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Everything posted by mom31257

  1. Peanuts actually have L-tryptophan just like turkey, cheese, and dairy. This is the ingredient that makes you sleepy. I know when my kids get tired, they don't act the same as me. They just seem to get more keyed up. Maybe they should only eat it right before bed. :)
  2. I personally don't like the typical book review for a book report. I have a book with 100 ways to do a book report. After each book, I let my dd pick out 5 that appeal to her, then I decide on the one she will do. We've done several this year, and she's enjoyed them. Here's a link that I found with a lot of ideas. http://www.teachnet.com/lesson/langarts/reading/bookrepts1.html
  3. Learning Resources has a set of six board games in a book that cover several phonics areas. Here's a link that you can look at for more information. I'm not sure if that is the best price or not, though. I use Rainbow Resource. They have a great preschool set for your youngest. I used it with my ds because he loves board games SO MUCH! I'm thinking about getting math sets that they have also. http://www.amazon.com/Learning-Resources-Phonics-Game-Board/dp/B0009K4EIA A Beka has a set of learning games for their younger grades that can be utilized for any subject. They are just colorful boards that have pieces they earn by answering any questions you give them. Today my son used a "winter wonderland" board. I had him read words on flash cards that I made. For every one he got right, he got a piece to add to the picture. We also did mental math using one that has a rabbit in a garden. He earned more carrots to "feed" him for getting the problems right. Here's a link. https://www.abeka.com/ABekaOnline/BookDescription.aspx?sbn=68942&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 You may want to check your library for any teacher resources they may have. I found several teacher reproducible books at our library just the other day. I found a game about Magic "E" to review words that end in e. I was able to copy it and bring it home.
  4. I've got some questions about the Apologia books as well as the God's Design series. These books are by topic. Are they meant to be done in a manner that you are studying one branch of science all year? I have been trying to decide what I wanted to use for science for middle school, then high school. I taught Apologia (first editions) Biology and Chemistry a few years ago in a co-op setting. I guess I liked them, but I really felt that they were perhaps too easy for a high school course of study, especially the biology. If I used Apologia, she'd have General Science next year and Physical the next. Should I try to cover more life and earth science this year? If I were to use Bob Jones, she'd have life science next year, Earth and space science for 8th, then Physical in 9th. If I think that is best, then should I do more chemistry type science this year? It's getting closer and closer to the years that "really count", and I don't want to mess her up. Our dd doesn't seem as of right now that she will probably pursue any science or math related field because she is so geared toward language, reading, and history. I do want to prepare her well for entrance exams and whatever God may call her to do. Thanks for all the help!
  5. Thanks for the advice. I'll be checking all these out. As far as a young earth, versus old earth, I do believe in a young earth. I haven't read much about the old earth belief, but I'll be checking that out as well. This board is great!
  6. Could anyone tell me what science resources are out there that are from a Christian perspective? We have been using SOS for science only with my 6th grade dd. We are having a lot of problems with the program. It may actually be problems with the computer, but we're trying to find out. I don't want to have to spend a lot of money on a whole new program for the year, so I thought about just doing unit studies, but we do want science taught from a biblical perspective. I am willing to spend some, say up to $30 or so. Thanks so much!
  7. Thanks for the responses! Keep those great ideas coming!
  8. I did a variety of things to help me decide. I read a lot of threads on here from this past summer that included people's reading lists. I know there were several for ancient history reading. I compiled lists from those lists. I then reviewed catalogs like Sonlight and Bethlehem Books. If books that looked interesting weren't included in those catalogs, I looked at reviews on sites like Amazon. I'm doing MOH, instead of SOTW, so I did have some books recommended in it also. I did go to our library website to see what was available and narrowed down my choices by that. I have been able to get just about everything I wanted.
  9. Would you all be willing to share your favorite cookie recipes. We have to go to a cookie swap on Wednesday, and unfortunately, I've gotten out of the habit of making cookies from scratch, primarily because we don't want that many lying around waiting to be eaten. We are supposed to take at least 3 dozen. Thanks so much!
  10. I'm helping my dh plan a party for his Sunday School class. He teaches adults in their 50'[s and 60's. There are some couples but has quite a few widows. Does anyone have any game or activity ideas? Would you also have food advice? I had planned on doing the main food myself with them bringing drinks and desserts. I think I'm going to have very little time that day for much prep, but I would have quite a bit the day before. Our church calendar was pretty full and we had to take the evening of a day that is a big Christmas get together for my homeschool group. Thanks in advance for any ideas!
