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Posts posted by Amethyst

  1. 1 hour ago, wathe said:

    This is the crux of it.   The asker privileges the indulgence of their curiosity and enjoyment of a good story, at the expense of othering the askee, who has been singled out with this question over and over and over again.

    To be fair, she did not ask Himil to his face “are you foreign?”  She wouldn’t have done that. Also, it would have been obvious that he is “foreign” due to Middle Eastern/Indian looks and very slight accent. 

    Also, to be fair, I could have said, “…so after that, I call my IT guy…”. I’m not sure why I felt it necessary to use the name of someone that she did not know. And I think part of me knew she would have a comment to make if I used a foreign-sounding name. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, KSera said:

    Their wording would hit me a little off as well, but how I interpreted that would likely depend on various factors about the person. "Foreign" is a weird descriptor of a person to me, but I know some people use it. Like you, I don't know what the relevance of the question would be. Perhaps they were clunkily trying to ask what language the name orginates in?

    It seems like a weird descriptor to me too. But I knew what she was asking, so maybe it’s a reasonable question to ask. Maybe I’m too politically correct. Person says being censored too much about wording interferes with communication. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, marbel said:

    Did she say it in a way that indicated she disapproved of the person because he (might be?) foreign? You said she isn't anti-immigrant. Maybe she was just curious about the person? Maybe she felt it mattered to the story? 

    I mean, to me, on the surface it just sounds like an innocent question. I'll be interested in reading other responses. 

    She did not say it in a disapproving way at all. Curious is a good word. She often finds talking to people about their origins an interesting topic  when meeting someone new. Not in a nosy way, but a I-genuinely-want-to-get-to-know-you way. 

    • Like 3
  4. So, I’m telling a story to someone and I say “…so after that I call <inserts fake name> Himil…”

    Person I’m telling story to asks “Who?” I repeat the name clearly and spell it. 

    Person asks “Is he foreign?”

    It rubbed me the wrong way. Am I over-reacting to feel this way? 

    The name was clearly not a mainstream American name, but not difficult to understand.  But what is the point of calling someone “foreign”? Maybe I’m just overly sensitive right now with words like “illegals” and “aliens” being thrown around. And this Person considers herself very progressive - she is not anti-immigrant. Quite the opposite. 

    So, would that bother you? Or am I being overly sensitive? It made absolutely no difference to the story whether “Himil” was fifth generation American, or immigrated when he was ten, or just arrived last year.  (But maybe she didn’t know whether it would matter to the story at that point.)

  5. 11 hours ago, domestic_engineer said:

    To find out what's on your iCloud Drive, use a web browser to go to www.icloud.com.  After you log in, at the top next to your avatar is an array of dots.  Click that and it should list a whole bunch of actions, one of which is "Your iCloud Storage".  That should give you what you're looking for.

    Thank you. I was able to log into icloud.com. One of the first things I notice is that it is using an old email. Way back 24 or so years, when we were first setting up home email, dh and I shared an email account. Nowadays we each have our own email addresses, but for some things it is easier to just go with the old address. So if something asks me to “Enter your Apple ID” I use the old email because that’s how our Apple ID is set up. But does that mean we’re sharing the cloud storage?? Could we get more storage simply by each of is having our own iCloud account?

  6. 11 hours ago, Arcadia said:

    My second screenshot in previous post titled “manage account storage”. What do you see for your iPhone? Mine shows 60.8gb used for photos which is correct. My documents are backup to OneDrive so the documents in my iCloud is very minimal 

    Mine shows almost all photos. It says 3.3 GB for photos. 




  7. On 7/28/2024 at 2:44 PM, Indigo Blue said:

    If you don’t need anything in your phone to be routinely backed up, just turn backup storage off completely. If you have photos you want to keep forever, just routinely move those to a free, separate cloud storage such as OneDrive. You don’t need to pay for extra cloud storage from Apple unless you have a good reason to keep stuff from your phone backed up. 

    Well, I'm not sure that I don't want to back it up completely. As someone else said, if it gets run over by a truck tomorrow, I won't be able to transfer some things that I *DO* want to keep. And it's not like I want another place to store my photos forever since I print out the ones I want. I just want to know what's taking up so much of my cloud space so that I can free up space.

  8. 29 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

    Check these two settings. What does it show for you? When I delete photos, the photos go to the delete album and get deleted permanently after 30 days.



    On my phone “Optimize iPhone Storage” is checked. Doesn’t that make more sense if I’m trying to minimize how much is stored in the cloud?

  9. or why I need more storage.

    What I *think* I understand is that iCloud storage is different than storage on my phone. I think. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    My iPhone storage seems to ok. Currently used 74.2 GB of 128 GB. From time to time I remove large attachments and offload rarely used apps.

