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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. Here's mine! I LOVE pbs. :) http://www.paperbackswap.com/book/members_books.php?m=Z3p3Ylg3M2x5REU9
  2. How cool...and they even have an ink well (you know...just incase your kids want to dip their feathers in there before they write with them! LOL). I love antiques. Those are an awesome find!
  3. Those are CHILDREN! I am outraged that they would be kicked out. The interviews on the news were just so sad! My God! We can nominate a bi-racial president, but this country is still racist against some CHILDREN. Ugh. How sickening!
  4. I would smoke weed over drinking alcohol any day. Both are depressants, but weed doesn't leave you hung over. It likely is stronger today because people experiment with it and change the makeup in order to make it stronger. Lots of people also have learned to smoke other parts of it, smoke it when it is not yet dried competely, and lace it with other drugs like acid. I have never been much for mind-altering substances, but I have smoked my share of weed when I was younger. My opinion...much different than caffeine, about the same as alcohol without the hangover...but with lots of munchies.
  5. OMG that needs a frame (and perhaps a zoom)! Awesome! I live on a 56 acre farm...Here are a few of the shots I have gotten over the years. Nothing to write home about...but I just LOVE all of the nature around us.
  6. Boy, have I been there. My husband is actually the same way with work lunches. And making the bed. I do these things to please him and not because I want to do them necessarily. What you said about "roommates" gives me the feeling that your dh is not getting what he needs from the marriage. It is likely that you aren't either. The old story is true time and time again. Men are physical creatures and women are more emotional. I thought this was crap and that my dh was just wanting to get drunk on too much tea, so to speak. BUT, when I confronted him with this and we got down to the depths of the issue, it was that he needed to feel like I was his wife. For me, those feelings come through emotions. Sure, I enjoy the physical aspect of our relationship...but I don't NEED it like he does. For him, the closeness and emotion comes from being intimate with me. He was so heartfelt and honest about it that I started to see the act of tea making totally differently. It has really helped our marriage. I am not saying "make more tea and he will be happy," what I am saying is that you need to get into the actual "issue" and how to meet his needs in those areas. The best way to do this is to...ask him. Have a real heart to heart and do your best to understand what he needs. My dh may have said, "I need you to touch me more often" and I would have translated that into "he's just wanting tea"...when the real truth of the matter was that, yes, he did want tea, but he didn't just want it for the sake of drinking it. He wanted to savor it, enjoy it, make more of it, and then bask in the glow of having a belly full. Maybe this sounds stupid. I am sorry if it does. It has just really helped us and I can remember my dh using the same terms yours did..."roommates." My prayers are with you. It sounds as if you both really love each other and that you are prayerfully considering how to help your marriage. For a long time, I prayed and asked God to help me. Now I know that, all those years when I felt He was not doing anything to help, He was...I just wasn't listening/"getting it." God bless you hon! It takes so much courage to post something so sensitive and private. I appreciate your honesty. You will be in my prayers! Edited to add P.S. Your bold posts never bother me...but being a technical writer, bold means emphasis....so I find myself scrolling along through a thread and my eyes automatically HAVE to read your post. Sometimes, that can be annoying. LOL Not that your posts aren't great...sometimes i just don't plan to read all of a thread but I stop when I see bold out of habit and read it.
  7. Welcome to parenting the pre...pre-teen. That is what I call it. My almost 10 year old has a mouth that gets him in so much trouble, it isn't even funny. I have often thought he is the type that would argue with Jesus Christ during the second coming if the mood struck him. :( Punishment has not been working well for us, and I have started to realize that the child actually doesn't see what he does as WRONG. We have recently changed our approach in light of this and are now trying to stop him after each infraction in this particular area and explain to him why it was wrong and what the consequences will be from here on out for said action. It is working a bit better thus far. I really think he "didn't get it" which totally makes me shake my head, but oh well. Oh...tell your dd you are NICE. I have been know to add time in 10 minute intervals. The longest time he spent on his bed one day was 30 minutes. He doesn't care though...he goes to sleep. :glare: That is when you KNOW discipline is NOT working...
  8. Oh, this is heartbreaking! :( I don't know the military laws, but my heart just breaks for this young man. :(
  9. This is what I was thinking.. I found this online... Usually, hamsters don't carry any disease that are harmful for humans. Very young hamsters (three to six months) may carry LCM and that virus may cause meningitis in humans. This is very rare, though. If the hamster is that young, watch out for symptoms similar to flu and see a doctor if you have them. Otherwise, a hamster bite is painful, but not dangerous.
