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Posts posted by Rubix

  1. Racine area is high crime.  We have family that lives there, trying to sell a house is torture because the "bad" areas keep spreading.  I don't think Kenosha is as bad, or a little farther outside the cities like Union Grove or Burlington.  Homeschool laws are easier in WI than IL and MN if I am correctly informed. 

  2. My son has croup as well.  He usually gets it 2-3 times a year, with weeks of steroid and albuterol neb treatments to get him well.  Usually we end up on oral steroids as well, which turns (at least my) kids into absolute bears.  Not so fun.  Hopefully this goes quickly and your little ones get / stay well!


  3. We are a family of 4, one more on the way.  We tend to wash and dry daily, or almost daily.  However, stuff doesn't get folded until I have time for it.  I've been in a good routine before where I run the washer at bedtime, transfer it to dryer in am and clothes are piled in through the day, then washed at bedtime again.  Sheets, special clothes that can't be ran together would be separated for the weekend or whenever I had free time.  I would then fold and put away the daily load sometime during the day.  I got off that schedule and have about 6 loads that need folding right now...


  4. We did, we talked about many things.  Much of it was related to children, homeschooling, things we would/could not handle in a marriage, etc.  This wasn't a written, official thing, but we both knew clearly where the other was coming from, what our ideas and plans were for our life. 


    In my case though, it hasn't helped much.  My DH is a kind of guy that agrees to things, and genuinely intends to live a certain way, but in the heat of the moment will change his stance to whatever best suits his needs or wants.  He is impulsive in some of these ways and doesn't understand why I still feel the same ways I did.  He changed his mind (or his actions in some circumstances) on many of the things we talked about - # of children, homeschooling, viewing porn, and the amount of time I work vs stay at home.  I guess the one way that laying these thoughts out before we married has helped is that when these things have come up, and threatened or turned into an argument, I can say that this isn't a surprise to him, we talked about this at length, agreed to these things, and that is why I feel the way I do.  For the most part, after much discussion, we have stuck with the principles we set out.  However, laying them out ahead of time didn't stop it from being an "issue" in our life....but I think it gave me the high ground I needed to "win" or have things be mostly the way we had planned. 

  5. I work pm's also, 4-11.  With driving, I am usually home before 12.  I face the same challenges.  I'll second some ideas others gave - crock pot works well.  I will fill the night before and leave in the refrigerator.  Then, DH starts it when he leaves for work.  I don't get up in the morning, and for the most part he makes dinner when I work, I also don't make his breakfast/lunch.  There are some differences though since I am going to work before dinner, and my DH leaves for work a little after 4am. 


    We don't spend time together in the morning when he gets up, or in the evening when I get home.  It's too hard on our sleep schedules.  Although, sometimes there are exceptions, but we're not really talking then! 


    The kids and I also do school in the evenings I am off, on weekends, etc.  It would be great to have that time for other things, but with working truly you have to give up some of your expectations.  I hear you about not being like the other homeschoolers who are up early.  We struggle with mornings too!  We had classical conversations last year at nine and had to drag ourselves there! 


    If the kids get to bed earlier, and you skip the am awakening with DH, I would think that both you and the kids could get started a little earlier, and your day won't be so rushed.  At least some of the time.  I have really come to understand that having both of us work, especially different shifts, is really hard.  There are sacrifices to it, and you have to be ok with doing things differently than other families. 

  6. Would there be a way to pick just one activity, a day a week (or even just for a short time, something like an 8 week YMCA class) where you can bring baby along?  Hope for a nap in the car or something?  Or just plan to go to the park one day, or a library program.  Then you're not committed but can have a regular schedule.  We will pack up some schoolwork and go do it in a room at the library.  It's a change of pace, scenery, and they have to be quiet ;)  Then they get books, or even a movie if I am feeling extra kind. 


    My kids are similar ages (except no 1 year old here) and I am also pregnant.  It's overwhelming to have too many activities, sometimes it is overwhelming to have any!!


    I have let my DD choose - do we do Classical Conversations, Tae Kwon Do, Gym classes at the YMCA, or Awana? Not doing all 4!  She gets to pick and choose, and doesn't get overwhelmed with going too many places.  I still (sometimes!) feel like we have enough time for school and housework. 


    I think with kiddos so little, the time with you, and you being calm is better than running all over for activities, with a stressed out mama!  No need to compare to what other people do. The amount of extra activities one family does will not work for everyone.  A good friend has a DS 8 weeks older than my DD.  He is in multiple activities (boy scouts, swimming, chess, t-ball, etc, etc).  They are gone 3-4 evenings a week at activities, nearly year round.  I personally could not handle that.  My DD couldn't either.  But, I need to see that my friend's family is different- one kid vs 2 and one on the way, and many more differences.  He's in school so they have to get all their activities in on the weekend and evenings.  I can take a day and decide on a whim to go to the zoo/park/library/museum.  When I start to question the limited activities, I remind myself  that it's ok that we do things differently.  Good luck with whatever you decide works for YOUR family :) 

  7. We have the same bug, or at least DS did last night until 4am.  I have had a migraine all day from being up all night, cleaning up puke and treating his 103+ temp.  DH is now gracing me with details (and auditory/olfactory sensations) of why he thinks he is getting the same bug-- please just go to bed!   I may have raided my white chocolate stash...and that was before DH was even home. 


