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Everything posted by ChristyK

  1. You ladies are fabulous! Thank you for taking the time to help me out! My son was made to question and seek; people at some time need to be born of the spirit and "own" their faith, so I get it but am amazed he is at this level so young. For me it was college in my philosophy/religious studies and just looking at my very intelligent father wondering how he could possibly believe in God. I welcome his questions and want him to wrestle with them and never be a follower of ignorance. We began daily Bible readings at age 5, and from his classical education, he has been steeped in the Word. Now, he is in public school for junior high for various reasons, and the secular humanism view is looking good. My spiritual gift is zeal; my husband's knowledge, so we are thinkers of the faith too. I have been calm about it too with him and let him clearly know that we want to help him through his questions; that's why I am here. :) His temperament/personality will make for him to be an out-of-the-mainstream Catholic, but I fully embrace that and know that if St. Monica could faithfully pray for her wayward son for years while he worked things out, I certainly can too. I talked with him generally of the 5 Proofs for the Existence of God from Aquinas; he is wanting more than that (more than necessity of a Prime Mover), so we may share excerpts of Summa along with your other suggestions. Is there a study guide to the Summa you have used?
  2. Hello friends, Despite our faithful home life, my 13 year old thinker child (ENTP personality) has been questioning the existence of God. Do any of you have a recommendation for good resources for my son to read through and discuss with my husband (my husband is happy to teach the materials/book too)? He thinks philosophically at a collegiate level but has the emotional maturity of a 5th grader. Thank you so very much! Pax Christi, Christy
  3. Can I say how glad I am to have found this forum? What beautiful testaments to how our children help us to find extraordinary joy in the little things. I loved hearing of your son's smiles! Today my SN 5 year old was lying on the couch sick when his younger sister (3) brought down his pillow and teddy bear for him from upstairs and his older brother (8) make a special lego design just for him to help him feel better. So many times they are all driving each other crazy. Perfect joy for two minutes gives us that ray of light and hope, doesn't it? My SN 5 year old seeing I had a hard day today and was at my wit's end leaned over and gave me a kiss. That makes all the suffering and challenges worth it! ChristyK Mom to 3 Kiddos Christopher (8), Caden (5 w/DCD), and Kira (3)
  4. I don't have any special insight for you Judy other than wanting to share that you're not alone. Our family struggles with that situation every day too, although our son is doing early intervention half day for K so I'm able to get in some teaching time for his older brother (cyber charter school). I LOVE having everyone home, but my anxieties are literally turning my hair white with startling speed. Coming up on a decision-making time soon too. Send the SN son for PS; send other son to PS to give me time with SN son; keep everyone home. Praying things will work out for the greater good for you! ChristyK Mom to 3 Kiddos Christopher (8), Caden (5 w/DCD), and Kira (3)
  5. Hello! I too am posting for the first time and am new to this board. My son Caden, age 5 (nearly 6), was finally diagnosed in December with Developmental Coordination Disorder. I feel your relief in knowing too and am so excited to get to know everyone on the board and am amazed at how much many of you have already discovered in your research!!! How helpful your posts have been. My son is currently receiving ST, PT, and OT through an early intervention preschool and we may look into a social playgroup class for him once a week to help with his social skill challenges. We were just qualified through our state to receive "wrap-around services" through the Department of Behavioral/Mental Health for a behavioral support coordinator to come to our home 4 hours per week to help with Caden's avoidance behaviors and other behavioral challenges. My hopes are she can help me to find a system to help him be more successful and less challenging in his non-preferred activities so I can homeschool next year. I do include him now in some of his older brother's lessons, but mostly I do some activities with him and his younger sister two times a week. As for diet, there seemed to be a marked difference since we removed gluten from his diet, and he has been dairy free since he was 1.5 years old due to digestive allergies with it. We will be retesting him next week to see where he stands with dairy (delayed reaction digestively/brain fog) and to find out if he has indoor allergies that cause his nose to be stuffed 8/12 months of the year. When we tried omitting gluten "just to see", we noticed much of his brain fog seemed to go away. Caden also struggles with eye contact, and something seems slightly "off" with his eyes when he does make eye contact. He goes tomorrow to a pediatric opthamologist since he started complaining his eyes hurt him. Someone had posted on the forum about vision therapy, and I'm hoping I can search the forum tonight to be armed with questions for the appointment in the morning. My son has a marked interest in computers and electronics, and he has taken an interest in swimming. Oh, he also enjoys being around animals and has a good imagination. Career-wise? Probably something with computers. What are your son's interests? As far as resources, the Dyspraxia Foundation site has been the most helpful in understanding Caden's challenges and helping retune my expectations! http://dyspraxiafoundation.org.uk/ Cheers! ChristyK Mom to 3 kiddos Christopher (8), Caden (5), Kira (3)
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