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Everything posted by Candid

  1. Unfortunately the GED is considered by many, many future destinations to be a down grade and having it at all can short circuit a career. Here's a story done recently by NPR on just this fact: http://www.npr.org/2012/02/18/147015513/in-todays-economy-how-far-can-a-ged-take-you Here's a question directed at military and GED: http://usmilitary.about.com/od/joiningthemilitary/f/faqged.htm
  2. I'd say that you'll probably need another pass. And I would set it up in advance and at least hint of this connection problem to the admission's person you work with. I wouldn't make too much of if, but stress that your dd hasn't made a strong positive connection with anyone at Carleton yet.
  3. For the next two years, might I suggest you plan some strong but fun sciences? I have found that some middle school programs are snores and not particularly helpful in building towards high school science anyway (math turns out to be more important). So look for programs that will intrigue her.
  4. Gosh, I'm not sure I would. But if you do, you'll want to remove some TOG history books, especially those that cover the same basic information you'll find in a textbook otherwise your student might drown in readings.
  5. My oldest is a junior so there are some question marks for next year. History, lit, art, philsophy, government, church history, and music will/have followed a four year cycle: Ancients, Medieval through 1800, 19th Century, 20th Century and beyond. Math: Additional Mathmeatics from Singapore, Pre Calc, Calc, Fourth year will either be college calculus beyond what he has done or statistics. Science: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Next year will be a pick it yourself year could be AP of those or Anatomy or ???
  6. I'd suggest taking a look at Singapore's offerings. Currently the DM series is where I would suggest. If you can still get the older non Common Core volumes, I'd get those.
  7. We follow the four year plan for history so it takes us four years to cover world history. We don't use one shot history texts, but instead individual volumes. I suspect this is not what you want to hear. Added: Also retitle this thread to reflect your desire to learn about world history texts.
  8. Let me preface this by saying I have the old print redesign 1 of Year 1. I almost think that Unit 2 is what I would suggest for you. They do the "around the world" ancient cultures in that unit (non Mediterranean) plus the first wave of Greek culture which includes the Iliad and Odyssey. What I would do before choosing though, is take a look at the books your children would use for each unit and use that to help you. I have a junior in high school and an eight grader so I'm afraid my focus is mostly on high school at this point so you'll need to sort out younger levels more on your own.
  9. We get together with a group for our mandatory testing. In our case this has been a positive experience and gives a little taste of testing in a classroom setting which I consider a positive.
  10. Best unit is hard! I think I would almost lean towards picking by lit which would probably be either Y2 units 1 or 2 because they both have so much tough meaty lit that getting Tapestry's input would be good OR the unit in Y3 when they do Crime and Punishment.
  11. Then you'll need to begin in the beginning and read forward, in this case, you can start with the New Testament and then read the early church fathers. Begin to identify where bias appears. However, you'll probably also want to study the overall culture. To assume like Christianity invented this bias would be incorrect. So you'll also want to read other first century writers (and maybe earlier) to see how Jews were viewed in the ancient world. Josephus might also be important to read as my understanding is that he wrote to make Jews appear better to the Roman government just after the fall of Jerusalem. As you read both these streams of thought, you'll begin to see interplay and begin to get at the question of separation between Christianity and Jewishness. You'll also want to read historians. There have been many books and reviews suggested in this thread. Choosing could be difficult. As someone who read historians, I would suggest looking at the background of each person who writes each thing and choosing those who have an education and publishing background that supports their writing such a work. While singular works by oddball writers can advance historical knowledge for the most part such works are not distinguished as highly because generally such authors do not have the training to properly handle and sort the issues. For that matter if you have never read any church history at all, you might begin by reading one. I generally suggest this one: http://www.amazon.com/Story-Christianity-Early-Church-Present/dp/1565635221/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1381495274&sr=1-4&keywords=the+story+of+christianity It is secular in orientation and does the best job I have seen covering all of Christianity. At least reading through and past Constantine will give you some background to place further in depth reading against. If you are particularly interesting in the Holocaust. I've been reading the chapters in a book on the issue by an excellent writer. He's going to eventually release these in a book, but I am sure he would be happy to back subscribe you to his email newsletter which is very inexpensive if you wish to read about Nazi's and Christianity. PM me and I will send you his email. Let me add that while the quote may seem flip to you, your own quote asking about the quote also struck me as flip as made by someone who has not done any sort of extensive and in depth study of the past. You seem to understand that how people lived was differently, but you don't seem to understand that how we perceive the world is radically different. That's why I provided the Civil War insubordination links. They show how behavior that would be punished in today's military was common just 150 years ago, part of how people behaved. You CAN NOT ASSUME people in the past thought the same ways you do in any way shape or form. As just one part of that, most folks believe we see the world with what is called a "psychological" point of view. This point of view is held by almost all first world people no matter what their religious and philosophical beliefs. However in the past many societies including the ancient ones you are interested in held an "honor" based point of view. This effect many details that we are totally unaware of when we read Biblical and other ancient writings.
