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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. Well, I just bought it used on this board...three grades worth for about $60. :) You just have to look around. Also, there is a CLE yahoo group and often times those folks post some for sale...or you can post a WTB there. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/christianlightfamilies/messages
  2. We love CLE math here. I have used Horizons, Calvert, and Singapore and CLE is by far our favorite. My kids know facts better than I could have ever imagined because CLE drills gently each day. You can also find CLE used.
  3. My husband was worried I wouldn't be able to teach math to the kids. However, he totally supported homeschooling, so I involved him in the curriculum hunt, he chose Singapore. We gave it a good shot. The kids weren't retaining the facts and such with Singapore. Then we found CLE and it married both worlds...the great teaching of Singapore and fact repetition/drill. Now both of my kids are great in math and I have learned a lot too! Hubby no longer worries. Proof is in the pudding. My question...is he using this as his reason for NOT supporting homeschooling? Or is he fine with homeschooling and just wants to teach the kids Science and History himself? If it is the latter...I'd just let him teach Science and History and be involved!
  4. Crack me up! This will be a Friday morning ritual for sure now! LOL
  5. I think you are right. I actually tend to want to find the best in him. My dh sees the worst. From what I have told him of my childhood involving my dad...and then just what he has seen on the 4 visits we have made to my dad in the 7 years we have been married...he doesn't want our kids around my father. He has no pity for my dad...but for some insane reason...I do. :( I shouldn't. He did the same to my mom...only they were married 8 years and he slept with 29 women and told her on her birthday...when she was 3 mos pregnant with me.
  6. North Korea has never really played by the rules. They raise kids up to be in the military from ridiculously young ages. I dated a guy in highschool who lived in South Korea with his parents (they were missionaries) and he said that the air raid sirens went off almost constantly - always warning of some attack from North Korea. To be honest, N. Korea is probably the biggest threat this country has right now...because we have NO IDEA what they have over there, they have no interest in peace, they train kids to be soldiers, and while they claim to be a socialist republic, the dictatorship is blatently obvious...very Stalin-esque. *shudder*
  7. LOL...yeah, I am not sure what I am asking either. :( I think I just needed to spit it out there. Might I ask for prayers or hugs?
  8. I did it because I wanted us to have an "identity." Many things ask for the name of the school...like Book It and Scholastic. LOL I just like being able to write "Tree House Academy." Then, I found the fun avatar and voila! :)
  9. I am going to do the best I can to post this in a non-condescending way. Really, I need to get it off my chest and just talk about it for a minute. I am having mixed feelings. I hesitated to post it on a forum, but I am not using names and really leaving out a TON of details, so hopefully it will be okay. I am not close with my dad. Thre is a lot of hurt and past scaring there that I won't go into. While I am not close with my dad (and never will be), we do still speak occasionally and I have forgiven him/myself for the "bad years." It took me a long time, but I honestly harbor no ill feelings for him at all. I guess maybe the "no real feelings at all" part sums it up the most. Until recently... My dad called today and told me that my step-mother (whom I am also not close with, obviously) has recently asked for a divorce. There was infidelity for over 15 YEARS with various men on her part. This came as a shock and a blow to my dad. He is not the greatest person, but my heart is breaking for him. My husband does NOT understand...especially knowing what he does about the things my dad did to me as a child (emotional and physical abuse to a mild degree). However, like I said, I have forgiven him (I will never forget). He is a different person today. I think that in his older age, he has realized a lot of the things he messed up in this world...and his relationship with me was one of those. If you look up dysfunctional in the dictionary, our picture is there. LOL Anyway, I mostly posted this because I have no one else to talk to about it. Pathetic, I know. But has anyone else "been there?" My problem is that I have this desire to talk with my dad more now, maybe even to visit him. Most of this is because I feel bad for him. BUT WHY? Part of me says to just stay out of it, talk if he calls, etc. But the other part really hurts for him. Over 15 years is a long time to be married...and then to have your spouse come in and tell you something like that. I don't care who you are...that HURTS. Oh well...thanks for listening. :) ETA: this little tidbit... I am not sure why I feel bad for my dad...seeing as he did the same to my mom...only they were married 8 years and he slept with 29 women and told her on her birthday...when she was 3 mos pregnant with me.
  10. My 9 year old ds is a struggling speller and we tried AAS. He thought it was a joke (level 1) and I found it to be too teacher intensive for my tastes. However, my son was 9 and yours is 6...so I am not sure a comparison can be made there. If it working for him, then that is wonderful!
