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Everything posted by Juliegmom

  1. My daughter will be studying current events along with her Sonlight world history course next year. Does anyone have any experience with any of these online resources? Which one is best and why? PBS Newshour Extra, New York Times Learning Network, or Channel One? We live overseas so a magazine or newspaper subscription is not an option. Thank you!
  2. Sadly, I think this is becoming more common rather than the exception. :sad: I love technology, but our society is quickly forgetting how to truly connect and be fully present. We are really robbing ourselves of valuable time and relationships with those we love. So sad!!! We need to set healthy boundaries and loosen the grip of technology.
  3. We just finished Adventures. It was a great year! There is a great support group on Facebook that has some wonderful resources (including photos). Hope you enjoy Adventures as much as we did! :)
  4. Oh my! :001_rolleyes: I've never understood this or been one to shop that far in advance. Sure, I'm doing some planning here and there, but please let us slow down, catch our breath and enjoy the summer break with our families!
  5. Hubbardscupboard.org is a great site that offers free printable resources for preschool and kindergarten. HTH! :001_smile:
  6. This is what I do as well. Sometimes you can catch a good deal on Ebay. The best bargains I have found have been at yard sales and the library, but that doesn't always help when you need a specific book. Earlier this year someone referred me to Abe books and I found a steal of a deal. Don't give up! There's deals to be had! Good luck! :001_smile:
  7. Anothe vote for MFW! Gentle, but solid, Christian, hands-on and scheduled out for you (but plenty flexible) and fun!
  8. :iagree: LOL Eagle!!! I would be like a kid in a candy store!!
  9. This is what we use as well. I hope to never repeat the painful experience my dd had with swimmer's ear last summer. She was miserable. This is our preventative course of action.
  10. Glad I came across this thread. I'm not always the best at navigating the forums and thought it was just me! :001_smile:
  11. :iagree: This has been our experience with our older two who have been using Rosetta Stone through an online charter school. My oldest had used it for 2 years and my middle has just finished her first year. We will be making some changes next year for my middle dd who really wants to learn the language. It's been a challenge trying to figure out what to use after Rosetta Stone. I feel that its unique methodology has the potential to leave too many gaps. I have a friend who loaned me Abeka Spanish and we are going to give it a go next year, although it looks like we will need to begin with their Spanish 1 book. It seemed too big of a jump to go from Rosetta Stone Spanish 1 to Abeka's Spanish 2.
  12. Your welcome! I'm looking forward to using this as we gear up for MFW Exploring Countries and Cultures! :)
  13. Just came across this from http://www.freehomes...vingfamily-com/ or you can access it directly from http://www.thrivingf...in-60-days.aspx
  14. Spelling Workout is secular and we like it ok, but I think Rod and Staff and Building Spelling Skills by Christian Liberty Press are better. Obviously they are not secular so I don't know if I'm much help. Just my 2¢! :)
  15. :iagree: My dd's both made the transition (easily) when they were in the 5th grade. I based their readiness on being exactly this... "responsible and motivated. "
  16. Sorry, I don't have any workbook suggestions, but I do have another idea . . . Create a "Mama & Me" journal. My dd and I have enjoyed this activity this year and plan to keep it going. I got the idea from this blog:http://www.mamajennblogs.com/2010/11/mama-me-journal.html
  17. I never receive a complaint from my relunctant writer (who also happens to be going into 3rd grade) when I ask her to use Scholastic's Story Starters. We mix it in with our writing curriculum and it helps keep it fun! It's fun, light and may be just right for summer depending on your goals. :001_smile: www.scholastic.com/teacher/story-starters/
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