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Everything posted by happycc

  1. Happy Cheetah and So Happy to Lear looks great too! WOW thank you! What are your thoughts about TouchMath ? I loved ST MATH. I should consider it again for my kiddo.
  2. My youngest son's OT program used MNRI and since SIP has occurred, these exercises stopped. We still do the hand and feet ones but does anyone have resources to teach us homeschoolers how to incorporate the other exercises in our home.
  3. Working on a diagnosis and this is becoming a huge possibility......so just seeing if this community has had any experience.
  4. Yes start throwing me names of schools. I’ll start calling and see. I spoke to American School of the Deaf and the process to get transferred there is not guarantee if you move there. It’s not a parent Choice State. I just can’t honestly imagine moving out of the only state and area I know. I don’t really have family here but I do have some friends who have been like family. I feel so bad uprooting the whole family and leaving my college girls behind and honestly everyone else is so happy with our independent charter school. Why can’t the Bay Area meet this child’s needs for goodness sake?
  5. I started collecting Minecraft themes words for phonemic awareness activities. Maybe this might motivate him and others
  6. Yes stop video. Do session of either speech targets or school work. Resume video. Do session. Give a candy. Resume session. Give a tickle etc etc following him around the house and do session so he knows he can’t get away from a session. But he’s getting stronger and will push me away. Yes he will not buy that killer whale is a big fish. That’s a mammal. They don’t have gills but a blowhole. That’s his argument. He recently took my phone away and hid it. He said “well you took my iPad and hide them so I’m taking your phone.” This is what happens with a little higher functioning asd. Sigh 😔 Was much easier in some way when his functioning was lower. Kind of more compliant in some ways.
  7. Trust me I was shocked and truthfully near Tears. We had invested in so much speech!!! Plus I love his speech therapists. I couldn’t bare to tell them until it was Iep and I had to blurt it out because they were pushing it. I just didn’t want to hurt their feelings. I have become so close to all of them plus the resource teacher. I really was hoping it was a just a brief moment where he said it and he didn’t mean in the long run so I decided to just take a break and give him a moment to breath. Today I tried one of those phonemic awareness activities say “cupcake “ and now say it without cake. I used color blocks and asked what’s left. He kept saying cupcake cupcake and then cake cake screaming at me and tried to hit me with something on the table. Maybe I should have signed it. I don’t even know how to sign that but it wouldn’t make sense. but he’s NOT in the deaf world. He still speaks and his signing sucks. His language is horrid in both worlds. He has no deaF friends. Maybe I need to leave California and find a deaf school that also works with Apraxia kids using all modalities. That way he can have a life and community of some sort. I think he would be happier that way. Like St Rita’s as they use signs. I don’t DePaul is the right answer. I stopped signing for a few days just to see his moods but he was depressed and angry. i am fighting kaiser and bhpn (Aba) to get signing Aba for him and or interpreter. He really needs to show more indication on this. Just saying he never Wants speech again isn’t enough he needs to show he wants to use some kind of language and be willing to learn ASL or read and write. So until I see some motivation in something and I am going to blast him with all modalities. today in his online asl SimCom class he didn’t want to talk . He just wanted to sit there and watch, the teacher kept saying you got to either speak or sign. Something. They were reading a Halloween book so he got him signing a little. He wouldn’t sing. Sweet girl with ci and teacher hh with hearing aids sang beautifully. Him... silence. It was the 13 days of Halloween book. But he enjoyed making the demon or ghost or bat facial expressions and body movements. I really could cry that my son finds no enjoyment in singing or listening to music.
  8. I think because he doesn't want to say Big fish. He's talking about a Killer whale. Emphasis on the Killer lol.
  9. Yes, exactly. It is not even three syllables words. It is also three syllable phrases. I want a book. Is four syllables and many times the a would be dropped to just I want book or want book. I want a cookie. That's five syllables. Turns into I want cookie. And that is four syllables. Then the harder words such the ft sounds as in gift. I want a big gift. That's kind of like 6 syllables. Then he drops the t sound at the end. I want to go to Target. 7 syllables. That turns into I want go to target. 6 syllables. Then if he says "I saw a killer whale on You Tube." Oh dear. Sounds like of like I saw a killer wheel on Youtube despite many sessions of Killer whale. But I am content with that. Not going to complain but that is the issue. But how can we do speech like that with many sessions of saying killer whale over and over again...first loudly then softly then scary then slow and then fast. first saying ale, When wh. then whale then er ther ler then iller then iller wh, iller whale then kill, then killer........omg Shoot me. I would never want speech either with that.
  10. He gets the faces. I have LIPS at home but not completely sure it would work for him. Not sure what will. Too many components in LIPS from what I remember.
  11. He was interested in killer whale and I guess they went with that. She was doing DTTC with him. Backwards chaining etc. The main thing was just getting him to the table and participating. He has told me he never wants speech therapy again. Sigh He can be pretty resistant to the point of kicking the table, swiping things off the table, throwing things and hitting or kicking me or his tutor. Sometimes he has run out of his speech therapy or ot or resource building as well. Lately he has learned to mute the video or turn off the camera or computer or Ipad. Or he just goes into shut down mode and refuse to talk or spend the whole session saying a curse word over and over again.
  12. Sample of his speech of retelling Simon the Cat videos . Dictated to his sped resource teacher. She typed while he spoke and probably based on what she could decipher. He is 7.10 yo and according to audiologist he should be talking with pretty good grammar by now. She says the window period is closing. Race for time.
  13. No cued speech is usually used for the DHH population but allows people to see the phonics in words using their hands on the face. I could see it being used for Apraxia and CAPD especially to help with reading. I would use ASL socially like language development but cued speech for literacy.