  11. Yep...since you have to enter the thread url, it takes forever. Unfortunately, I think some people don't leave feedback for just that reason. :(
  12. I am taken aback when a mom I don't know well makes a snarky comment. The worst for me was a girl at my church who stuck her nose up at me for homeschooling, then said, "I don't think I am intelligent enough to homeschool my kids...did YOU go to college?" Umm, yes I did and I have a BA in English....but who gives a flying flip??? If you can read, you can learn with your kids. B@$%^ However, I tend to make comments that others might think are "mean" if they overhear me talking with GOOD friends. I tend to let it fly with them and they do the same with me and we each know it is all in friendship and fun. For instance, my BEST friend *since we were 8* and I pretty much always open any phone conversation with "what up biotch?" See...not nice at all unless you know that is just how we are. ;)
  13. Tree House Academy is the name of our homeschool. I have also been known to go by ~hsingtreehouse~ and my e-bay name is hiddareboog. There is an actual story behind hiddareboog - I used to wake my son up each morning when he was small and say, "Hi there boog" - of course I would run it together in baby talk. When I needed to buy something on e-bay one day, that was the first thing that came to mind. In hindsight, I should have spelled it hidareboog, but oh well.
  14. Strider reminds me of the sound my kids had when they had croup and couldn't breathe. Everytime I read your name, that is what I think of! LOL
  15. I am Captain Bess Rackham. My name is not Bess. Wonder why you are "dirty" and I am "captain?"
  16. That is wonderful news Molly! I am one that has felt led to pray for you and I actually came here tonight looking for this update. Praise God for His amazing work in your lives.
  17. Until Christmas of this year, we got phone calls from the school's automated system letting us know of the goings on with the school (like early closings, snow days, ..even parking issues at the school!). Ridiculous! And to make it worse...the calls were to my CELL PHONE!
  18. HOD is what we are using. :) Of course, we use CLE for math, LA, and Bible...but still - it really cuts down the planning. :)
  19. I will pray for your cat. About 3 years ago, I had a friend who sent lilies to my house. They were BEAUTIFUL and I made sure to put them up high so the cats couldn't eat them. They are well known toxins to cats. Well, before I did this, I cut the tips of the stems and left them in the sink as I placed the plants. Then I came back and took the stem tips out of the sink and threw them in the trash. Apparently, one of my cats hopped up and bit on one in the sink while I was placing the plants up high. We thought we were going to lose her. She was SOOOOOOOOOOO sick for weeks. She vomited about 20 times a day. We used phenegran to stop the vomiting...but as soon as it wore off, she vomited again. She wouldn't go to the litter box and she spent a good 3 weeks in my bathroom recooperating. However, she is now 12 years old and still kickin! So there is LOTS of hope...it will likely just be a rough couple of weeks for your kitty. :)
  20. No...my kids are actually the opposite. The older is REALLY tall for his age and the younger is REALLY short for his age. They have different dads and the dads are very different in height. My older son's grandpa is 6'7" tall...my younger son's dad (my dh) is 5'11". :) However, we go to church with a family that has this situation in their daughters. People refer to them as "the twins" when really the older is about 3 YEARS older. Even so, she is a head shorter than her sister...same mom and dad too. Also, my mom dated a man when I was younger who is lucky to be 5'5" (I am taller than him as an adult). His YOUNGER brother is 6'9". LOL So...it happens.
  21. Well, I am definitely not "new" lol, but I will play! My name is Rebecca and I will be 30 in August. I have two boys, ages 10 (in Aug) and 6 (in Sept). We will be doing 5th grade and 1st/2nd grade this fall using HOD for history and Science, and CLE for Math, LA, and Bible (see siggy). This past year was my first year homeschooling my oldest son (he came out of ps after 3rd grade). However, I have been homeschooling/home teaching my younger since birth. He was just always the kind of child that WANTED to be homeschooled. Even at 2.5 and 3, he was begging to not go to preschool and "just learn at home" with mommy. :001_wub:. We live up in the mountains of Northeast TN on a farm. Well, not a true farm as we do not really "work" the farm...but we have 60 acres of farmland and some chickens..and a garden! :D I had a friend who is a member here recommend the forum to me last year...and I am still here. LOL Welcome to all the newbies!
  22. Hi,


    I got my CLE today, but the teacher's manual I purchased was Language Arts 2 and the one you sent was LA 4. ???? Please pm me when you have a chance...



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