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Posts posted by klhoward42

  1. We just finished up Abeka Kindergarten!! Yay, and now onto 1st Grade!! I was wondering if any other Abeka traditional homeschoolers, could help out!!


    I was so excited to begin planning for 1st grade and have ordered my curriculum and am reorganizing my room!!! Knowing with a 1st grader, and an 18 month old boy "my explorer" scheduling and consistency would be key next year!! Then we found out we are expecting a new little one in January!! Suddenly I went into panic mode!!! How am I going to do Abeka 1st grade with 2 little ones!! Anyway enough backstory :)


    So I have several questions!! First off I really like Abeka,I like the structure and feel very comfortable with it!! I know the benefits and that is what we have chosen for our family!!

    So question number one- any tips on juggling toddlers, newborns and 1st grade??? I have recently found the work box idea and will start that to keep my daughter on task and working independently when she can!! But how do you structure your day?? We did maybe 1 1/2 to 2 hours a day for Kindergarten!! I know 1st grade will be more time consuming!!


    Question 2- can I do a 4 day school week with Abeka,or is it better to stick to 5 day school week!!


    Last Question- Any Tips on preparing and scheduling for when the new baby arrives?? I know my daughter does so much better when we keep consistent with school!! I am so afraid the new little one will throw us off our routine and I don't want her to suffer!! Just trying to plan some things that will help!!


  2. I am almost finished with my first year of homeschooling! Yay!!!! Kindergarten is almost done! Since this was my first year I focused mostly on the main subjects and dabbled in social studies and didn't get to science! So I want to do those during the summer when there isn't the push of the main subjects! So my question is what is a good curriculum for science and history? I really want it to be hands on and fun but teaching her at the same times! I am not crazy about a unit that just focuses on one topic! I love the idea of thematic units but I don't want to just do astronomy all summer! Also it needs to be 100% biblically based! Since I am so new I have no idea of where to start! I do like the idea of the lessons being laid out so I can spend my time teaching instead of planning!! Any help would be appreciated!

  3. I am looking for some help with online math games! I would like to have something for my kindergarten daughter(5) to do online or a program I can purchase to reinforce math we are learning! Right now we are just on addition to six family but I would like something to encourage and review! Also I am looking for something in phonics as well that kind of resembles Abeka's curriculum for Phonics- one vowel word rules, two vowel word rules, etc!

  4. I am looking for a Bible curriculum for my kindergartner ! We are using Abeka for all other school but I want something more interactive and meaningful!! And something we can reinforce in the evenings as a family! Thanks so much in advance!!

  5. I am half way through my first year of kindergarten......... Wow am I worn out.( I have an 11 month old as well) I constantly think this same, thought, I am doing her a disservice by making her stay at home and listen to me :) but really I am not. Sometimes she might not like a specific thing, or time of the day but she loves school and she loves to be with me.


    One thing I started doing was I made a list during the day, of times she obeyed and times she didn't and was defiant. What I saw after "observing" for a while was that she actually does better than I give her credit for. 6 out of 8 times she obeyed immediately, with no complaint, one time she complained, and the other time she completely ignored me :) I had to put it into perspective and I realized I was exaggerating her defiance or disobedience. Granted there are days she is worse than other days but for the majority she is a good kid. I just had to step back and observe and realize where we really were at.


    I agree with other posts that your kids are going to be better for others, that's kind of what I am teaching mine to be respectful and obedient. The relationship with parents, especially Mom, will be strained no matter how much time, because you usually spend time more one on one with them and sometimes, you are on their case. I really believe in the depth of dispare, a bad day, I could give up but today was a great day and I am proud of this day of school and I am choosing to focus on that, on this cold day in February!!


    Good luck, and I read a quote today, "I homeschool because I've seen the village and I don't want it raising my children " I have to keep that posted somewhere when I have feelings of defeat and that someone can do better!!

  6. Thank you so much for your words of wisdom! I have found one thing that will help that some of you might want to see. I love the high fives idea for things that aren't negotiable !! But also I am going to try to implement Erica's chore chart for extra rewards and prizes. http://www.confessionsofahomeschooler.com/blog/2011/01/chore-chart-cards.html

    This is for things extra that she won't have to do but things I want her to do that she can receive prizes for. Encourage her to do more than the basics. Thanks again!

  7. I am looking for some curriculum or charts for encouraging chores. My 5 year old is struggling with basic things each day. I have so much going on with her schooling and an 11 month old. I need something that can keep her accountable and seem exciting for her to want to do it. I have tried bribing( which I don't like to do). I have tried the opposite with consequences for not doing things, that didn't work! I do a homemade sticker chart for school that she can gain tv time with. I am looking for something that is easy for her to see and go to so she can know what she has to do! I am asking a lot aren't I :) Thanks so much in advance!

  8. We have been moving through the school year with my DD 5, she is doing great. We have turned the corner and have started seat work. I like it because there is more for her to do to really reiterate what she has learned. She doesn't like it so much, granted it is the 3rd day. Se thrives on the one on one attention and I want her to be able to work more independently. My question is what do you do to make seat work more interesting?? I understand that seat work is designed to fill the time in a traditional school setting ,but how did you make it work in your home? I am not looking for Abeka bashing and " that's why I don't do seat work". I am looking for info of how you make it work better for you. I believe in Abeka and love their different way to teach my daughter. I just would like some tips and encouragement on how to make seat work more interactive and fun. Thank you

  9. I was wondering what other Moms do as rewards or incentives for your Homeschooler? I know with most kids in traditional schools they get report cards and then parents reward from there. I mostly am referring to kindergarten and lower elementary grades. Thanks so much.



  10. I am wondering if anyone can give insight into the Kindergarten Social Studies for Abeka. I am trying to piece the workbook and visuals together and I am confused. Also did you just do one focus each week or do 2 different ones: meaning did you do American History 2 days a week and community helpers 3 days a week or just Community Helpers, finish that book and then move on??

    Thanks so much!!

  11. Thank you Lisa- My daughter has always been great with her fine motor skills- she cant hit a ball with a bat or catch a ball well but she can color in the lines and loves to write. That's why I was leaning toward doing both but I needed some feedback from other Moms to make sure I wasn't pushing her too hard!!! Thanks again to you and Hen Jen

  12. I had a question for you moms about hand writing. I am doing Abeka with my daughter and they teach cursive first, which I am okay with!!! She also wants to learn manuscript too!! I have the books and info to teach both but I am wondering if its too much for her to being doing both. She loves to write and its her favorite part of school but I don't know if its too much for a 4 year old. I know that her cursive is going to take longer because its harder but I don't want to wait until she is 6 to teach her manuscript either. I also don't want to possibly confuse her with doing both!!! My other question is when does Abeka teach manuscript???


    So any advice would be appreciated!!

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