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Susan in the Boonies

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Everything posted by Susan in the Boonies

  1. I try to. No promises. No bonus points for me in those areas. Probably not in relation to whatever it is you are referring to I'm familiar. Thanks! I have two kids. I've been on the SL forums for around ten years, maybe longer, so I'm not completely naive. After all, I can multi-quote (she mentioned, preening herself, ever so slightly.) Just looking to learn the culture in these parts. Thanks for all your help.
  2. LOL! I am very fond of men in kilts. I know better than anything approaching a "modesty" thread. Goats in crockpots is a new one on me, I confess. Perfect hints! Thanks so much! :grouphug:
  3. Well, perhaps because I have my page breaks still set at ridiculously low levels, but. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN PAGES???? AND A CLOSED THREAD??? LOL! Will somebody pop me some popcorn please? I'm gonna be up all night.... Thanks so much for your help!:D
  4. In case you haven't noticed my post count, I'm a total Noob. I would love to learn more about the "culture" of this place. Would you be willing to link me to what, in your opinion, is an essential thread, here at the forums? I'd love to learn more about this place! :bigear: What are some classic threads that I could go read that in your opinion, would give me a real flavor for some of the great discussions you've had around here. (If they're funny, well, then, so much the better!) I'd prefer to avoid making silly Newbie mistakes by bringing up topics that have been discussed ad nauseum.:blushing: Although, of course, it's possible that a thread like this one is that very thing! So, forgive me if it is.:blush: School me? :001_smile:
  5. Nope - haven't checked the archives yet. Sounds tantalizing though! I'm hoping I will fit in just fine. Great to meetcha, *~Tina~*!
  6. Kilts being brought up could be....exposing... And thanks to you and Russell for the warm welcome. Russell looks a bit peeved about the whole thing, however...
  7. Of course, if you tell someone in Nashville that you have keyboard skills, that means something altogether different than what you are referring to in your post. :) Context is so important.
  8. I don't care, either. But then, I have an ill-trained mind. You brought back memories of my highschool typing class. May I just say: I was an idiot. My mom was STRONGLY encouraging me to learn to type. Learn to type. Learn to type. I was afraid she was trying to box me in so that I would have to become some man's secretary, and the last thing I wanted to be was some man's secretary. So, I resisted and resisted. (This was before the days of the PC) Then, I hit grad school, and suddenly realized that the computer was here to stay, and WHY OH WHY hadn't I improved my speed in typing??? Man, that typing teacher drove me nuts. We even had to mess with carbon paper copies back then. When dinosaurs walked the earth. That's why Barney was purple: carbon paper.
  9. Thanks for the welcome, Stacie. Chiggers-a-plenty where I live, thankyouverymuch. I'm sure it depends on the land one lives on. We've been in this house for almost 7 years, and in that 7 years we've had 3 poisonous ones: about 3 years ago, a copperhead. This year we had a cottonmouth, and a timber rattler. The cottonmouth was scary enough,but the rattlesnake about had me unglued. He was as fat around as my dear husband's forearm. But in 7 years, that's not THAT many. Still, one is more than enough if you ask me. I personally cannot recommend any churches here in our Boonies, although doubtless, there are some. We drive about 35 minutes or so back into Nashville to attend a church there. We're pretty connected to a lot of folk there, so, that's why we do it. I can only imagine how stressful the adventure y'all are planning must be. I wish you the very best!!!
  10. And that was the point. :biggrinjester: I'm more than POSITIVE I remember you, Negin.
  11. They may in certain booniefied locales, but not here in my Boonies. However, I am not morally opposed to kilts, and can certainly appreciate a well turned calf muscle. :) I appreciate very much the welcome!
  12. I am a huge believer in empty nesters continuing to hang out on homeschool forums: they have so much experience, perspective and wisdom to offer. I'm grateful for the empty nesters in my life! Nice to meet you, Ellie!
  13. Well, thank God I'm not the only one!!! I'm on a mission to utilize the new to me smilies. Is it a futile mission, ya think? :banghead:
  14. Whoa! I am blown away!!! I am a party lovin' girl, and never dreamed anyone would make a newbie feel so welcome! Thanks, Tammy!!! :hat: (I put on a party hat, just for the occasion! :D )
  15. Food, faith, and fun. I started writing it because I enjoy writing. I have a lot of fun with it, and am encouraged by the number of folks who follow it. It's growing, so I feel like I"m on the right track. My next goal is to work on an ebook project.
  16. Hi, oraestudia! The deer and the turkeys were the draw for my husband. (We had lived in in the Green Hills neighborhood prior to moving to the Boonies for 16 years.) We had a creek in our backyard there, so believe it or not, we got almost as much wildlife there as we have here. Although we never saw a turkey. But we did have deer, a snapping turtle, and a BEAVER visit our backyard in Nashville! We traded in our Nashville mosquitoes for poisonous snakes out here. It's hard to decide which I hate worse. We had mosquitoes like a biblical plague, living by that creek.
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