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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. Mild, but constant sinus drainage? swelling from allergies? The tightness could also be nerves. Have you been under any extreme stress lately?
  2. Oh my heavens. Bless your heart. You are stretched so thin right now. My prayer is that your sweet boys (the ones you and I both know still love and care for you) will come to understand why things have been the way they are lately and that it is NOT your fault. God bless you. I struggle with depression too - and when you get down there, it is so very hard to come back up. May God's love and strength surround and comfort you now!
  3. I talked with a nurse a few minutes ago asking if I should really have him seen since vomiting is the only symptom right now and he is fine in between. She said that what bothered her was the amount of stomach pain he had before vomiting. Isn't it normal to have a bad feeling belly before you puke? I mean, geez! I have so many things up in the air right now - Taking ds to a dr an hour away (we live in BFE) and then I have to meet a relative 2 hours from where I will be when I am at the dr to drop off older ds for the beach week. However, his grandma just called and said that "if you get to the dr and it is the flu, then older ds will have to stay home. Otherwise, we will watch him for vomiting and call you if there is a problem." I am fine with that, but just all the driving and rushing around and a sick child and not knowing what is wrong with him. I totally need to take an ativan! :chillpill:
  4. Well, I hate to say it, but I think I would take the stomach virus epidemic over the swine flu, e-coli, or salmonella right about now (though I totally HATE to vomit).
  5. Oh.my.goodness. :) That is such a precious picture. I LOVE cats and have had many of them in my life. My dh, on the other hand, loathes cats and is just waiting for my 2 to die so he can put his foot down on "no more cats in the house." Of course, he is allergic and has also developed asthma since he met me and it is likely to do with the cats. However, I have had them longer than I have had him and they are both declawed front and back thanks to stupid previous owners. I rescued them from the pound 13 years ago. Enjoy your Tizzy!
  6. I get car sickness and so does my other ds. :( It is miserable. But yeah, it was not car sickness as he started the morning by vomiting as well. I will ammend my original post for anyone who didn't read the first one. OOPS!
  7. ETA: I posted this morning about how my ds5 woke up at 3am and told me his belly hurt. He went back to sleep and at 7, vomited while he was making his bed. Then he ate and felt better and was playing as normal. I thought maybe it was something he ate...This is what happened later in the morning... Well, I attempted to go on as normal, so I took my older to the summer reading program at the library and kept my 5 year old with me. We went to a yardsale (of all places). When we pulled in, he was FINE. 5 min. after we got there, he was telling me his tummy hurt. Then, he was kneeling on the ground with stomach pain. I heard him cough and rushed him to the grass where he vomited. :( Then, we got in the car and he started begging me to "take him to the doctor." :001_huh: About 5 minutes later, he vomited again. The dr couldn't get him in until 4pm :glare: so we are at home just waiting to leave for the appointment. What is ds5 doing? Why, playing in the living room like he is FINE, of course. It is really weird - he gets horrible stomach cramps and then vomits and then he is fine again for a good bit of time. I have never seen anything like this, personally (probably because we don't do a lot of vomiting around here). I called the local ER and asked if there had been any increase in stomach viruses in this area - the answer was no. Swine Flu has also not been documented in this area (doesn't mean it isn't here...it just hasn't been tested and reported yet if it is). Man, I hate it when the kids are sick! :001_unsure:
  8. I am hoping it is something simple like that. However, my kids (combined!) have vomited 3 times TOTAL. Once was the flu (2003, scary stuff...It started with vomiting randomly and by the next day, oldest ds was sicker than I have ever seen a child...EVER), once the snot choking thing (but it seems like I knew what it was and it made sense for some reason, and now this. Between 2 kids. :(
  9. My MIL has a teaching degree. She said that most of what she learned was how to handle 30+ kids all at once. She gave me some books from her schooling when I started homeschooling and most of them were how to control a class, how to handle an unruly child, etc. Totally useless in homeschool.
  10. It was actually really weird...he ate some tommy toes (tomatoes) off my salad yesterday (they were whole, not sliced) and some fries as a "snack" at around 4pm. He was fine the rest of the day, and last night he ate a whole big bowl of mac and cheese and some mixed nuts. When he vomited, it was the tommy toe skins and a few fries. The bowl of pasta never even made an appearance, though it was the LAST thing he ate. I found that so strange!
  11. My 5 year old woke up at 3am last night telling me that his tummy hurt. He often gets gas and I figured that was what it was. He went back to sleep. At 7, my dh was leaving for work and told me that ds5 was awake and saying his tummy still hurt. I am having issues with my sholder and was laying in bed with a heating pad, so I told dh to bring ds in my room. He told me ds wanted to stay in his own room. Okay. About 10 minutes later, ds coming in my room with half his clothes on and big tears in his eyes. He threw up while making his bed. Poor guy! He was sad because he ruined his covers. :001_wub: I put him in the bath and cleaned up his room (told him I would wash the covers. LOL) When he was in the bath, he sneezed once and I had to come wipe his nose - quite a bit came out on the floor too. He has had a dry little cough maybe 4 times since then as well. However, sometimes he will fake cough if he starts thinking about it, so I am not sure yet if that is a "symptom" or not. He has no fever and is acting normal now. ??? My dilemma is that his big brother is leaving TODAY to go to the beach with his grandparents for a week. We also have family visiting my MIL and my kids were around a baby (16 mos old) yesterday. If this were something like the swine flu, I am worried about the people we could have already infected. I am also concerned with my older son going to the beach now. He is excited to go, but I am apprehensive just because I don't want him getting sick while he is on vacation nor do I want him making others sick....HOWEVER, I also do not want to overreact to one episode of vomiting either!! The little fella seems to be feeling fine. He has eaten a banana and a popsicle and kept those down....still no fever. So...WWYD?
