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Posts posted by cajunrose

  1. I have never tipped the mail carrier, the newspaper person or the trashman. It never occurred to me and I don't think it was something that happened in the area I lived in. The trash man never got out of the trash truck at all and was lazy lazy (would dump trash everywhere and not pick it up). I doubt he would have gotten out of the truck to pick anything up from the top of the can.


    As far as tips to the newspaper lady, the newspaper lands at random inconvenient spots in the driveway and I wouldn't have a way to leave her anything. Half the time, I can't find the paper..lol


    I did buy some popcorn mix from the sausage place in the mall...it looks really good and thought that the mail man and our NEW trash man would appreciate that. It never occurred to me to leave them cash. Goodness. Is leaving a $10 bag of yummy popcorn a faux pas? I wouldn't have ever guessed that.

  2. Are you able to eat with the family now? Did you notice any differences in anything else with taking the medication?

    Yes, I can eat with my family now, but have to have something playing in the background. We usually leave the TV on in another room. Just something else to focus on.  YES, I notice a ton about me that I didn't realize were problems. I no longer want to punch my husband for mouth breathing. I can handle my daughter touching me (I don't like people touching me..including my own family...that's much better now).  I can be in confined spaces a little better now...still bothers me, but I don't want to rip my skin off anymore.  There's many many other changes that it has made in me but those are the ones right off hand.  The eating problem was a catalyst for me going to the doctor though. I wanted to kill people...and that was not healthy as you can imagine.

  3. I have not read replies, but yes, it's actually so bad for me that I eat meals in a separate room from my family. It actually makes me wretch and shake and get very very angry. I actually went to the doctor for it and found out it's an anxiety and/or obsessive compulsive disorder. I went on anxiety meds (I literally wanted to hurt my family) and it's 98% better now...but it also helped a TON of other things I didn't realize was a problem.  Now that I'm on them, I feel soooo much better and my marriage is safe (it wasn't safe before...mostly b/c of the chewing..oh yeah, and my husband's breathing, etc). My husband is very anti med...especially for anxiety, depression, etc. and HE actually asked me to go to a doctor because I was out of control. I'm so glad I did.

  4. We kind of do! I often set the timer for 5-10 minutes and have everyone clean up as fast as they can. We get to stop when the timer goes off. I am amazed at how much 1 little, 3 big kids and I can get done.

    My mom used to call this the 10 minute clean up game. It was fun while we were little but as we got older, we caught one..not to mention it went from 10 minutes to 30 to 1 hour. It really stopped being fun then..lol

  5. The 'white privilege' aside, this very thing happens in REVERSE where I'm from. I have seen it, been a recipient of it time and again. The black cashier chats, smiles and jokes around with the black person in front of me. I get up there to check out and the chatter stops, the kindness stops. I'm lucky if I get a grunt...even when I am polite and try to make chatter. It doesn't happen every time, but many many times I have checked out it has.  It goes both ways, and both ways, I'm sure, is infuriating.  Now this is JUST the checking out part, not the check writing, id thing.


    Racism goes between all races...and the title of that clip actually annoys the heck out of me. Why do only white people have to make the world a better place? EVERYBODY does.  One thing PEOPLE can do to make the world a better place.


    *I'm just now reading through some of the latter comments and see that that point has already been made.

  6. Like Scarlett, I live in the area this is happening in Oklahoma...I am tending to side with the bio dad but saw an article in which the bio mom was interviewed...painting the bio dad in a horrible light. At this point, I think there are 4 stories here, the bio mom's, the bio dad's, the adoptive parents and the truth. It's really hard to know what side to believe because they all have such different stories.


    The one that is hurting the most is Veronica.

  7. The other thread about the strange use of a turn signal made me think about some of the weird local driving habits that I've witnessed in the three different regions of the country where I've lived, ranging from confusing to outright dangerous.


    I grew up in a small town in OK, and for reasons I still don't understand, people do not go immediately when the light turns green.  They sit and contemplate it for a few moments.  Not dangerous at all, but a little frustrating if you're in a hurry! 


    In South Louisiana where I lived, you HAD to stay stopped at the stoplight after it turned green...SO many people ran the lights and I have seen time and again when I would have gotten smashed had I gone

  8. I don't understand why anyone would think it was a university's responsibility to administer criminal law.  A woman who is raped needs to go to the police if she wants the rapist to be treated like a criminal.  ??


    Do we really expect that universities have all the same resources to investigate, prosecute, and adjudicate crime as the local / federal justice system has?  That sounds crazy to me.  How are they going to make sure the alleged rapist gets a fair trial?  Isn't even a rapist innocent until proven guilty?


    Whether the university imposes additional sanctions on a convicted rapist is another question.

    No, I don't expect the university to investigate, prosecute and punish the crime, but I DO expect them to take it to the local authorities, which it appears they do not do.  The young adults that are being raped do what they know to do, which is go to the 'local authorities' and report. They see that as campus police. The campus police discourage her from reporting further...thus sweeping it under the rug.  I think the best bet is to teach our children to go to the local police, call 911, etc and skip the campus police all together.



  9. This is our 1st year in 4H and this stuff is already stressing me out. I have never even BEEN to a county fair, much less participated in one. I need a few smaller projects she can submit so she can at least participate.  It scares me to death to be honest. These people where I live live and breathe county fair projects.

  10. Things are going better this morning. They are grazing nowhere near their herd mates and being really calm. I have hope again. The reason she suggested removing the pony is because he is VERY VERY young and very rambunctious.  The pony is very attached to some of the horses in his herd but not so much with Cadence..so she figured that the pony (Blue) was causing the problems by trying to get back with his ladies and getting Cadence all amped up.  Everything seems to be fine now. My daughter fixed Cadence's hair this morning and walked him around the pasture. She had a good long talk with the two of them and they promised to behave. ;) She also got a lead on the pony and was able to walk him around...which nobody is typically able to do. He's pretty wild.

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