    But now I'm starting to get those pesky messages telling me that my iCloud storage is almost full and I should pay $1/mo. For what, I don't know. When I check the iCloud usage on my phone, it says I've used 3.5 GB of 5GB. Maybe that's the cutoff when they start sending people messages to sign up for more storage? I dunno. 

    Here's the thing. My iCloud storage seems to be composed of only 2 things: Photos and Docs. The VAST majority is photos. But I don't necessarily want them backed up. Every January I go through my photos from the year and pick out the ones that I want to print out. I put those in photo albums, and delete those and almost all of the rest of them from my phone. So I don't want or need the cloud to back them up. I understand (I think) that it will be handy to have them in the cloud let's say if I need a new phone in the middle of the year. But I don't want the cloud to be holding onto photos from 5 or 10 years ago. Does it do that? If I delete a photo from my phone, is it automatically deleted from the cloud? 

    Can I manage my cloud storage similar to how I have managed the phone storage? It just irks me that I should just keep paying $1/mo forever when I don't even understand what the benefit is. 


    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, wintermom said:

     All these supposed "therapy dogs" make it that much harder for legitimate service dogs and in-training dogs to go about their business (e.g., use the spaces with the distraction of untrained dogs, have to 'fight' for their right to be in the spaces with they legitimate service dog, etc.). It used to be that the biggest issue was telling the public not to pet the service dog while they are in harness and working.

    What I’m seeing now are people who aren’t even trying to pretend it’s a therapy dog. Just show ip with their dog and expect everyone to be ok with it. 

    • Sad 1
  11. I do find it gross. I mean, I like dogs, but I don’t love strange dogs. I feel like so many owners expect me to want to be delighted to see their dog. And the owners I saw today during my lunch break, had several customers come up and fuss over their dog.

    And then, the owner wanted to show that customer a “package” that was in his cart, and the package started barking and freaking out. (I guess it was a soft-sided zippered kennel.) Not cool. 

    Food and dogs. Dogs in carts. Ugh. It just feels gross and inconsiderate to me. Well-trained service dogs are a different story. I’ve never had a problem with that. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. I was happy to see White Teeth so high on the list. One of my favorites that I have read this year. I’ve added a few to my Goodreads list from this series this week. The #1 choice surprised me, but I never read it. Judging the book by its cover had me assuming it was fluff reading. So I added it to my Want To Read list and I’ll keep an open mind. 

    • Like 1
  13. 12 hours ago, TechWife said:

    I say “regarding,” the same way I say “etcetera” and not “etc.”


    Y’know, now that I think of it, I probably do this a lot too. 

    • Like 1
  14. This is all very interesting. I never realized that it was Latin. In that case, I guess “rat” makes more sense. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to re-train my brain, but I’ll try. 

  15. It’s not something I say out loud normally. But in my head, when I see re: I say “ree”. But yesterday I was listening to a podcast and the speaker pronounced it “ray”. He’s a business person amd I am not, so maybe I’m wrong. But I thought re: meant “regarding” so I feel my pronunciation makes more sense. How do you pronounce re: ?

    I feel a poll coming on. 


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Forget-Me-Not said:

    We use Bitwarden. You have a master password that you remember and it keeps a bank of all your usernames and passwords for each site. I installed a browser extension and there is a tiny pop-up when I visit a site and Bitwarden has a remembered password. It also has a password generator, and if I change my password on a site, it’ll pop up and ask if I want it to remember the new log in for that site. 

    I can even use it on my phone, though it’s not quite as streamlined as on the computer. I have an iPhone and you can install your own password manager instead of using the built in one. 

    My son is in cybersecurity and this is the one he uses and recommends. It’s free, but you can upgrade to a paid version that has a few more features. I’ve never felt the need to have the extra features. 

    “It keeps a bank of all your usernames and passwords for each site” - how is this better than the list I keep on my Notes app of all my passwords?

    I also have an iPhone. There is a builtin password manager?? Maybe that’s a good place for me to start. 

  17. I know I should be using a different password for every app and website. I don’t. But my work has been pounding security into all of us. And my healthcare info was recently compromised. So, I know that bad things happen, and I know I should be doing something differently.

    I actually don’t even understand what a password manager is. I mean, my browser asks me if I want it to remember my password. Is that the same as a password manager? What is it I’d be signing up for? Why isn’t one place that stores all my passwords a dangerous thing? 

    And then, if I’ve been convinced to get one, I’ll need recommendations of free ones. 


  18. I need to make some meals for a new mother who pre-pregnancy needed to avoid dairy. Now she has been put on salt-restricted (1 tsp/day) and fluid restrictions. 

    She is not vegetarian but I think avoids red meat. All my best meals have cheese, but even my best vegan meal uses canned beans. I guess I can make that with canned no salt beans and no slat tomato sauce. I feel like my normally delicious meal will end up very bland. 

    Any ideas for low salt, no dairy meals?


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