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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. I have ordered "Managers of their Chores" for just this reason. Things like cleaning out my car once a week, wiping down baseboards once a month, moving the beds and cleaning under them, cobwebs on the ceilings, dusting the tops of picture frames, dusting ceiling fan blades, cleaning around light fixtures, cleaning windows (all 30+ of them) and on and on are just things I don't think of often. Managers of their Homes started me thinking about these little done chores and I made a list of the things I want to do. Now, I need the Chore book to get those things scheduled and planned. The kids will help with these chores and I am hoping the outcome will be a nice, cleaner than ever before, home. :)
  2. My husband's response to this was, "wow...LOTS of people died today...bet we won't hear anything about them." It is kind of snide of him...but makes me think about all of the people who lost their battles like Farrah did today, or people who lost their lives in car accidents, etc.
  3. Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson...in one day. Wow.
  4. My husband is custom building my workbox system this Saturday. :) Mine is a wooden shelf - about 6ft tall. It will have several vertical shelves and also several horizontal shelves. I will use this for both of my kids and there is going to be plenty of storage space. I could not make the rack and shoe boxes work in my space and besides, I don't like metal racks and plastic boxes too much anyway. ;) I will be more than glad to post a picture once the unit is in place and then again once I get it loaded up with the cards and all.
  5. That is an extremely sad story. It breaks my heart that she went undiagnosed for so very long!
  6. I sold all the history I had so we could do HOD this year. :)
  7. Was this spot a bright or dark red, or was it a diluted red color? If it was from the mouth, I would expect it to be diluted due to saliva. If it is dark or bright red, then I would not think it could have come from the mouth.
  8. Compared to MANY of these problems, mine are very minute. My dad hurt my feelings over his father's day card (wasn't good enough...I should have written more and he doesn't like funny cards). We aren't close and this was a real effort on my part. What would I even write in a serious card? "Hey, thanks for being a sperm donor!" ??? :( So I am really on the verge of finally cutting ties with him completely (which was done 7 years ago and then undone when his parents died 6 days apart from each other and he decided he "needed his family together." We will completely overlook the fact that, when mamaw died, I wasn't called or notified and I happened to drive by the funeral home and see her NAME ON THE SIGN. Then, 6 days later, when papaw died, I got a call the NIGHT of the visitation! Sure...if that isn't love on my dad's part for his daughter, I just don't know what is. Oh well, he is 1 for 3 in kids who still speak to him now. And my oldest son is having some problems - things we have been dealing with for a long time, but things are getting worse. He is away at the beach with his grandparents and I feel helpless.
  9. Those are funny! The first one is just too cute...my 9 year old is a lawyer and my 6 year old is a surgeon. HAHA!
  10. Argh! :ack2: There, I feel better now. Anyone else just have one.of.those.days? :thumbdown: Please tell me I am not alone. :nopity:
  11. I just ordered Managers of their Chores after great successes with Managers of their homes. I will share when I get everything together. :)
  12. I also can't imagine how this could happen. When my kids were that small, I was hovering over them like a hawk. I never let them out of my sight and if dh and I are hanging out in the house together for two hours, forgetting the baby would not be an option. I think, when it all comes out, the verdict will be that the infant was SLEEPING (and maybe didn't sleep much), so the parents left it in the car to sleep so as not to wake it and they didn't believe or realize that the car would get hot and the child could die. That said, I almost made a mistake like this. To this day, it haunts me. My son was 2 at the time and I was right beside the car. I shut his door because we were leaving and the woman we were visiting called back to me just as I slammed the door. We were in the driveway and I walked to her garage. She talked to me for about 5 minutes and when I got back to the car, I instantly realized what I had done! My son said, "hot mommy, so hot." I got him out and cooled him down, but OMG! Just to think I could have let something so senseless happen and that it could have caused my child to die had I taken even just 5 more minutes. Ugh. To this day it makes me want to puke when I think of it.
  13. My son is doing 1st grade and will start 2nd around January. :) Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory w/ Emerging Readers CLE LA 1 ETC 4 and 5 CLE Math 1 Map Skills Geography CLE Bible 1 CLE Artpac 2 New American Cursive Tae-Kwon-Do, Gymnastics, and Art classes.
  14. LOL - I hadn't thought of that! hehe. Yes, let's hope...because a gold dust gecko does not come cheap...and Gecko #4 would me I had spent over $200 on geckos. Then we might need to find a mommy the 2nd!
  15. ...because 1. His own father was an awesome father! 2. He loves his sons more than anything...and he is another dad where genetics mean squat. He introduces my son as well as our son as "his boys." 3. He does neat things that I would never dream of doing - like buying chickens for the boys to care for and love. It has been such a huge and great thing for our family to do together. 4. He teaches the boys how to do things with their hands - garden, fix things, work on cars, build things. 5. Because of #4, the boys think Daddy can do ANYTHING and everything. (He can) 6. He protects his family and shows the boys how to love and care for their wives one day. We are raising them to work and allow their wives to stay home if it so appeals to their wives and they are learning, by example, that dad has RESPECT for mom even though she doesn't bring in the money.
  16. My kids and I Gecko sat for a friend last week and now the kids are fascinated by them. So, after father's day lunch, dh, ds5, and I headed to the pet store...there we found the cutest gold dust Gecko...so we took him home. I have no idea if it is a boy or girl and I don't really intend to find out. So....we have named him/her/it Henry. So, I think that makes our current animal count a bit ridiculous. LOL 31 hens (30 buff orpingtons and one rare breed Lakenvelder girl), 2 cats, a dog, and a Gecko. We are soon to be adding another dog, 10 ducks, a pig, and some cattle in the next 6 mos to a year. :) We live on a farm, so I guess it makes sense....sort of.
  17. When I say something like that, it is because I stand behind what I said, but I am truly sorry that it hurt the other person.
  18. :001_huh: Ummmm....that is ILLEGAL...no matter who you are or where you are. :blink:
  19. Oh eewww. Our library won't even allow people to look at myspace without a librarian typing in her password to unlock the site. And, they monitor...CLOSELY.
  20. I just know that my dad had this happen when he was about my age (in his 30's). My mom was pregnant and he lost his job. He kept going to doctor after doctor telling them it felt like his throat was tight or closing up. They told him it was his nerves, but he had a hard time believing it. He went to a specialist who agreed to run lots of tests and still came up with "it is your nerves." When he got a job and i was born, the tightness went away. Just throwing it out there. Glad you are planning to consult a doctor. Please let us know his/her thoughts. :)
  21. Could you mandate that a parent be present for the entire session?
  22. I have both editions and there is really not nearly enough "revision" that I can see to even make a difference (besides, we skip the games anyway)...
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