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Everything posted by Nscribe

  1. I have seen this mentioned as a resources used by several in various threads. There are a couple of items by that title on Amazon. It would be great if someone would link the one being mentioned. TY.
  2. I was thinking the same thing. It happens. I have never pulled Dd from a Co-Op/class because of it, but I know others who have pulled their kids quietly because they didn't want the behavior.
  3. :iagree: With all that you noted. Dd is that perfectionist type. Being in theatre, where you may be perfect skill wise but not be just the right "type", has been good for curbing it a bit. Off topic is ok...this thread helped me flesh out what I needed to know to guage next year. It will be busy, more deadlines, but it will work. I will just need to be reasonable in my Literature/English requirements. I tend to let that creep into a huge, hulking thing.
  4. Can relate...but then I remember that in atheletic competition ranks and recognitions are ever present, in the theatre the big stars get top billing and the print is ever smaller for those less recognized---we have a Nobel prize----Pulitzer It seems fair enough when one excels in a field they should be recognized. I draw the line at posting all grades with names attached for the pre-college age especially. This world needs nothing more for jockeying parents to prey on with kids. When grown ups, grow up it might be different. Noting who did achieve a threshold is not an issue really.
  5. It is good to know some things don't change. When we are in Atlanta we are not generally over that way, so I have not been in a long---- time.
  6. I must admit after reading this about prepping a boy for college, I am just about convinced Dd will live at home and have a hired body guard.
  7. Please don't tell me there is a wall of shame where grades are posted for all to see?
  8. I am ok with paying a bit more to know Dd would have a seat and not be excluded. My only concern is that some of the rural students or students in zones of urban AP voids who may need it, may not be able to afford extra as well.
  9. I don't know if it is still there and still the icon it once was.....but if he is going to be in Atlanta...take him to The Varsity.
  10. TY! TY! This helps me formulate the question for her voice teacher. I am out of my element with this. I just looked at the description/schedule the intensive her voice teacher wrote a letter for her to attend this summer and sure enough "sight-singing" is on the schedule twice a day.
  11. She is Mezzo Soprano (forgive if I spelled incorrectly) in choir because of her range, but she is often pulled along with a couple of girls to do the highest parts in particular songs. In her voice lessons, the moved to doing opera for a few minutes and trying to find broadway audition songs for her last year. She takes choir from one person, voice from a different one and then guitar from yet another (we dropped piano but are looking for that again). I am thinking it may be a combination of what you both are saying. Maybe? She writes songs, well enough she is often asked to perform her originals as solos for concerts and so forth. When she writes for guitar, she does a ...name is escaping me but it is a different notation system...specifically for the guitar. She tries to write the vocals on a traditional scale and I think this is where she is faltering. I will see her try to go to the keyboard and try to match notes to her voice and then try to write it on blank staff paper. She can write basic melodies for piano. I think this is where she is looking for answers, how to write for her voice for her stuff and be more secure when reading at auditions for solo parts. What sort of class would help her with this, music theory, something else?
  12. This has all been exactly the sense of it I was trying to gather. Thanks so much.
  13. Dd said something that has me a bit puzzled and I hoping some musical moms (or dads) can help me. What would Dd be trying to explain to me if she says, "Mom, I can't read music to match my voice?" We know she can read music (plays piano, is being trained by a voice teacher with amazing credentials, is under one of the best choir directors in the state, picked up trumpet and sax recently and within a week was playing from sheet music on both, started drums). She has had sight music reading "tests" several times for auditions and does very well. It came up in the context of having her take a music theory course over the summer locally. She said the statement and asked if I could find something that might especially work with that issue. Do any of you have any idea what she could mean? Questions to suggest asking her to clarify what she is saying?
  14. When I attended a meeting/workshop for potential dual enrollment at our local CC, two points the presenter made struck me: 1. For a student not experienced in quarter or semester compression of the work load (those who may not have done block scheduling), this can be an bigger adjustment than some realize and to allow some breathing room the first go at it. 2. The CC population is made up a very diverse age range, background set and so forth. The lady phrased it this way: "How comfortable will you be with your 15 year old daughter emailing and online chatting with a 30+ year old man for lab work?" I would be curious what others who have BTDT think of those notes. I am not sure where I land on this.
  15. One other question.... Over the winter holidays, a bit of a break? I see the classes take a break, but are there projects or such to be concerned with late December?
  16. TY, your responses have be spot on for what I needed to know. Yes, there is one day a week I am bit concerned that Dd may not be able to log online (will be in a class, then car, then dance then car....). She is great about studying/working in the car (I sometimes worry she will need a MiniVan more than a dorm room in college).
  17. Checking my understanding-The quiz is due on Monday, but could be done/submitted on Sunday and not have to log in on Monday?
  18. TY. What would you think if a student would have one weekday every week that they could study flashcards/work with book/do paper exercises, but would not be able to log in? Do the students receive a semester syllabus with due dates?
  19. What sorts of activities make up the time a student spends per week? Specifically, I am trying to get a handle around an estimate of how many hours beyond the class itself the student is expected to spend online completing assignments and how much written work weekly. I assume the estimate stated in the course description includes time for flashcards/memorization.
  20. Just wanted to say thanks for the posts and the responses.
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