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Posts posted by Rubix

  1. As far as applesauce with the peels - I make mine with peels on but then run it through a kitchenaid food mill/sieve thing-a-ma-bobber.  It results in pretty pink applesauce that is super easy.  It will strain out peels, seeds, and stems.  I've never left them in the actual sauce though. 


    I could be persuaded to send a few canned jars and you could come with homemade applesauce that would also show off your home canning skills, lol. 


    Nope just kidding, I worked hard on that applesauce and can't bear to part with it.  Maybe next year ;)

  2. Do you have the option of allowing them in only at the end? I loved having my older children at my last two births. MIL & FIL watched them nearby until we called them in when I started pushing, then MIL came in with the kids. They lined up quietly and watched. So lovely and beautiful. I'm so glad they were there, but I have very short and straightforward births. Other than that, only DH during the labour. For one birth my mum was there for the whole thing, I found it very distracting, like I was having to perform or act a certain way for her. I made sure that didn't happen again!


    Yes, I think I can do whatever I want.  I can have them just come in for the delivery, or be there during labor and leave for the actual birth.  Pretty much whatever I decide I'm comfortable with, assuming baby cooperates! 

  3. My first was a C/S due to breech.  I'm overweight and no luck turning baby.  I also had other risk factors, like high blood pressure which was putting me close to preeclampsia. 


    Second was a very successful VBAC.  I had to be induced because a Biophysical profile showed very low fluid around baby.  I was induced with a foley catheter (the kind they use to drain your bladder).  The Dr. inserted it past the cervix and filled the balloon with water to hold it in place.  The force of gravity from the balloon pushing on the cervix mimics the head of the baby being engaged and pushing downward.  The balloon will only help dilate you to 5cm or so, and then your body needs to take over without that pressure.  Some people stall at this point and never make it past 5 without that pressure on the top of the cervix. 


    I had no problem.  As soon as the balloon was inflated I started with contractions (within a minute or two!!), which continued until he was born, even after the catheter was removed / fell out when I dilated past 5cm.  Labor was 22 hours.  Not abnormal for a first delivery. 


    I am due in a few months, and am planning a second VBAC.  Hopefully I will go into labor on my own, but if there are complications, my OB plans on inducing the same way this time. 


    I just filled out my VBAC consent form yesterday.  The statistics on it are that 70% of those who try a VBAC will have a successful delivery.  The VBAC risks are greater to baby, the repeat C/S risk is greater to mom. 


    If possible, they avoid cytotec or whatever cervical softeners they use for a regular delivery.  This can soften your C/S scar and increase the risk of rupture.  Pitocin can increase the risk as well.  It is often used, but more judiciously than in non VBAC's.  They used some once labor was going, but they needed things to move a little faster as DS was in a little distress. 


    I did have 2 tears.  They were not major tears.  I'm not sure what degree but a few stitches after the birth was all it took. 


    Really it is a very personal decision.  You have to acknowledge that the risks to baby are greater, which is hard to accept!  But, I looked at it like every C/S I have is a bigger danger to me.  My OB does not like to do more than 3-4, although I know others allow more.  I need to be here for the kids I have, and continuing to have C/S increases the risk over time.  The recover is also SO MUCH EASIER with a VBAC.  I remember it being so hard to move around in bed to go get the baby when DD was crying to be fed.  No such issues after DS.  Some dermoplast spray for a sore bottom and that was about it, lol. 


    I hope you find an answer you are comfortable with :)

  4. Rice should be gluten free.  We use it here, and DD is GF.  Just make sure the package doesn't say that it was processed on equipment that processes wheat. 


    With chicken like that, we would do - chicken and rice soup, or chicken soup with potatoes, chicken fajitas or tacos or enchiladas with corn tortillas, or BBQ chicken pizza on GF pizza crusts (I know you probably don't have these or want to go to the store, but just an idea we would use!).


  5. What family members have you chosen to be in the delivery room? 


    I chose DH for all 3.  For my last birth, I wanted one or two of my birth junkie/doula friends with me and maybe my children if they wanted to be there (it was a home birth.)  My oldest son didn't want to and my then 4yo was being really difficult and I knew it would not be a good choice.  One of my doula friends had a client go into labor so she wasn't available and the other couldn't get here in time - it was 2 hours from the time I woke up to holding my baby.  My mom and FIL came to the house, but not to be with me, but to be with my children.



    Would you make the same choice again?


    With my first two, I would have had a crunchy female friend or hired a doula.


    Anyone you wish you had not let be there?


    My first two OB's?  The first one was borderline abusive and the second one still did not honor her promises to me and cut me to shut me up when I was experiencing flashbacks to the first birth.  Still dealing with physical problems from that 20 years later.


    (Hugs)  I'm so sorry.  It must be hard to have those difficult, traumatic memories associated with something so wonderful. 


    Your homebirth was such a fast labor!  My only vaginal delivery was 22 hours, although I needed to be induced, so I'm assuming I'll have more time! I know they are supposed to get speedier with each one. 

  6. DH. Only DH. Nobody but DH (except medical staff, of course).


    I threatened him with bodily harm if he let his mother anywhere near the delivery room. Fortunately our hospital wasn't too keen on "extras" anyway.


