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Posts posted by Rubix

  1. My 4 year old has to take pills twice a day, and this med isn't available in another form. We actually use a "pill-shooter" type thing that is meant for...umm...cats. It's about 6 inches long, holds the pill on the end, and you push the handle to shoot the pill out of the end. We have her tip her head back, open her mouth, say ahh, and I put the pill thing towards the back of her mouth. Then push the button, it ejects the pill basically right down her throat. She will gag slightly sometimes, but the pill almost always goes right down before she even takes a drink.


    So, you could talk to a vet if nothing else works to get a cat pill contraption :)

  2. My little guy will trip / fall / stumble about 5 times a day, with some being better and some worse. Yesterday it had to be at least 7. He is all boy and very physical, with no fear. Generally he just trips over his own feet more than actually falling over something.


    As far as stairs, he will walk up holding a hand, a railing, or the wall. He "bumps" down on his bottom, one step at a time while sitting, or will walk down if you hold his hand to support his balanceday.. He occasionally will be brave and stand up on one of the last 3 steps and try to walk down alone - almost always resulting in one of his falls for the day.

  3. I don't like football at all, but this would not bother me because the volunteers have lives too. Their life does not revolve around my kids, or even their volunteering.


    Our Awana misses 3 weeks for holidays, I can't imagine my child having a fit because Awana is cancelled for Thanksgiving and Christmas. There is no reason to put a victim mentality into her head that someone wronged her out of a night of Awana and cause a fit. If my child was dissapointed, I would do what our family does on off nights - practice our verse, play a game, and have a snack. We would enjoy the family time, regardless of why is was cancelled.


    I would never criticize her cubbie leader in front of her (or at all in this matter). She is supposed to respect that leader and I would not chose to undermine her view of her teacher.

  4. I don't often use the TM for Horizons K. They do have a fair amount of suggestions for how to teach the material, and things that are not listed on the worksheets (for example, review oral counting to 50, etc). There is no reference to these things that are more review oriented on the sheet for that day. There are also 37 extra worksheets located in the back of the TM that can be used for extra practice.


    I have used it maybe 5 times (we're on lesson 65), but I don't feel it would be completely necessary if you want to save the $ if you are confident in how to present the material.


    The Tm is laid out like this:

    Overview of topics

    Materials and Supplies (I don't use these)

    Teaching tips (things to review - I sometimes use this)

    Then each activity broken down with directions. It does say when to expect the child to be able to do the activity independently (or how much help to give), which can be a nice way to gauge progress.

    Also shows a small version of each page that has the answers...I haven't needed this :tongue_smilie:

  5. "Valentime" instead of Valentine

    "Alltimers disease" instead of Alzheimers disease





    Teeth grinding (which of course both DH and DD do)

    Nail biting (again, DH!)


    People who interrupt others


    Not making holiday plans / get together plans until 2days-1week prior to the event and then expecting people to drop everything (or cancel with other relatives) to attend.

  6. I'm a nurse who has a patient with one. We use Gas-X (Simethicone) to help. It doesn't reduce the noise, but will help with the frequency. There are lists of foods to avoid also to reduce gassiness. Really not much will quiet the noise, you just have to do your best to avoid foods that cause gas and reduce air in the GI tract (be sure not to swallow a lot of air while eating and drinking).


    An unrelated tip is to put Tic Tacs into the bag, and it will somewhat reduce the odor when emptying the bag (not by a lot, but a little!).


    We recommend that if there is unexpected flatulence to look at the person next to you and say something along the lines of "Well, excuse you!!" :D


    ETA: We use the maximum daily dosage of Simethicone, and you can experiment if it works best before eating, with a meal, or after.

  7. I think I answered your question above. Send the cinnamon roll recipe to EVERY member here who has over 5 posts, every member but Rosie.


    And don't assume your contribution to the board (posts) isn't worthwhile. Just do one thing PLEASE for the love of Pete, start a blog so we know you're real.





    I am totally offended that as a brand new member, I won't get the cinnamon roll PM since this is only my 4th post!


    *Must go find a thread to comment on*

  8. We are using Horizons Math K, this was the program I intended to use as a stand alone this year. But, DD was moving so fast because she enjoyed it that we had to slow her down! She would have been done in 6-8 months, and I needed the program to last a year. So, we supplemented with Saxon Math 1 (which I intended for next year). It seems to be at a very similar level to the Horizons K. There are some things she's doing on lesson 55 in Horizons that she hasn't done in Saxon yet, and the reverse is also true!


    So, she gets the colorful, fun pages of Horizons, combined with the Saxon which requires more diligence from her. A great blend for us.

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