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Everything posted by Hedgehog

  1. If you like the Spelling Workout, why don't you just test her through the Lessons without her actually doing the written work, until you find where she's beginning to struggle a bit and then go from there? We use SW and we really like it. First time around, about 18months ago, I just did a massive spelling test to see where to place my dds - they weren't great spellers so at 7 and 9 they started out with my 7yo on the early lessons of Book A and my 9yo halfway through Book B. They do a lesson a week (pretty much). HTH
  2. As far as I know, there's hardly any difference between the two. They're pretty expensive so I would say just stick with what you already have.
  3. Not sure if you are asking because you already have the 2nd edition and it's working for you, but are thinking to replace it with the 3rd edition (Homeschool); or whether you are looking at buying one or the other? All I can say is that we have the 3rd edition (Homeschool) for both 5/4 and 6/5 and it seems a good program to me - works well.
  4. Pretty annoyed, probably. And then I'd remind myself that we were moving anyway, and there's no point worrying about the might-have-beens. I might have a quick chat with my dc, about when they can and can't take responsibility for others so that if anything like that ever comes up again, they are better equipped to deal with it. IMO, a 10yo is not old enough to watch a 7yo of another family outside the house, but that opinion may be colored by the area we live in and the neighbors we've experience of.
  5. I'm so sorry. :grouphug: That really stinks. Do you have someone who you consider your mentor - a sort of substitute parent? My dh has this, as his own dad died young.
  6. Yep.. just this morning :D I've been through 4 baby/toddler stages and it got worse each time. Thank the Lord the little muppet is nearly 3, and her ability to self-entertain is improving greatly!
  7. I think a lot of savvy buyers check the comments on the feedback. It's usually not too hard to tell where someone has gotten a bad case of sour grapes. I recently had a situation where I bought a foreign language grammar book and the seller had listed it as "used, like new". Well I'm sorry, but that book sure wasn't even good, never mind new. It had several lines along the spine, several indentations on the cover, the edges of the pages were scuffed, there were pen marks in the book.. and so on.. I was pretty disgusted. So I immediately emailed the seller with my views, and she came back straight away with an apology and a full refund. I gave her 5 out of 5 on her feedback, with the simple comment, "excellent service, thank you". I figured I'd give her the benefit of the doubt, as with only 13 ratings she may not be "into" Amazon selling just yet and may not know how to assess her stuff. I had a full refund - so no biggie. But it is very annoying when someone gives you a bad rating, if the mistake was genuine and you did your best to rectify it.
  8. Funny.. I remember someone saying to me once (in a rather supercilious tone) "Well my kids are in school from 8am to 6pm; their before and after school club is so good. I really enjoy my job as a [something high-powered, I forget what]. I'm just not one of those stay at home, knit your own muesli types." :blink: Knit your own muesli?!? But actually, I have made my own muesli.. and it was very nice, thank you! On the other hand, I will eat McDonald's and enjoy it. All things in moderation. :tongue_smilie:
  9. Probably. It's so much less stressful not to hate things that other people are or do - it's not like you can change them, anyway. I happen to like short hair on a man, and longer hair on a woman, but that's a completely personal perspective that dh and I keep for ourselves. Having said that, I've seen some pretty impressive heads of hair on both men and women alike, and also some great short styles. Probably not, if she's determined enough! I'm so out of touch with any workplace apart from my home that I really have no idea. I suppose if you consider long hair to be for younger women it might look as if an older person was trying to hold on to their youth, but personally I don't think so. If someone wants to have their hair long, then why not?
  10. That's amazing! I am so pleased for you - how freeing to have much less pain! I'm a great believer in alternative medicine these days - I didn't used to be though. The first time I saw my naturopath, I told him I had no clue about what he did and didn't know whether I believed in it anyway, but I was sick of the steroids and painkillers I had to take all the time (pumpkin face is not a good look). He just smiled and said he would see what he could suggest for me. 2.5yrs on I'd now go to him before I went to my local Dr, either for me or my dc. A friend of mine is an Osteopath and he's helped many people from church and they can't speak highly enough of him or the treatment. I hope you continue to feel better! :001_smile:
  11. Yup.. I definitely be pretty miffed.. but then I'd probably just laugh because it's so ridiculous!
  12. We're continuing to pray for you all. :grouphug:
  13. I've been there. It's so difficult. :grouphug: I hope things improve for you guys soon.
  14. I guess you could get more cursive handwriting programs to see if there's one out there that works, but it could be an age thing, maybe for some reason your ds isn't ready to do cursive. We use the Christian Liberty Press Handwriting series. At the end of the day it's not a complete disaster if he never learns cursive at all. Many of my generation here in the UK only ever learned to print - and some pretty poorly at that - and we get along alright. I'm not saying he shouldn't learn it, and indeed if he wants to then I think I would continue to try and help him achieve it.
  15. We've been following TWTM's method for around 18 months now. I've found that, for the most part, SWB's recommendations for all subjects are sound, thorough programs. The few programs which didn't work for us were probably just not the best fit for the way I teach or the way my dc learn, but in the main TWTM is one of my first ports of call if I need curriculum and "how-to" advice. I haven't listened to any of SWB's lectures but I would imagine they are very informative (actually now I'm thinking I will go and listen to them!)
  16. In a rather flexible way, we've used OPGTR and Usborne Phonics Readers. We've then fleshed this out with spelling programs such as Spelling Workout and Explode the Code.
  17. Well.. probably not very helpful, since we don't have either yet.. but.. we are planning to use the Critical Thinking books first. SWB recommends these. Hope someone can help you with more details!
  18. Praying here :grouphug: Cancer is just awful. My dh's dad died of it when he was only 49 (dh was 18 at the time). :sad:
  19. There's another couple good posts on there too in the same vein. Thanks for sharing the link.
  20. Well we're hoping to move to Canada (East Coast) so not too near I'm afraid! Chocolate Factory visits do sound appealing! But just to make you drool.. yes we do have Cadbury vending machines and you can buy Creme Eggs most of the year in our local supermarket. In fact this year, perhaps because Cadbury has just been taken over by an American company, they are selling "Screme Eggs" with a suitable Halloween wrapping and a white and green centre!! They taste pretty much the same as the usual ones.. really yummy :001_smile:
  21. I have an old, old story from my grandparents.. who could be quite snippy-mouthed at times. :D One Sunday dinnertime, my grandma made some kind of dessert in a big bowl, which she served out with a big spoon. There were some scrapings left around the edges, so my grandpa picked up the bowl in front of everyone and started eating the scrapings with the big serving spoon. My grandma was a bit embarassed.. so she said: "That spoon just about fits in your mouth, dear!" To which my grandpa immediately replied, "Yes.. it'd rattle in yours."
  22. Well.. some folk cope better if they talk about their problems, and others cope best if they keep them secret. I say.. never say never. I couldn't possibly know how I would cope with being terminally ill unless it happened.
  23. Let's have it people.. what brand of chocolate is your personal favorite? Mine's a tie between Cadbury's and Galaxy/Mars. I'm just so looking forward to moving to North America where I'll be able to get hold of Reese's easily! :D
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