  12. Yes, I presume that you found the address on their website. I'd expect a 24 hour business day turn around, but I wouldn't rattle the cage for a week, and I would probably call at the end of the week not send another email.
  13. Yes, I'm an ongoing customer, but I figured someone else might like to take advantage.
  14. This is a quote. Here's the reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Go-Between However, I have seen this quote used by many historians. It is hard to understand how differently people thought in the past until you study the past, read history books by historians and works of literature from the time. Even as short a time ago as the Civil War, which I have started to study, is filled with unexpected moments. We look back and see towering heroes and military strategists. We see a time of honor and careful discipline. But looking carefully through the documents of the day you learn that instead communications between leaders and subordinate was insubordinate in the extreme. Here's a series of blog posts to illustrate. http://iwouldneverwearorange.blogspot.com/2009/08/insubordination.html http://iwouldneverwearorange.blogspot.com/2009/08/insubordination-2.html http://iwouldneverwearorange.blogspot.com/search/search/?q=insubordination&x=-267&y=-356 http://iwouldneverwearorange.blogspot.com/2009/09/insubordination-4.html And what about the pure sanity of some of those commanders. Here's another blog post: http://iwouldneverwearorange.blogspot.com/2009/08/insubordination-3.html None of the people referenced in these posts would cut it in today's military, especially not that last nut. Hence the saying, " The past is a foreign country. They did things differently there."
  15. Sorry to get spammy, but I also know this is the time when people, go, ugh, why did I buy this? If you've always been tempted by Tapestry of Grace, now is the time to try. For October they are having a special where you get a full unit on DE for free. They even include some of their teaching videos. http://www.tapestryofgrace.com/horses/
  16. Psssst, you can order books from them to come over to the US. I've found the shipping to be pretty okay. I do this for books that you can't get in the US.
  17. Luanne, Tapestry is running a special called "changing horses." In it you get a free unit on DE. http://www.tapestryofgrace.com/horses/ It is only available for October. I'd suggest either picking a book you really want to study or a time period, find the correct unit and give it a try.
  18. I think the key to any good book club is the person who runs the meetings. All the other things can be shoddy, if that person is good.
  19. You should think out what components of the class as you now do it allow you to evaluate your students progress. Based on your post you have: discussion, labs, and quizzes. Then assign each of these component a % of the overall grade based on your thoughts about which best assess the students knowledge. In something like the discussions you don't have to have a point by point check list as much as a a clear idea in your head (and maybe on paper) on what an A level vs. B vs. C etc discussion looks like. I assume with quizzes and labs that there are already grading rubrics for you. One reason I love Tapestry is they have the scripted discussions so I can easily know when my child is hitting all the stops in the discussion (channeling Marcia Summerville is an A+ ;)).
  20. To tag onto what Harriet has already said, I'd try to have a face to face and open and honest conversation with the tutor about the whole issue and I'd listen carefully for any signals that recommendation may be off because of the project or any sense of discomfort from the tutor about doing the recommendation at all.
  21. Forums are great because you can explain things, but college applications have a one shot method and being able to explain won't be likely. Instead a school will just turn someone down if they feel they either being unethical or gaming the system. Remember that although you might not think the system is fair, most college admissions officer probably are okay with it and may even endorse the way it works. If you are willing to be very transparent on the application, you might could consider this, but even then I think some colleges might not consider a student participating in this kind of manipulation within the system. Further, there's another player in considering all this, that's your children. Like it or not even bright, mature teenagers don't always understand what adults are doing in these sorts of complicated situations. To me the risk of convey a wrong message to them no matter how much I explained to them would be something to consider as well.
  22. PSAT registration is very informal no set date like SAT. In our area calling before Labor Day would be annoying to a school so while you may be a bit late, you aren't that late.
  23. I'm going to assume you have you have accurate information. If you do, then that is a sad state of affairs, BUT I think the possibility of a college having an extremely negative reaction if they learn you did this is real and I'm not sure I'd do it. Whether it is fair or not, going to a state only for a week or two to take the PSAT to gain a scholarship will make you and your children look unethical to college admissions folks.
  24. I tend to agree that changing boats now is a mistake. Admissions are always made based on the final scores you make in classes and even the offers she has in hand could be withdrawn.
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