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Everything posted by Juliegmom

  1. We just finished our first week of homeschooling a high schooler. I am so excited that my dd is enjoying learning again! (She was in an online school for 9th.) We are working out a few kinks and figuring out the Sonlight binder is a bit :001_unsure: . I think one of the biggest challenges for me will be keeping track of what I need to grade when. Looking forward to a great year with all my dd's!
  2. 7th grade which was considered junior high. I had six different classes and teachers. Prior to that (in elementary school) we were pulled out only for music.
  3. I'm sad to say that I am not able to enjoy them as much these days. What used to bring fun and enjoyment has now been repaced with nausea. :-(
  4. We just entered the waters of homeschooling high school today! :001_smile: I should have thought to ask this before, but for those of you who use either Wordly Wise or Easy Grammar do you find it best to have your child write in the workbook or write out the lessons in a separate notebook? Thank you!
  5. She is precious! So glad that she is able to come home where she belongs. Many blessings to you! Enjoy cuddling your little one!
  6. Does anyone know if the writing imitation samples in CAP are included in the book, come from other resources or a combination of both?
  7. This looks great and I'm very interested to use this next year. It just became the first thing I've pinned for my daughter's 4th grade curriculum. :-) We still have 3rd grade to get through and I already have something in place for writing. I will be eagerly watching the feedback from those of you who will be using it this year. I hope it's as good as it looks. Enjoy!
  8. My dd will also be studying 20th century history. We were leaning toward Notgrass Exploring World History, but a friend generously offered to loan us Sonlight 20th Century History. This is our first year with Sonlight and homeschooling a high schooler independently. I've read several good reviews on various homeschool forums about this book and plan to include it in our studies. http://www.amazon.com/A-Short-History-Twentieth-Century/dp/1566637937/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375411755&sr=8-1&keywords=a+short+history+of+the+20th+century HTH! :)
  9. MFW recommends Writing Strands beginning in 4th grade so I do think a separate writing book is a good idea. I also use and prefer Rod and Staff and plan to add in Writing Strands. I have my eye on other writing programs if we find Writing Strands not to be a good fit. If you already have Wordsmith and think your daughter will enjoy it then go for it! :-) I believe the key is placing her where she will learn and enjoy writing. She will also get writing practice from copywork, narration and dictation which are integrated into MFW's science, history and bible. Enjoy your year!
  10. I LOVE the look of this and I see that it has some excellent reviews! Thank you!
  11. I was thinking in terms of keeping it fun and holding my daughter's interest, but when I think about it she has enjoyed reading many books with few illustrations. :-)
  12. I've decided to wait to do MFW ECC until next year due to family medical reasons. Last year was our first year homeschooling and my dd's favorite time was the read alouds. At this point I'm considering any history we do for 3rd grade to be gravy. I'd like to find an illustrated history text that I could read to my dd throughout the year. I'm flexible on the time period. We are stateside for a period of time, but will eventually be returning to Albania where library access is limited. I would just select some good books for read aloud/history, but I can't take up valuable suitcase space with a bunch of books and I don't have a lot of money to spend. Any suggestions?
  13. For those of you who have done Apologia Biology, is it essential to cover the topics in the order they appear in the book? We live overseas and had to take a sudden trip to the states to help care for my mom. I left our microscope behind so I am thinking about ordering the specimens and covering the dissection topics first. Would this work? Are there any chapters that we should cover before diving into dissections? Thanks so much!
  14. We are in the same boat with not having extra money available so we use our tax refund.
  15. We live in Albania so shipping is very expensive. I'm bringing what I will fit in my luggage. I am looking forward to having library access again. We will have internet and my dd works well independently which us going to be a life saver! Thank you all for your help with ideas and prayers for my mom!
  16. Forgive me for not taking the time to thoroughly search the forums. I'm in a bit of a time crunch and our plans for homeschooling have suddenly changed. (We will be moving to care for my mom who has just been diagnosed with cancer.) Does anyone have record keeping forms that you care to share? I'm looking specifically for a way to record grades for assignments and tests, etc. This was one of the last things I needed to do and I'm suddenly having to pack up and go. Thank you so much!
  17. Thank you for your suggestions. Money is tight, but we will be taking our kindle and laptop. The two musts that I will be taking are math and our Chronicles of Narnia study. If I don't have room to take our spelling, grammar and writing then I can incorporate them into our literature studies. Hopefully, I can make room for Apologia Swimming Creatures. Not enjoying the packing process!
  18. I was all set with plans to begin MFW ECC along with Apologia Swimming Creatures, but need to put these plans on hold. My mom was just diagnosed with cancer and we will be temporarily leaving the mission field to help her with her care and treatment. I'm guessing that we will be in the states for several months and need to simplify my 3rd grade plans. I plan to take our writing, spelling, math, grammar and literature books (Chronicles of Narnia guide) with us, but beyond that I don't know what to do for science and history. It's too difficult to take all of the books that go along with MFW ECC plus I don't want to use ECC unless I feel that I can put in the time to enjoy it with my dd. I'm thinking the same about Apologia. I know my dd is really looking forward to creating an ocean box, but I'm just not sure I can commit a whole lot to projects and such. Any ideas out there would be greatly appreciated! Honestly, I'm leaning toward just using ECC and Apologia for 4th grade. . . but what to do now for my history and science loving child? I'm thinking of using Mr. Q's science, but still have no idea of what to do for history. Prayers and ideas appreciated!
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