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Everything posted by stephanier.1765

  1. I've tried one after confirming it could be used alongside Alexa but I keep having the problem with the book skipping backwards. Just all of a sudden, the book will go backwards about 20 minutes. Not always the same amount of time but always enough that I'm aggravated by having to listen to it again. Because while I can use Alexa, I don't have the fine tuning abilities like I do with Audible. With Audible, if I thought a book glitched backwards 20 minutes, then I could just tell Alexa to go forward 20 minutes, not so with Chirp. Using Chirp via Alexa, I can skip chapters but not time. Has anyone else had problems with Chirp glitching when using it with Alexa? Maybe it was just that particular book. The prices are so much cheaper than an Audible credit that I'd like to buy more but not if this is an ongoing problem.
  2. When our children were small and playing in our backyard, we heard our cocker spaniel raising a ruckus. Such a ruckus, that DH and I both went running to see what was wrong, as did our next door neighbors who had been inside their house as well. We find the dog snapping and jumping at something on the ground and, when we investigate, we realize it is a water moccasin. Holy crap! That could have gone all kinds of bad, but thankfully with the help of a neighbors we were able to dispatch the snake, and no one, including the dog, was harmed. We do not live next to water, wetland, or even a woodland. Just your basic suburban home. It was strange and very, very scary.
  3. She might look into other vets in her area that are "low cost" yet have someone on staff that can perform a surgery of that nature. We are lucky enough to have one place in the city that was able to operate one of our cats in an emergency. Not only was the cost much less but they still knocked more money off for us. We had just put a lot (A LOT) of money into another cat so we were really at the end of our tether so we used something like CareCredit for the rest but it's one specifically for animals. I'm sorry I can't remember the name and I'm truly sorry her and her baby and going through this.
  4. I also agree that you'll know. It's been about 4 years since we put my dog to sleep and I'm just now, within the last 6 months or so, ready for another. But I also had other 4 pawed critters that offer me the love and comfort a pet brings and I think that might have kept me from looking for another canine companion. So yes, whenever it is, sooner or later you'll know and you'll be ready. Hugs to you all! When we had to put our last 2 pets to sleep, it was an emergency so we needed to go to an emergency vet, besides our vet being closed because one was Christmas Eve (and night to boot) and the other was New Year's Eve. What surprised me was the caring from them, as well. The vet who put our dog to sleep was in tears herself. You know that being an emergency vet office that this must me a daily and quite possibly and multiple times a day thing for them but yet they were kind, thoughtful, and compassionate. I couldn't be more thankful to them. I'm thankful to all vets, yours especially right now, for being such good people.
  5. I just finished listening to Hatch, Dragons of Laton by James Stevens. So good! It seemed as if the story went out of it's way not to be gory, sad or sexualized. No swearing, either. I can only recall one sad moment but since it didn't involve a main character, it wasn't as sad as it could have been. So this book would be great for older children. I truly enjoyed it as an adult. If you have Kindle Unlimited, you can get it for free there.
  6. I'm having a both kind of day. The plan is to start the day at a local quilt shop and then visit with my parents for a little while. After that is a stop at Walmart, then home to continue my deep cleaning spree.
  7. I am so incredibly sorry! That is one of the hardest acts of love there is.
  8. You just picked my new door color. I plan to paint my door soon but hadn't gotten around to actually looking at colors but one look at Hale Navy and I knew that it was the one.
  9. When we brought our second child home, my parents stayed with our older one at our house. When we arrived, he came running out. When he saw us bring the car seat out with the baby inside, he stopped dead and fell completely backwards into the grass, as if he had fainted. He probably hears that story multiple times a year. It was too darn funny and too darn weird. He was 2 yo and he now swears he remembers seeing someone do that on TV and thought it would be funny. That's my kid for ya!
  10. I agree. If he can afford a house, he should get a house. I've lived in Florida my entire life and have never evacuated. My parents did once when they were caring for my grandmother but that was only because they needed to keep access to electricity. It turned out they didn't even need to because the hurricane changed direction. One year though, they lost electricity for 2 weeks. It was crazy. It's not like they live on some property in an low populated area but, instead, live in a large suburban neighborhood. When they choose who to fix first, they always choose the areas with more people. Those that live on land out by themselves would be a low priority. That year my dad lost his shed and a corner of his garage because a tree fell but that's the worst damage any of the family have ever had. So if he has a house and doesn't live right on the coast, he has way more opportunity for staying put vs evacuating.
  11. DH and I, our children that live in town with their SO's and my niece and her family all converged at my mother's house. Such a great day and all we did was eat spaghetti, look at scrapbooks, and play cornhole. I'm home now and I feel so happy and content.
  12. We have a dryer but, for clothes, most of the time I use the rack I bought it from IKEA years ago. One of the best purchases I've ever made and I wouldn't sell it for anything, since I've never seen one like it since. Here in Florida, ceiling fans are the norm so I sit the rack underneath one and you'd be surprised just how quickly those clothes can dry. Mostly I use the dryer for big things, such as linens. Our laundry area is a closet in the hall, across from the bathroom and the rooms that once belonged to my children. When they lived at home, it was so convenient to have the washer and dryer so close to where they bathed and dressed.
  13. Next, you need to take a picture of him by the pool. It wouldn't be a vacation without one.
  14. I often do that, mostly books that y'all have recommended, and most of the time they do end up buying them. But lately, oh boy, it must be book buying season because the books I've requested are coming in hot and heavy. Four in the last 2 days. And because I requested them, they get put on hold for me, which is great, except when 4 come in all at once. There is going to be a lot of fast reading in my immediate future.
  15. I agree with you that having to clean a glass dish is a small price to pay to keep cat urine inside a litter box. Small price, indeed! That's a problem solving win right there. Brilliant.
  16. I recently (last week, maybe) received a "fire weather" alert on my phone. Never, in the entirety of owning a smart phone, have I received an alert like that.
  17. So cute! He looks like a little furry court jester. It amazes me when I see anyone who has successfully convinced their cat to keep their collar on. Mine put on such contortions that you'd think they were having seizures.
  18. I bought one of these to use as a beach coverup. I love that I have a quick and easy place to put my keys when my hands are full of beach paraphernalia. It's super cute on.
  19. The only part that would get my hackles up would be the word "require". I don't like feeling as if I had no choice. Otherwise, I would have no issue. I've seen schools put up displays on their walls of the schools their students have been accepted to. No student names, just the names of the schools.
  20. The only times I've seen the Queen (weird that it means Camilla now) interact with the grandkids she seemed annoyed with them. Once she seemed to tell Kate to mind her kids because they were (barely) fooling around. Then yesterday on the balcony, she was fussing at her pages and at the ladies in waiting (maybe family?) to get them properly positioned. On the other hand, Charles let his pages sort themselves out and they did quite nicely.
  21. Our cats hate the car with a very loud hate. However, if I had a cat that enjoyed the car like my son and his gf's cat who wanders freely and happily in their car, then I absolutely would. For a short trip, probably not, but definitely for a week long one.
  22. I'm glad to read this about Under the Whispering Door. It's my next audiobook to listen to.
  23. I say stupid things all.the.time! More accurately, they aren't stupid in my head. I know what I mean, but as soon as I hear them come out of my mouth, I realize that what I mean isn't what's being understood. I have Permanent Foot in Mouth Disease.
  24. I'm actually seeing a larger variety of birds in my neighborhood this year. I've seen a handful of bees but I can't tell you whether there are more or less than previous years.
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