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Posts posted by Mommy2BeautifulGirls

  1. Well, my oldest was fairly compliant until she was around 3 or 4. I was blessed with happy babies and toddlers. Older kids, not so much. Of course, my son already has a very different energy than the girls did. More frustration than tears when things don't go his way. We'll see, I guess. One day at a time, right?

  2. I have an advanced daughter about to turn 10. She began reading on her own at 3-1/2. I spent the first so many years of her education trying to catch up to her. Lots of "Oh, you're halfway through this level and ready to jump ahead to the next one? Okay." We're finally in a rhythm and she's excelling.


    Then I have my more-average-than-average daughter who really took off reading around 6-7 years of age, who is nearly 9 and struggling with spelling.


    Enter my 28-month-old son. He was counting backwards from 10 by his second birthday, counts well above 20, occasionally skipping a number here or there and ending at 20-10. He also knows all his letters, shapes, colors. So, yesterday, he wanted to play on the computer, so we sat down and started up Starfall. He blew me away-like he tends to do-when he was telling me the missing beginning sound of C-V-C words. I had planned on starting preschool with him when we move in a couple months, but I now realize he may be ready for some kindergarten activities instead.


    Anyway... I don't need advice or anything. Just needed ears to listen without judging me. :) I just hope he doesn't eventually start getting the emotional meltdowns I have to deal with several times a week with his oldest sister.

  3. Sometimes I purposely wander each and every grocery store aisle, even though I only need a few things. I detest grocery shopping, but sometimes its preferable to being home with the kiddos & hubby after a long day of HSing.


    After 8 p.m., I am officially a "bad mommy". I'm a morning person, so you'd better get all of your small talk, questions about "Life, the universe and everything", and particularly those mind-numbing Minecraft recitations off your chest by late afternoon.


    I consciously thank the heavens more often for red wine than I do for my children. (Doesn't mean I love it more; I'm just more aware of the grace it bestows upon my frazzled mind. Did I really have to explain that?)

  4. These are funny! If I wasn't so tired, I could probably come up with a dozen or so! The standing in front of a door waiting for someone to open it sounds kind of like my 10yo daughter, though. For as brilliant as she is about most things, she is seriously lacking in common sense most days. And yet, she's quite logical... You'd think that would help!

  5. Okay,I did some checking. Copyrighted materials/objects, if owned, can be legally resold under a legal provision known as the first sale doctrine. This rule limits the original copyright holder's right to distribute their work to the first sale that is made. Hence the existence of used book & clothing stores. The rule does not apply to an item that is leased or otherwise not actually owned.

    Exactly. It is stated that Calvert's TMs are leased and NOT owned.

  6. I just started a blog hop today, if anyone is interested in joining! It's for posts about the non-academic things your kids do: Sports, crafts, gardening, etc. It's semi-themed, but if you have a great idea that doesn't quite fit into the theme, post anyway!!! :D  For example, week #1 is sports. My kids don't do team sports at all, but my oldest takes horseback riding lessons. So that's what I posted about!

  7. I'm also a big fan of MM.  As a former math teacher, one of the things I love most is that students learn that they can read and understand new math concepts.  Most people grow up thinking they can't read and understand a math book without a teacher to explain everything.  With my dd who is in 5th grade MM, I rarely give direct instruction. Not that I can't, but because I don't need to.




    I don't give a lot of instruction, either. Only if she is doesn't understand what exactly she needs to do on a particular section. 

  8. Yes you just email Maria Miller and she will send you the link for the download.


    I think even if you purchase them individually she will give you the upgrades. I got a revised 2nd grade book after one of her previous revisions.


    I get the impression that she cares more about being a source of great material rather than making extra money because she decided to change something.

  9. I'm going to be hosting my first blog hop! I'm really excited about it! I love going to all the blog hops that I see posted on here, so I decided it might be fun to start my own. :D


    It's going to start on Thursday, and the details are here. Let me know if you're interested in joining, and I'll post another link on here when it starts if there seems to be WTM interest. 

  10. Mine is here. It's called All That School, a little play on words that my husband came up with. Life's Hope Classical Academy is the name of our school. I keep this blog about homeschooling, but plan to start including some cooking lessons for my girls, so I'll probably also share some yummy recipes in the future. I blog about planning, our curriculum choices, the progress of my kids, and whatever other homeschooling topics come up. I've also been trying to update more often. 

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