    I would have let my mother in if she'd asked, but she didn't, and I was glad because that would have meant more of a problem with MIL.


    With DS, I was induced mid-morning. We knew it would be a short labor because DD was only 5 hours start to finish, and I was already at 6cm when I was admitted (pre-term labor). We had DD there in the waiting room with the grandparents so she was able to come in as soon as everything was cleaned up. Best of both worlds, in my opinion -- avoid the trauma, but let her be there for the magical part when we went from family of 3 to family of 4.


    Our L&D nurse with DS did tell us about a patient she'd had once who insisted on having her 3-year-old twin boys in the delivery room. She said they screamed and cried and were terrified but the mother wouldn't let them leave. I think that's a very personal decision, but I can't imagine keeping my kids in a situation where they were that scared. Of course, that's a second-hand story so take it with a grain of salt.


    ETA: NOT saying your DD will be scared or in any way traumatized if you let her attend!!



    Luckily our mom's don't compare their treatment much.  We only see MIL a few times a year anyway.  But that just wouldn't be an option. 


    No worries, I didn't think you were comparing kiddos!  That's awful to make them stay.  I wouldn't consider it with any age if they didn't want to be there.  And, of course, anyone who changes their mind and wants to leave is welcome to!  Except DH I think...I'm pretty sure he's stuck with me :) 


    That's another option I'm considering is having both DD and DS in the waiting room with my mom & sis and bringing them in after the messy bits are done ;)

  7. Never my mom. Never my mom at anything remotely health or medical related. Never.


    My mom drove me to the hospital for ds1 . He was 5 weeks early and doctor wanted me to go to hospital for "tests", but did not want me to drive. I called dh from hospital and told him I didn't think I was having the baby, bug please leave work so my mom would leave. She's awful. She makes faces . She acts like one should never be in pain or express discomfort . She thinks you shouldn't discuss "private stuff" but you are there hugely pregnant yeah private stuff is going to be discussed with medical personnel.


    Dh's office mate drove him to hospital. My mom left. I had the baby with a team from the NICU, a team for me (I was in seriously bad shape with preeclampsia , I was out of it somewhat , doc kept dh informed what was happening to me and said things like "organ failure") , and regular delivery people and one med student. Things amped up quick after mom left, which is good because as bad as things were she would have made everything worse. There were around 25 staff crammed in that room. I counted.


    The med student was a late comer. I heard him in the hall asking to observe. The doc told him it was too late to ask the patient. I yelled out to come on in, everyone else was here. Dh thought I was a little crazy at that point. Dang there were already 25 strangers looking at me, what was one more at that point. 25 strangers=way better than my mother.


    Ds was blue. They got him to breath. The NICU staff looked at him 8lbs13oz and they all ran out of the room. They decided giant babies who are breathing do not need their help. I was stabilized and then we were all alone. I was on some serious drugs for another day and had to delay breast feeding.


    The best thing was dh got my mother to leave.


    My other deliveries were dh, a doctor and one nurse. My mother was not involved.


    This is precisely how I would feel about having my MIL there.  It just wouldn't work and would stress me out so much. 


    I'm sorry that it was such a hard experience with the preeclampsia and postpartum complications.  Both of mine were in the NICU, and while the stays were not long (3-5 hours) it was hard to be away from them.  Any stress during that time is so hard.  I'm glad your DH got your mom out of there in time, it would have made things so much worse for you it sounds like. 

  8. I have an acquaintance/friend (I know member of her own family and inlaws as well.) who is a L&D nurse and I had the opportunity to have her with 2ds.  I was very hesitant and so was assigned another - I probably should have gone with her as I have more confidence in her nursing skill than the one I did get.  she was working when dudeling was born (amazing, as she only works a few days a month).  I felt comfortably with the idea of her attending me, but she was assisting with a C-section.  (and the one who I had - . . . . let's just say I rejoiced she went off before I delivered.)


    I'm a nurse, and I was wondering about this as well.  It's not impossible for me to get a nurse I know, although more as an acquaintance than friend.  Classmates, or preceptors, things like that.  Not sure what I'll do in that situation.


    The hospital that I delivered at is now, due to liability and exposure risks, takes your choice away. SO

    and a Douala or birth coach only...no extended family and definitely no siblings. They've had dumb parents

    bring kids with strep throat and pneumonia with them for the birth because they did not think it was fair for their child to have to miss out. Ugh...stupid people ruin it for everyone else.


    Wow, that's ridiculous.  Why would you risk exposing a new baby to something like that!?!  Also, I doubt a child that is sick is really enjoying the experience & bonding with new sibling. 


    It's unfortunate that it now changes the rules for everyone. 

  10. Thanks for all the replies so far! 


    I started out as just DH, but, as I said I'm now getting more comfortable with the idea of maybe DD & my mom to assist with her. 


