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Everything posted by Kathryn

  1. I used to do that. I also used to have this weird habit when in the car that I would bite down/close my jaw so my teeth came together every time a car approached from the opposite direction (and we are far from rural, so often multiple times per second). Once I realized I was doing things like that, I had to conciously train myself not to. For the car thing, I started by tapping my leg instead and eventually I just stopped.
  2. We lost a friend to heroin in high school over twenty years ago. His father was a higher-up in state law enforcement. He knew the risks. I have a cousin who is 32 and apparently now a heroin addict. He has mental health problems and spent his twenties in prison. His father doesn't want him near his new family (which was a catalyst for his problems when he got rid of him as a teen), and got him a house in a former manufacturing town in upstate NY. He has no job, MH problems, no family nearby, and lives in a run-down town. Surprise! He's now a heroin addict!
  3. Here as well. The ones I've seen are just a fenced, grassy area about the size of a double tennis court.
  4. I looked at it the day she posted it and it wouldn't let me select the brand. But, I just did it again and it says $305. I'll try to figure out how this works. It says to have this when you bring in the prescription, but the doctor called it in.
  5. Does anyone know, I assume I can pay with my HSA even though insurance won't cover it?
  6. Minor update: I've been sick and unable to deal with this until this morning. I talked with the pharmacy and the cash price is $374/mo. I had talked with my mom, who happens to have a friend with money. When she told her friend about the situation, her friend offered to pay for a month while we try to get things straightened out. But his prescription ran out. I hadn't heard anything on cardiology, so called his regular ped. They had no clue what I was talking about, hadn't heard anything from the dev. Ped. I explained the situation and the fact that we'd now wasted five days being no closer to a resolution and depleting his supply. The nurse there was very helpful and immediately went to his regular pediatrician and she has called in a prescription for two months of Intuniv. My mom's friend transferred money to her bank account and she has transferred to mine. So, we now are not on such a tight schedule with dealing with this, but it's still daunting.
  7. My grandfather was UCC from Harvard Divinity and stayed in the Boston area. He sent his wife and kids to the coast for the summer, but he only visited. They definitely didn't stop services for the summer.
  8. I don't think that's the point at all. Even if he had CF, forcing him out was not the right choice.
  9. You have to add the closing parentheses and the .pdf that aren't highlighted in the link.
  10. Can someone explain why germs from others with CF are more dangerous than germs from people who don't have CF? I've read the links posted and I still don't get it.
  11. This is what I did. Oldest boy was in light blue with orange stripes. Younger boy in orange. Baby girl in light blue dress ($1 from Goodwill). I'm not sure how to make a baby "look" like a girl without a dress or a bow or pink. I also don't find dresses to be impractical for a baby. In fact, they are MUCH easier for diaper changes and I expect that's why throughout much of history ALL babies wore "dresses." Anyway here's what we did:
  12. Yeah, I'm not happy with the doctor. I feel like she could have at least tried. I only met her once and didn't care for her. I'm frankly glad that she's leaving. I don't think I'd get anywhere with asking her for help. I'm going to try talking to his regular ped tomorrow.
  13. I wasn't there so I don't know how the conversation went, but I'll say that she has not been my favorite doctor (this is the third developmental Ped he's had). This is actually the last time he will see her, as she informed DH that she's starting her own practice and his next appt in just a month will be with a nurse practitioner. Since we're being shuffled around yet again, I'm going to ask his regular ped if they can try to get us in to an office in our city when they call with the cardiologist referral. This whole thing is just an awful mess. I get sick to my stomach whenever I think about it.
  14. I was going to "like" this, but I don't like it. Just thank you for the tips. I hadn't thought about that. It's been so long since that was our daily life.
  15. DH went into the appt with the paperwork expecting to go that route. The doctor recommended doing it this way. Relying on the manufacturer's good graces, hoping we get accepted for help, and having to reapply yearly (if the program continues) is a gamble. And having to go through these med changes after he's gone through puberty and is much bigger than me is a less desirable possibility than the horrible one we are facing now. Basically, she made it sound like it was now or when he's bigger.
  16. What scares me is he's now 73 pounds and I'm 100. When we tried switching a years ago I had a lot of trouble physically restraining him and he was ten pounds lighter.
  17. No :( we don't have that kind of extra money.
  18. She said that if he does the three stimulants and fails them so gets to go back to intuniv, we shouldn't have anything but perhaps paperwork headaches each January because he'd have documented problems with them. But, in the meantime, our family and HE will be losing at least half a year of life being a guniea pig.
  19. I stayed home with my sick baby. DH took him in. The doctor said that until we try THREE different stimulants that the insurance company won't pay for Intuniv. And that each of those trials has to be a minimum of 4 weeks per dosage. If no effect, increased dose for four additional weeks (so at least eight weeks per medication). The only thing that can decrease the time is documented adverse side effects. We will have to drive the two hours to see the doctor every 1-3 months during all this (we go every six months now). But before he can go on the stimulants, he has to see a cardiologist. No idea how long that's going to be, so he'll be without any meds from when I run out until then. So, I hope they're happy about all the money they're saving.
  20. Thank you for the ideas!
  21. I would love to be worrying needlessly! I probably do worry more than I should because of my oldest and that we lost valuable time because I didn't address my concerns with the doctor sooner. The times that she's pulled out chunks have been when I didn't actually see it happening. She was in her seat in the kitchen and I was preparing food. I turned around and saw her holding something from across the room. When I went over, I saw that it was a large clump of hair.
  22. I use 1c oats and a little over 1.5c milk in a 1quart bowl or Pyrex measuring cup. I microwave uncovered at half power for five minutes.
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