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Everything posted by MomatHWTK

  1. "Google’s AR platform Tango is going to let museum visitors explore exhibits Starting with the Detroit Institute of Arts, but Google promises more partnerships are on the way""At the DIA, visitors can request a Lenovo Phab 2 Pro (the first Tango-enabled smartphone) from the front desk, and use it to find out more about various artifacts." http://www.theverge.com/2017/1/9/14210956/google-tango-museum-ar-detroit
  2. Give yourself permission to put school on hold while you deal with these issues. Then, if you can't find support services, research helping her at home with CBT and other options. Learning to cope with social and emotional issues is part of schooling a SN child. :grouphug:
  3. Yes, there were several news stories. I just chose one that was freely accessible. (I sometimes post things and then they turn out to be behind a firewall.)
  4. It sounds like the emotional social issues should take precedence over academics. If there are learning disabilities or psychological issues, it will be hard for her focus on academics. Part of homeschooling is learning how to teach the child in the way that suits them best. (IMO)
  5. I like the first HWT workbook and reading Rebus books at that age. Also, all my kids loved Starfall.com when they were younger.
  6. Educational details and video of creature. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/01/ruby-seadragon-video-wild-first-time-animals/ "The footage, filmed in Western Australia’s Recherche Archipelago, also marks the first time that the 10-inch-long fish has been seen alive. The ruby seadragon was declared a new species in early 2015, making it just the third known seadragon species, as well as the first discovered in 150 years."
  7. This is from NatGeoKids http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/explore/history/martin-luther-king-jr/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=link_twkids20170111kids-MLK_campaign=Content&sf50216041=1 Short video and written materials
  8. They are closing. All books on sale 60% off right now. http://www.hslibrarybuilder.com/
  9. http://auschwitz.org/en/education/e-learning/ The organization also posts regular updates on social media.
  10. In our household, learning to pass tests is almost its own subject. With my oldest, I've found that he doesn't necessarily remember the facts that the test asks about. Other times, the wording of the test just doesn't make sense to him.
  11. You officially win the award for weirdest mail ever. I'd take it to the local PD.
  12. I'd probably call the non-emergency line of my local fire/police and ask them to do a safety check. My DH would approach the kids directly.
  13. Here's a free resource. https://www.fws.gov/midwest/endangered/insects/rpbb/factsheetrpbb.html I get automatically logged in on WSJ, so didn't realize it was firewalled. : ( Here's an article for 10/2016: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/10/03/496402620/bee-species-added-to-u-s-endangered-species-list-for-1st-time
  14. The ABA and NOLO.com both offer good information on what to look for/do when seeking an attorney.
  15. "The rusty patched bumblebee was named to the endangered species list Tuesday, the first bee species in the continental U.S. to receive that designation amid widespread bee losses in the past two decades." Here's the full article: http://www.wsj.com/articles/midwest-bee-is-placed-on-endangered-species-list-1484083293?mod=e2tw
  16. It looks like things haven't gotten completely off the ground yet. Some areas are still "coming soon." "The Tiger Woods Foundation and Discovery Education have partnered on an exciting new initiative to champion breakthrough transformations by digitizing and scaling existing Tiger Woods Foundation curriculum and programs as we equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to exceed any and all expectations." https://corporate.discovery.com/discovery-newsroom/tiger-woods-foundation-and-discovery-education-launch-digital-programs-in-college-prep-and-stem-careers/ College education blueprint section is ready to go. http://www.tgreduexplore.org/curriculum/digital-experiences
  17. Adding another name to follow for travel stuff on Twitter: https://twitter.com/dailytraveltip This guy operates a crowdsourced review site. Your son might be able to become a contributor.
  18. From Smithsonian Magazine http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/video-why-should-humans-care-about-biodiversity-loss-180961708/?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=socialmedia
  19. So cute! http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2017-01/07/content_27889224_3.htm#Contentp
  20. Re: Travel accounts on Twitter I like GlobalGaz, BonVoyagers, Nature Pro Gallery, Travel2Next, Life on Earth and BBCEarth. But there are many others. Some focus on geographic regions, others or particular types of travel or sport.
  21. Yes. Power was out for several days after a tornado several years ago. Now we have one large enough to power refrigeration and portable heating.
  22. I follow some amazing travel bloggers on Twitter. Earth Pics, Nat Geo and several other organizations all have websites and social media accounts focused on travel. The Virtual Teacher offers a full range of art lessons. There are ways to feed his existing interests. FWIW, some folks are making lots of $ creating Minecraft based learning modules and I know lots of adults who play Pokemon Go. Everyone had different interests. It sounds like your son has interests, they just don't seem interesting to you or DH. LOL
  23. I do. If a friend has lost a pet, I don't mention pets for a bit. If someone is dealing with a financial issue, I don't discuss spending.
  24. I bet 3 out of 4 of my kids would put the clean item in the laundry. At least one of them would be convinced that the jeans were dirty since he had put them on (for even a second). Tween/teen logic just isn't.
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