.
  23. I am in the 26-30 age group, but barely. I will be 30 in August.
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