    Did I mention cleaning up puke while pregnant is so not pleasant....


    ETA: I agree, too long until bedtime!

  8. I made gluten free egg noodles in chicken stock with rotisserie chicken on the side for those who wanted chicken.  First time I've made the noodles from scratch and they turned out really well.  My DH went back for 3rds!  Which is pretty unheard of here.  My DD ate her helping, but didn't want more, and 4 year old DS was convinced to eat them with a little bribery...really, a successful meal here :)


  9. Can they teach you to do them at home?  My mom did my shots when I was a kid.  She didn't have a medical background.  A few training appointments where they showed her, then let her try with saline, and from then on we did them at home, just picked up the vials and syringes.  Saves on gas too that way...  Of course you have to be comfortable giving them and your kids would have to be ok with mom doing them!


  10. I believe there is a Lego exhibition in Toronto also.  If you are into History, there is a castle around Toronto area, many forts, etc. 


    Ahh!  The 3 year old loves legos, thanks! 

    I grew up in the area, my favorite places to go are Casa Loma, centre Island, the zoo (beware Toronto zoo has a TON of walking from one exhibit to another- definitely rent one of the buggies at the front gate!), and CN Tower. You should look into Toronto City Pass- you will save a ton of $$ on admission to the top 5 Toronto attractions (casa Loma, CN tower, science centre, ROM, zoo)- my sister and I bought city passes last year and took our kids to all 5 places in a week- it was awesome! :) I'm hoping to take them back to the zoo and centre island this fall. Also, if you've never been to Niagara Falls, it's only just about an hour away from Toronto- something to consider! ;) If you're into big theme parks with rides, etc you will be driving right by Canada's Wonderland on the drive from Barrie to Toronto. Hope you have a wonderful time! :)

    Thank you for the info!  I'll look into the city pass.  I know that our museum membership reciprocates with one or more of the places we were going.  I'll see if it's still a good value If we already end up getting in for free (I think it was the science centre).    Does the Canada's wonderland have kid friendly rides or mainly roller coasters?  My oldest is 6, and I am pregnant so we are limited on what we can do, lol!


    I forgot to mention, near barrie you can go to St Marie Among the Hurons or Black Creek Pioneer Village which are both great historical places to visit with kids, we used to go to field trips there when I was a kid. :)

    I will look these up for sure :)


    There's a fabulous small aquarium on the American side of the falls. http://www.aquariumofniagara.org/ You can watch the penguins being fed and see a sea lion show. It was a highlight of our trip to Toronto/Niagara Falls! We also enjoyed seeing the falls from both countries.

    This is great, thanks!  They were looking forward to the Ripley's aquarium, but it is late in opening.  I'm glad there's an alternative!


    Thanks everyone!  You get so many options with google  / trip advisor / etc., it is nice to have a personal recommendation. 

  11. So, we are planning a vacation to the Toronto area in early September, for 10 days.  We're driving from the US Midwest.  We are actually staying what looks like around an hour north of Toronto, near Barrie. 


    I'm just wondering if anyone who lives near or has visited the area has any great tips for us!  We'll have a 6.5 and almost 4 year old.  So far we area planning on the Toronto Zoo, Ontario Science Center, Royal Ontario Museum, the park that is on an island off of Toronto. I can't remember the name.  Also the new Ripley Aquarium if they open in time.  Any other not to miss attractions?  Any need to know info about the attractions we are choosing?  Border tips or first time out of the country hints? 


    We are driving to Niagara after the 10 days and sending the night there to see the Falls. 


    Thanks for any ideas you may have! 


  12. My son has cholinergic urticaria and dermatographia.  We found this out after believing and testing for multiple allergies.  We're still working on ruling out an actual nut allergy one by one.  Whenever he gets hot & sweaty he develops hives.  We thought is was related to what he was eating, but the situations were all outside in the heat, or after running and playing.  It seems to be linked to some allergies, and he is allergic to Red food dye and will break out in hives from those.  He gets moderately itchy...


    The dermatographia  bothers him most with clothes - like pants waistbands, shirts that are tight under the arms.  The hives will be 10x worse in any areas that had something touching his skin.  We use Benadryl when he has an outbreak, try to keep him cool to prevent the sweatiness which seems to cause the problem.  We don't use anything daily as a preventative. 

  13. We just told them that we were going to have a baby :) We should have videotaped it though. Our 3 year old started laughing and jumping up and down, and ended up laying on the floor kicking his feet and giggling. So, whatever you do, get a video!

  14. We liked Sherlock as well. Primeval is another British show that we enjoyed, it's sci-fi though, so doesn't match up too well with what is on your list. Other things on my watchlist: Star Trek...yup, all of them, Eureka, Warehouse 13, and Jericho. Lots of Dora and Go Diego Go too, but that's not for me :001_cool: ETA: I also have The Last Enemy, which stars Benedict Cumberbatch from Sherlock. I haven't watched it yet though.

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