  10. Okay, I must now have a link to the proof of this! :001_huh: In all the times i have read these books, I never got the feeling that Dumbledore was gay. How strange! If J.K. Rowing said it, then okay, but she sure didn't give us any clues in the books!
  11. :lol::lol::lol: HAH! I would have been worried if ANYONE wanted to see Harry Potter naked. :blink:
  12. LOL...and wouldn't this require actually paying attention to what most actors believe? :tongue_smilie: I have no time for such thing. LOL Hugh Laurie...and athiest. Whodathunkit?
  13. From your signature, I can tell that you had a very dear love for Mr. Jackson. You must also realize that many of us had a similar passion for disliking him (her? it?). He had lots of issues. In watching the TV coverage of his memorial, I am honestly shocked at the "to do" over his death. Kinda like when my dad stood up at my grandpa's funeral and sobbed, "there was never a more honest man alive..." when in truth, it was my grandfather who slept with my dad's first wife while he was away in the WAR...and the same grandfather who burned down his own house to collect the insurance money. Oh, but a more honest man never lived. :001_huh:
  14. Push to get it now. It can't hurt and it may help a lot. You are the parent...trust your gut.
  15. LOL - nope. I could care less what the actor believes. Now, do an interview with J.K. Rowling and let her announce she is an athiest and maybe, just maybe that will change my mind some. The actor though, no. What does that mean? He didn't write the books.
  16. :iagree: I made some poor choices and I think lots of those were due to not having a parent at home at all. My mom was a single mom all my life and she worked. While she worked, I made adult decisions at very young ages and many of those were bad ones! I hope to be able to be here for my kids...to lead, guide, and direct them, but I will NOT keep them from dating, kissing, etc. girls when they are old enough to do these things. Until they are 16 or so, I will be there for any time they spend with a girl. However, by age 17 or so, I will not be involved that much. I want them to experience these things at an older, more mature age than I was when I experienced them. For instance, I should have NEVER been parked in a secluded area with an 18 year old boy in his truck when I was 13. This situation will happen OVER MY DEAD BODY to my kids! I am surely not criticizing people who choose courtship (I have a good friend who has chosen this for her dd and her dd is totally on board!) - it is just not the approach I plan to take with my kids. ETA: My older son will be 10 in August and he is starting to express interest in kissing girls. (OMG! NO!) I think 10 is much, much, much too young for this and I have often told him that kissing is reserved for when you meet a girl that you think you could one day marry. Maybe I am a bit different than "just date and have fun"...but I am not all the way in the courtship arena either.
  17. Sounds like a virus that you were all exposed to around the same time. That has happened here before. Keep an eye on it. I am sorry all of you are feeling so rotten!
  18. Hugs to you! The number of divorces I have read/heard about this year is just amazing. I can count at least 5 without even thinking about it much. Goodness! I can imagine things would be weird for you, especially in the beginning. Perhaps your motivation can be to work hard to find a new "normal." Do things that make YOU feel good. For me, it would be getting my house into order - moving furniture, throwing old the old, bringing in the new. When a huge life change happens for me, I tend to make it an overhaul of everything. That tends to get me headed back in the right direction. I divorced ds10's dad 7 years ago this August. While I will never say it was "easy," I do feel like it went exceptionally well and that we both managed to "bounce back" and are now leading happy lives apart and we are as close to being friends as one can get with an ex. ;)
  19. To read the posts here, I wish I had that type of faith. While I believe in God and I am a Christian, this type thing (as well as several books in the Bible) seem more like something you would read in a fantasy fiction novel than actual life. I definitely don't think the OP or anyone else is the "village idiot" or that you are making it up. Maybe I am just blind to a lot of the signs of evil around me. :(
  20. I had my dh build something similar, so it can definitely work! You should post pics, though. It sounds fabulous!
  21. Then I watched Part 2 with the teacher talking about how WONDERFUl pubic school is. GAG. I honestly agree MUCH more with the radical unschooler parents (minus the 5 year old with the bottle and the "eat what you want" thing) than I do Dr. Phil or the ps teacher lady. The word of the day folks "socialization." Repeat after me.... "Kids in public school are SOCIALIZED." Homeschoolers obviously lock their kids in the house and make them eat junk and watch TV all day. Good grief! I can't watch any more of the videos. I'd like to slap way too many people.
  22. And then I watched the video..... OMG! Ummm...your 5 year old still drinks from a bottle. Wow. No punishment, no rules, no education. Eep.
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