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Posts posted by MustardSeedsMum

  1. Wow. Thank you Beth for your very generous offer.  I've forwarded your post to the FB page where Landry teachers and families are trying to connect regarding the spring semester.  The link to the FB group is: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1519089804771785/ if you want to add more info than what's provided here.


    Hello Everyone, 
    I just found out about this tragedy a few days ago and have been thinking about everyone a lot. My heart goes out to all the teachers and families whose lives are topsy-turvy right now. And suddenly I had a thought, a way that I could easily help:  


    I manage The Harvey Center, which is an association of tutors. We are very small this year, and so aren't using a lot of our online meeting account's potential. It would thrill me to be able to help with that part by providing free hosting of your class for the rest of this school year.


    I realize that most of you teachers are getting your former Landry classes set up again at places like Big River. But if any of you former LA teachers need a free platform from which to teach this semester and for some reason don't want to join up with one of the new groups, I will be glad to talk to you about using our Wiziq account free for the remainder of the year. It just so happens that I have many tracks available and it's all paid for. This program works very much like GotoMeeting or Adobe Connect; it has an interactive white board, chat, microphone, and video.


    I'm hoping to add lots of courses in the summer and the fall, so I'll be needing the conferencing power back at that point. But then you could consider becoming formally associated with us! We are independent tutors, who work together and support each other--we're not employees.


    Just send me a private message telling me what class you were teaching and how many students you have. It would be easy for me to set you up, and I could even provide a webpage with all of your information. :)


    • Like 4
  2. Good info! I have been going back and forth over whether to try Landry for one semester or not, but the price tag is out of reach. One full year class is what I spend on a full year of curriculum for one of my boys.


    Sorry if my post wasn't clear. My bad. Landry isn't offering this free credit directly.  You have to get it from someone who has a free credit to give out - which was the purpose of my post - I had a free credit to give to someone.  But I also have a few credits for purchase at a discount. 

  3. I just purchased a Landry special and part of the package includes a free 2016-2017 Landry Academy generic semester for a new family.

    New family means you don't currently have an account with them (i.e. you have not taken any courses or purchased any semesters from landry)


    If you are interested in trying Landry out, this is a great opportunity.  I also have a few generic semesters for purchase if you want to combine it with the free one for a year-long course.  Landry will require your name, email address to create a new account.  



    • Like 1
  4. When I asked Jetta regarding textbook, she said that she would mail the textbook out in late May/early June so we would have the summer to read through the textbook. I'll probably revise sine, cosine, tangent for those free body diagrams because my older haven't touch those for more than a year.



    Jetta's providing textbooks?? I was starting to hunt around for the 3rd edition.  


    Also, you're making me nervous - sine, cosine and tangents are in Algebra 1?  We've been using Singapore Math's Discovering Math curriculum so it's not as

    clearly defined as Alg 1,2, geometry, etc.  But in looking at the scope & sequence, I figured if we completed DM1 and 2 (CC 7/8) we would have covered Alg 1 content.


    Hmm, I guess I better double check.   

  5. Totally agreeing with OneStepAtATime.  My 2 boys started OTAE in April '14. They loved it so much they did 2 lessons a day, and on test days 3 (since the test is 1 day).  I literally had to limit them to 2 lessons. But I think I might've relented a few times and they did more.  They moved onto NTGR around Sep '14 and just finished the program this week.  They'll begin MARR next week and have 6 months to finish it.

    I purchased OTAE and NTGR in April '14 and the MARR in Sep '14...when they had the $99 specials.  


    Their retention of the material has been pretty good.  Even my 3.5 yo sings the memory song. :)  

    • Like 2
  6. This is sounding really nice. Now I just have to come up with the money! Has anyone here installed this themselves? I have no experience with installing flooring, but it would sure cut down on the cost if I didn't have to pay for installation.


    I haven't myself. But here's a link to a website that has a little video and a write-up on installation.


  7. I've spent about $1,200 so far. But this includes ~$200 towards some board games I consider "educational" :D (Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, Agricola, Ticket to Ride, etc....all strategy-based...it makes the kids' brains work in a good way.)


    The rest of the money went towards:

    3 levels of ChalkDust Math (the cheap way)


    CLE LA (4 grade levels)

    Story Grammar - Sentence Composing


    Editor-in-Chief x3

    Dover colouring books

    a boatload of new & used books from our CMH booklist that will cover history, geography, literature,shakespeare,etc. etc.


    I still need to plop down some serious $$ for BJU. We're trying out the Science Distance Learning DVDs for 4 different grades. So that'll be another $1000+


    Oh, does purchasing an iPad count? :tongue_smilie: I didn't include the price of that...$500 for a refurb 32G iPad2.


    Thankfully I have a dh who doesn't make me feel bad about spending the money. Sometimes he'll express surprise :lol:, but then I'd remind him how much private school costs, and that usually fixes the problem.

  8. Thanx dear.....Would you go to both bookfairs?

    May be I will be able to get used classic readers in bookfairs?

    How far is Brantford from Northyork?


    Here's the info for the Toronto book fair. This will be in the vicinity of North York. Brantford is a little far out - so I don't know if you want to make the drive, considering that price of gas.


    ETCH New/Used Homeschool Book Fair


    Location: Toronto International Celebration Church, 190 Railside Rd., Toronto, ON

    Time: Saturday June 2, 8:00a.m. - 1:00p.m.

    Cost: $1/person (nursing children only)

  9. http://www.betterworldbooks.com/ has free shipping worldwide. That's where we get most of our books. They have a large selection and you shouldn't have trouble finding any classics.


    But I'd look at local thrift stores first. Their prices are very reasonable for online booksellers (especially considering the free shipping), but still several times more expensive than typical thrift stores, especially for paperbacks.


    :iagree: Ah, yes. Thanks for the reminder for BWB. I just picked up a bunch of books. But yes, still more expensive than finding it local.

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