  14. So he spent three months with his speech therapist just to say Killer whale (three syllables) intelligibly. He has lots to say about killer whales or gremlins but no one really can understand him. What a kind of life is it for him to have his mother and brother in his life to interpret for him and even us we struggle to understand the complexities of what he wants to say. No hearing person unless an SLP would want to sit and try and decipher what he is trying to say. I was hoping reading and writing was going to come and he could express himself that way but that has not. Soooo we are stuck. No friends whatsoever and the only people he talks to is family? That is not a quality of life he wants. He wants friends and he has told me so. He wants play dates. So if we get him signing then at least he can have deaf friends and not be judged by the intelligibility of his speech and grammar order. But yes motor planning is an issue. He is pretty fast in finger spelling his first name and last name now. In fact better than speaking it and writing it. He struggles with words like plant and good morning. So single signs are easier for him than combo signs. He is good with one handed signs better than two handed signs needing to cross the midline. He still struggles and needs to be prompted to sign a phrase but he can do it. He can speak faster than sign of course but again the intelligibility is an issue when he has more complete things to express. And boy does it piss him off. Plus again speech triggers seizures. So transitioning to ASL more makes more sense. Decrease the seizure triggers because no amount of speech is worth him having clusters of seizures. If the speech didn't target the seizures, then yeah Speech therapy galore!!! Do as many targets as possible. In fact we stopped ASL when we heard he was fully hearing at 5 yrs and when forward with prompt and speech therapy. But the seizures slowed us down. So we are back at square one. As much as ASL is a beautiful language, it is still a language to learn. When I am trying to explain something to him, I have to look up words constantly and I lose his attention or convo opportunity. And I am not even doing pure ASL, its more PSE. Plus I can't sign and chop vegetables or sign while we are cuddling. I have to put things down to sign. It is a different way of living. But I do it because it is necessary at this point. His last set of cluster of seizures, he lost his colors and I had to go over them all over them again. He forgot his sisters names. He forgot that I don't want him eloping out of the front door and we had to put the alarms back on.
  15. He definitely knows what he wants. He tells me all the time. Very vocal, expressive and loud. He shops online on Amazon all the time and he has the funniest sense of humor. Kind of slapstick sick sense of humor too. Little boy potty humor too. It's butt, poop all the time. The other day in his signing class, he got bored and decided to sign "Poop" to see what everyone's reaction would be. Luckily the teachers have been very good at redirecting his potty talk in ASL classes. He loves to stick his feet on the screen to get a reaction too. Sigh. His latest favorite sign is Fart and constipated. Sigh! Double SIGH! I don't know if I should teach him private parts yet. I am afraid he would use penis constantly in ASL class. Embarrassing. I keep telling him it is not appropriate. But it continues. Please let this stage pass soon.
  16. So this resource with a monthly fee allows your self/child to communicate with a Deaf or Hard of Hearing mentor to practice ASL skills. Monthly fee to have 1/2 hour a week or so with a Deaf/HH mentor to practice ASL skills. Contact Owner Ashlee to get started on your ASL learning journey. Hope this helps others. My personal experience: It is also for people who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and with special needs who uses total communication and ASL to help your child to communicate with another peer. The program works with kids/people with significant speech issues as well. They have several levels. Right now we are with a Hard of Hearing man who uses Sim Com (speaks and signs at the same time) and he does really fun activities with my son and his peers such as science experiments, games, art activity and reading activity. Contact Ashlee the owner who is great and she will help your child get placed in the right group. Her mother is a SLP and she has worked extensively with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing population. Right now it is the only thing my son is willing to do all week. You can work your way through the groups with more signing with each level. https://signonconnect.com/
  17. Yes strangely my son is actually pretty social and extroverted when others accept him and work to try and understand him. His brother Facetime friends to play Roblox and my son joins in but other kids struggle to understand him so he stops talking. But he wants more than anything to sit and chat Minecraft and Roblox and share his findings with others. A few months ago he talked to me about Pat and Jen and how they got divorced and how cool it is that they are still friends and can still make Youtube videos together. That was eye opening as he was trying to describe divorce. They married/lived together now they are not but they play games together sometimes. They still friends. My son has complex understanding of thoughts, ideas and people but just has a hard time expressing it ie he asks what would happen if someone was born without a butthole or private parts. Which led to me saying they would need surgery immediately. Then he asked would the doctor immediately make a penis etc and I was like I don;t think so. More like a hole in the belly connected to a bag to collect the waste. He wanted to know why a person needed to excrete waste....so complicated for me to explain but if I were to take out a book and show him....attention lost and gone. He asks what it smells like in the black hole or what would happen if you threw glue in it. What would happen if you stole Jupiter's rings etc. He definitely knows what he wants too. Shops on Amazon all the time and putting stuff he wants in the cart. We sit and need to negotiate all the time why I can't buy expensive items and he tries to negotiate well I earned it from my 100s chart by doing this this and that. He will bring his 100 chart to show me to prove he earned it. In your face, MOM basically.
  18. I forgot to add that with one to two syllable words he is find. The word is spoken clear as day. Once we reach 3 or more syllables words or phrases. That's when we hit the unintelligibility. Also I want to push ASL to get him in the Deaf World. They will be a whole lot less judgy as a community than the hearing world. At the moment he has no friends-not hearing and we are not in a DHH program so no local Deaf or Hard of Hearing friends. The only friends he has are the ones on the Sign On Connect Friends like Me Program and they live far away.
  19. https://www.apraxia-kids.org/apraxia_kids_library/children-with-apraxia-and-reading-writing-and-spelling-difficulties/ https://therapyinsights.com/products/grapheme-phoneme-correspondence-cards
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