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  1. My 11th grade son has been struggling through Algebra I for 3 years. I’ve tried different curriculum and a tutor. I am not sure what to do as our state requires Algebra 1, 2, Geometry, and 1 other math to graduate. He does well with Geometry. Any advice? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EKS


      I recommend that you work with him, meaning that you present the material, scaffold the practice problems, and ensure that he understands by assigning independent work.  A tutor isn't going to do this unless they meet with your son five times a week.  And even then they might not do what is needed because most tutoring is backfilling behind the actual teacher.  This is different from actually teaching from scratch.

    3. Farrar


      Seconding Power Basics and also suggesting the Key to Algebra series. Similar set up. It's hard to tell from your post if the issue is a lack of continuous, regular, thorough instruction or maybe an issue of organization for him or you, or an issue of a struggle with the material - or maybe all of those. If he has had really regular access to someone helping him and has been working on it for that whole time, I would say it's time to consider seeking a diagnosis for a learning disability. Long term, even later in life, it may be something that is useful for him.

    4. Green Bean

      Green Bean

      Teaching Textbooks saved us here. But I agree with Farrar- might be time to seek some evals.

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