  12. If it were my wedding, I wouldn't bat an eye if you wore that dress. It is lovely and looks very summer-y and nice. :)
  13. I am leery on that one. Yes, a few kids have died, but that happened the same year that my oldest ds was 4 - kids were dying of the same strain he had. He got it, was horrifyingly sick, but did not die (was not even hospitalized). So, just because someone dies from it doesn't mean another person the same age or even with the same medical conditions prior will die too. Soph the Vet - you are right. 1 person died of swine flu in 1976. The vaccine killed 20 or so people and gave some 200 or so Guillian-Barre syndrome. So I am on the fence. We usually do the flu shot. I am not so sure with the Swine flu vaccine.
  14. I think that is wonderful. Unfortunately lots of men should be willing to do the same as your dh when it comes to their parents. I was blessed with a dh whose mom and step-dad try not to interfere and do not step behind my back like that. If that were the case, I would hope my dh were willing to stand up like yours did! :)
  15. I know you have had issues with your parents before, but I think this is a wonderful opportunity for you and your kids. I would just make sure they know the limits well in advance. If they buy you this home, will they still respect your privacy? Are they the type to hold it over your head?
  16. Do you believe that, because it is such, the victim must then retaliate with voilence? Or do you think there is room to walk away?
  17. I never said it wasn't a voilent action...I said it wasn't a "violent attack" as one poster put it. (see post above) So, when I said that it seemed trashy in the first post, back on page 3 before she posted that she was Mom#2. that was okay...but to still believe that now is unkind? Hmmm...guess I am not a nice person then. I am just not going to candy-coat it. She was talking about making the owner take some responsibility and giving him ultimatums and such and I whole heartedly think the blame lays on her sholders for sticking around in a volitile situation as much as it does on the person who punched her. Weren't they both having a verbal fight before it came to blows. Once mom #2 threw the second punch, the fight was a brawl. Before that, she was the victim.
  18. I would also like to say that I am not sure how this thread went from the OP asking for advice on whether or not the owner would be responsible for what happened turned to whether or not the "attacker" was a man or a woman, why one should fight back, etc. In the beginning, I expressed my opinion of the ACT of the two moms after stating that I didn't see any of it to be the owner's fault. Also, the OP did not give all the details. It doesn't change my opinion, and the OP also stated that this was ongoing and someone even pushed her CHILD prior to this. I think this whole thing could have been stopped long before it started by someone saying, "nope, that's it! I am done" and walking away. I am not going to debate with others whether or not the act of two women fist fighting in a parking lot is trashy or not. I am also not going to hypothetically wonder "what if it was a man?" Those things are basically irrevelant. I am definitely sorry that the OP had this happen. I would be upset if this happened to me. However, I likely would not ask for the opinions of others considering that everyone comes from a different background and has a different personality. Again, sorry if my opinion is not popular (at least not publically...), but again, the comments won't change that.
  19. Sure I have - in middle school once and then by my DAD if you really need to know. I learned to walk away. I am a bigger person than that and to get in some grade school scuffle with them - especially my dad - would have resulted in a lot more than a sucker punch. Sure, hitting is violent, but a punch is not something that you can't walk away from in my opinion. Sorry you all don't like my opinion, but that isn't going to change it.:glare:
  20. My son also switched to CLE after doing GWG and he placed mid 3rd grade when he was really end of 4th grade. However, my take on it is that you have to meet them where they are. If your 8th grader just does the parts in CLE 5th that he got wrong, then he can breeze through those Light Units and go on to 6th grade by Christmas or earlier. Have him do 6th at his pace and I would say he will likely finish that around next summer. Then he will only be a grade or so "behind." IMO, though, they are not behind persay...they are just learning at their own pace and there may be things they need to solidify before moving on in Grammar. And remember, Grammar is TOUGH - especially for boys (blanket generalization there, I know some do great...but overall, boys seem to have a tougher time with grammer and writing early on).
  21. Again, I find the entire act of two grown women having a fist fight trashy...not to mention having a fist fight in a parking lot of a place where your kids take classes. Someone punching her is NOT a violent attack IMO. It is a childish act that I would hope I had enough restraint to walk away from. However, I likely would have walked away LONG before it got to that point, myself. Just to clairify...the ACT seems trashy to me. I don't know the actual people and did NOT call anyone names (which I also find juvenile and ridiculous).
  22. I am pretty sure I never said that the member here was trashy. I said that the act of two grown women fist fighting is trashy (and this is MY opinion. The OP asked for opinions about the situation. This is mine.)
  23. I am not bi-polar, but I struggle with depression and OCD with hypochondria. When it gets bad, it gets REALLY bad. I feel ya hon and pray for a quick resolve to this episode. :grouphug:
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