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Posts posted by HSMother

  1. My son will be 14 at the end of September. He will be starting school for the first time this fall and has a diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorder (autistic spectrum). The school psychologist and therapists have recommended that we put him in 8th grade, in spite of the fact that I feel he is behind academically. I am trusting that their judgment is better than mine given that they have been through this with many other kids before. We'll see...



  2. My almost 14yo son was diagnosed with PDD at age 3. The story is long so I won't go into it. But my advice is encourage, encourage, encourage. Looking back I pushed too hard to try to get my son up to grade level when that just wasn't in his realm of capabilities. Do as much work as you can while keeping the atmosphere positive. Good luck and let me know if you have any specific questions. :-)



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