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Posts posted by Amethyst

  1. I need to type an uncheck checkbox. Several of them actually. I’m using my mac. I’m trying to enter the boxes into a document on software that we use at work. It is not a Microsoft product so a lot of what I see online is not helping. I don’t want to copy and paste a picture of a box. There’s got to be a keyboard shortcut, right?  But I can’t seem to find it. Any ideas for me? 

  2. For those of you that are suggesting apple cider vinegar, I have two questions. 

    What do you use to apply it? I’m thinking a cotton round??

    Also, won’t the vinegar sting? (Because of the rash, I mean)

  3. 1 hour ago, prairiewindmomma said:

    Is she possibly dealing with eczema or yeast in her armpits instead/also? 

    We are somewhat concerned with yeast as a possibility but not convinced. She does have some eczema issues especially around the eyes, so that’s my first suspicion. But if it doesn’t clear up soon, we’ll consider the yeast more seriously. 

  4. My 24 year old daughter is having an issue with deodorants. She can’t use regular Secret or Old Spice, etc. She gets a rash in her armpits. She used Vanicream  for years, then eventually got a rash. Then switched to Clinique and got a rash after two weeks. She is now using nothing but fears she smells all the time. 

    She would like to know what people use when they are afraid of chemicals. It’s not just the fragrance cuz Vanicream and Clinique have no fragrance. Any recommendations?

    ETA: this is the same daughter who has had some pretty significant skin issues including bouts with alopecia. 

  5. 11 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

    The interface for Desktop/Mobile are quite different,  and there are some bits just not accessible on your phone (like Stats, or sorting things by different criteria).  You can toggle the view on your Phone to Desktop view and access them, but of course everything is teeny teeny tiny and pretty much unreadable. I always have GR open in a tab on my laptop browser.  Half of what I use GR for is inaccessible or doesn't display well in Mobile view.

    Oh no. Now I have fear of missing out!

    • Haha 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

    Do it on your Desk/Laptop.  Get off your Phone.  I've only ever bothered to figure it out on my actual Computer; if it's possible on your Phone, it's not intuitive.  Go into any Shelf, and to the left you'll see the Shelf menu list, and at the top, Bookshelves (Edit).  Click on the "Edit"



    You will then be sent to a list of all your Shelves, which looks like the following.  Check "Exclusive" for the Abandoned/Gave Up/Quit Reading or whatever-you-want-to-call-it shelf.  Then it will be automatically taken off of any other "Exclusive" shelf (such as "Currently Reading").  Books can only be on one Exclusive shelf at a time, but on one Exclusive shelf and as many non-Exclusive ones as you check.



    And Thank You; I've been wanting to rename one of my shelves for a while and couldn't figure out how to do it, and just noticed that this is where I can do that - so I just renamed it!  Woot!

    Thank you! Y'know, I don't think I've ever once used goodreads other than on my phone! I've never seen a display like this! And it worked! Now, I just wish I could remember all the other books that I DNF so I could add them to my new list!

     Thank you!

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  7. 1 hour ago, Kassia said:

    Do you mean you want to move it from currently reading to did not finish?  If so, you should be able to do that in the drop down box just below the photo of the book on the left of the title page where the little pencil is.  

    It’s not in the drop-down list. I have to go to Other shelves. And when I do, I can add it to Did Not Finish, but it stays on Currently Reading. The only way to get it off Currently Reading is to Remove from Shelf. And then it removes it from Did Not Finish also. 

  8. I have a problem with the Did Not Finish shelf on Goodreads. I know how to create a new shelf. I have created one called Did Not Finish. But when I try to move the current book that I am reading to Did Not Finish, it stays on my Currently Reading list. How do I remove it from my Currently Reading list without removing it from the Did Not Finish list?

  9. 9 hours ago, 4kidlets4me said:

    They have stand alone subscriptions or AppleOne which can bundle up to 6 services for one price. You are likely looking at the AppleOne subscriptions. I just went to Apple's website and it says Apple tv starts at 9.99 per month. We pay for both music and tv as standalone subscriptions. 

    Thank you. Ok. I guess I was hoping for a better deal. I pay $18/mo for Music. If I add just TV, I’ll pay $10 more, or a total of $28/mo. With Apple One I would pay $26/mo. I guess that’s how they get you hooked on other things like games and apple watch. Sigh. At least it’s not a huge difference. I’ll think of it as paying $12/mo for TV and that’s still cheaper than Netflix

  10. I have had Apple Music for years. I'm considering adding Apple TV. All I see are bundles which force me to have Games also. I have no interest in games. Does anyone know if there is a way to just get Music and TV? 

  11. 1 hour ago, Kanin said:

    be kind of a drop in the bucket compared with the bills, 


    I actually used this phrase to the co-worker who approached me (before I punted and said “let me look into it”)

    1 hour ago, marbel said:

    There is also the problem of people feeling coerced to give. 


    Absolutely! I said this to my husband. IF there is going to be a collection, it CANNOT be me organizing it. I’m with you 100% on that!

    • Like 2
  12. Thank you all for your feedback. It's a sensitive situation. I'll talk to someone in HR tomorrow. Maybe the college has a policy. If not, I just might have to be the bad guy that says we won't do it.

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  13. There is a woman at work (par-time faculty member) who was recently diagnosed with cancer. She is continuing to work through her chemo treatments. I am the department head. 

    We bought her a group gift which was delivered and appreciated. 

    Another part-time co-worker approached me and said that the co-worker with cancer has expressed how awful the bills are. (What a ridiculous world we live in! 😠 But that's a discussion for another day). So, the second co-worker asked me, as the dept head, about the possibility of doing a collection to help with the bills. She said that cancer co-worker has refused a Go Fund Me. 

    My personal feeling is that if she refused the Go Fund Me, she doesn't want us to do a collection. The second co-worker feels like if we just do the collection, and give it to her, she won't be able to refuse it. (I also think second co-worker would like me to involve the whole college, not just my dept). 

    Complicating things is that I know that the second co-worker (and a third co-worker who later mentioned hearing about a possible collection) is in a desperate financial situation (as is third co-worker). I sympathize with the sick co-worker, I really really do.

    But fundraisers like this just bother me on so many levels. We have a "Sunshine Club" for flowers etc when someone's family member dies etc. That's fine. But we've not done big collections like this. Sick co-worker has expressed she doesn't want fundraiser. And what happens when the next person gets sick? 

    Maybe I'm just a cold human being, but I don't think it's advisable to do a collection in the workplace. Tell me if you think I'm wrong. Or if you agree with me. I need some insight. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Pawz4me said:

    Cooking and hosting is just what they do, like a part of their personality or something. It's like a hobby. They can have ten things going on on a given weekend, but if they aren't having somebody over to eat then (according to them) they're "not doing anything." I don't think they give a fig about reciprocation, really. 

    I find this to be a weak excuse when people say this. We love hosting and cooking, but it doesn’t mean reciprocation wouldn’t be appreciated. Like others have said, it can really make one feel insecure when you put out all that effort and no one ever makes any attempt at reciprocating. 


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