    I guess I've lost some modesty, lol.  The way I was induced for my VBAC is rare around here apparently, so I had several observers that hadn't seen that sort of induction, as well as a resident or student or something who did stiches for a tear after.  Adding in baby nurses, my nurse, sterile supply people and a neonatologist who came in shortly after birth (while I was still getting sewn or something) it ended up being a lot of people, more than I thought there would be.  I guess I'm thinking if they're all there seeing everything, what's the harm in a couple well chosen, supportive people who will actually be excited to see this particular baby.  Especially if I can chose their vantage point!


    We'll see, I have a few months to decide. 


    It's nice to see people happy with the different decisions they have made.  Because being comfortable with what you chose is great, it's nice that we have options to have or not have people...

  11. What family members have you chosen to be in the delivery room? 


    Would you make the same choice again?


    Anyone you wish you had not let be there? 


    DD was a C-Section, so just DH and me.  When DS was born VBAC I strongly felt that just DH and I should be there.  This time though, DD really wants to be present.  It would also mean my mom would be there as a support person for DD if she needed to leave for any reason.  I know my mom would like to be there as well.  She had only C-Sections and has never seen a birth. 


    I still haven't decided what I am comfortable with, and thought I'd see what others had done and were comfortable with!


  12. We live seconds from my parents.  We live in half of their duplex.  We see them from daily to weekly, depending on schedules.  My 3 younger siblings live at home, so we see them frequently.  My older brother's family is about 40 minutes away, and we all get together about once a month or so, usually for some sort of occasion. 


    My inlaws, DH's parents and his brother, live also about 40-45 minutes away.  We see them 2 times a year for sure, a family Christmas celebration with us & them and an extended family Christmas celebration.  Maybe 1-3 times more a year.  Sometimes none.  They're just not that into us :glare:

  13. I found this:



    Does that look about right?

    That looks pretty close.  Here is the link that I used.  The measurements are a little different, but the results look the same!  I think it is pretty forgiving. 




    A couple notes - if you use colored pipe cleaners, the shape you make it into will look like the color underneath.  We made Shamrocks with green pipe cleaners initially (not for Christmas of course!) and they look green.  You can also dye the water and use white. 


    You can bend the pipe cleaners into all different shapes, snowflakes, stars, snowmen, Christmas trees, candy canes, etc. 


    The crystals will grow up the string holding them in the water so make sure you keep it close to the top so you don't end up with a huge "stem" on your ornament.  We cut off the excess from the string and then tie with a pretty ribbon for hanging. 


    Oh, and make sure your ornament doesn't touch the bottom or sides of the container!  It will stick to the container :)

  14. Well, still feeling yucky, but got my couch full of laundry folded.  DH is working on the floor, and my am meds were remembered...a little tardy but it counts :) 


    And, I watched a new TV show on prime while folding - The Last Enemy with Benedict Cumberbatch.  I am thoroughly enjoying it :) 

  15. My daughter has made pot holders as gifts, not so much for siblings though.  This year she is making perler bead creations, for her brother and other people.  We also make borax crystal ornaments in different shapes.  They are super easy, pretty, and fairly durable.  We've dropped them on hard floor without breaking. 

  16. I've been sick, and severely lacking motivation. Maybe this will help:

    Fold clothes so I can find the couch - done

    Help dd with finishing the phonics road for the week

    Read more science, the only subject we are behind on.

    Encourage / assist dh as needed to make progress on putting in the floor in the kids room so I can have a living room without bunk beds in it - in progress!

    Remember to take my Bp meds, prenatal vitamin, and calcium. - done for the am anyway

    We'll see...

  17. My now 4 year old did this several times when he was 3. For him, he would get it on his fingers while wiping and then wipe his fingers on the mirror next to the toilet.


    For consequences, he had to clean it (followed by waiting for me to thoroughly clean and disinfect it) and then washed his hands extra well and used a under the nail brush, etc.


    I also explained that the germs from his poop would make him and other people very sick if he had dirty hands and ate something or touched other things. I think I showed him his dirty fingers and nails and let him see how dirty they were / smelled.


    We also went over better wiping technique which helped :) it did take a few tries before it stopped though ...

  18. In case you decide to buy Disney Infinity, I know I read that it will be going on sale for half price in a few stores on Black Friday.

    I think it may have been Walmart and either Best Buy or GameStop, but I can't remember for sure. I know the figures are going on sale, as well, and I think it was some kind of BOGO deal, but again, I'm not shopping for the game, so I didn't pay enough attention to the details.

    Thanks for the info! I'll be on the lookout, I'm always looking for a good deal :). But, I'm the mom that will buy stuff way in advance and hold onto it for birthdays, etc so I don't have to look last minute.


    I appreciate the tip, I'll check out some stores for the Black Friday deals.

  19. We are doing a mix.  We didn't plan on getting anything electronic - it was to be legos and perler beads and sticker books, etc.  But, our Wii, which we play as a family, and is the only game console we have, has not worked properly since we had a few power surges / outages.  The kids miss it, and we miss the family time! 


    So, we are getting a Wii U for our family, the kids can use their existing games (although I was considering getting them Disney infinity, which I think they would love...).  We will do hands on stuff like perler beads and biggie beads, animal sticker encyclopedias, and other things to have a nice balance.  Sometimes you plan on boycotting, but circumstances change.  We'll save the big lego sets that had been the plan for birthdays!




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