  11. I think it was my dd that you may be talking about. She has read several series from the library. I know one is called Jedi Quest. Another is called Jedi Apprentice. There may be a third, but I'm not sure. I haven't used them for school because I try to let some of her reading just be for pleasure. She has seemed to have more self-control in areas like anger and rebellion against authority. She said bad things always happen to the characters because of their attitudes in these areas including pride as well. If you could get a Leapster or Didg, there are new Jedi Math programs for those, although I don't remember if your son's age was included. My ds is getting a Leapster 2 for Christmas that is themed for Star Wars. Here's a link to printable charts with Anakin and Yoda on them. You could use that for his assignments or for specific skills he needs to acquire. Scroll down near the bottom to find them under Star Wars. http://www.freeprintablebehaviorcharts.com/behaviorcharts3-10.htm Here's another link to coloring pages. You might could use those for art. http://www.coloringbookfun.com/star_wars/ Here's another website that I just found but don't have time to check out much, but I will be making time this week. It looks like it's teacher resources by George Lucas. http://www.lucaslearning.com/index.htm Have fun your young padawan will!
  12. My dd has read them, as well as the other kids series of Star Wars. I can't remember the names of them. She has truly enjoyed them. She always lets me know of anything questionable and hasn't mentioned anything in those. She's learned some very good lessons from them. She said that bad stuff always happens to characters because of their anger, pride, and rebellion against authority. I've noticed her using more self-control in these areas since she started reading them.
  13. I don't think you're being snobby just excited about your children's enthusiasm and knowing there are kids out there who will never have that chance. I do feel that some people probably look down on those who don't homeschool in a very classical, creative way. We attended Master's Academy of Fine Arts for 3 years, and I noticed one year that the promotional video on the website spent a lot of time basically criticizing homeschooling with anything like school curriculum. I think, as homeschoolers, we should support each other, whatever method we find works best for our individual families. As far as our kids, we feel that we are giving them a balance. We are trying to introduce them to good literature and history. My ds is fascinated with anything he sees about ancient Egypt. We are currently listening to "The Tale of Desperaux". My dd picked up "The Prince and the Pauper" at my grandmother's house and is reading it. But we also let them watch some TV. I personally like Sponge Bob. We are all huge Star Wars fans and can't wait for Friday nights and the new series. My dd has a Nintendo DS, and my ds is getting a Leapster 2 for Christmas.
  14. Georgia requires you start testing by 3rd grade, and do every 3rd year. We have chosen to do every other year, though. Our dd scores very high, so I felt that every other year was enough to keep her in practice and skills in check. On the off years, I usually purchase a test practice book at her grade level. I haven't decided what I'm doing about my son. He's Kindergarten this year. Our dd attended private school K-2 and had testing every year, so I would kind of like to do one this year for him. If I start him this year, it will be her off year, so it would cost less at one time to have them testing on alternate years instead of together. I'll start no later than 1st grade for sure.
  15. I have picked up extra readers here and there, especially at our thrift store. I think there must be Christian school parents and other homeschool moms who donate things. I have him read out of those every day. I got some Abeka Kindergarten and first grade readers really cheap. When we go to the library, about once each week, he always gets to pick books. I also pick some, along with finding non-fiction to read to him. I try to find non-fiction that will be short enough for him to enjoy and fitting into a topic of current study. I put reading on the couch on his school list so I'll remember to do it. I like to check off lists, so that helps me.
  16. I'm wanting to do 3 years also. We gave MOH Vol 1 this year because I wanted to include her brother. I knew it had activities to cover all levels. Since it's not all published, we can't do all of it in middle school. I also have her reading the BJU 6th grade book which is ancient civilizations through the Byzantine Empire. I'm going to use BJU World history next year, and BJU American History in 8th. I plan on adding in lots of historical fiction and non-fiction reading as I have this year. I haven't decided what to do my with son yet. Part of me would really like to do a traditional social studies approach with him these early years. I think American history would be really fun with this age. I've thought about studying it and social studies skills through 3rd grade, then pick MOH back up in 4th and do all 5 volumes ending it in 8th.
  17. I found a list of the 1200 most common words in writing and went through those with my dd when she was getting 100's on every spelling test in any curriculum. I also found a list of commonly misspelled words on the internet. You might try going through lists like that with her. I would ask my dd about 50 words at a time, then have her practice the words she missed. I did less than 50 of the commonly misspelled because they were harder. I would retest her on only those words. I've not used curriculum for spelling since 3rd grade. If I find misspelled words in her writing, I have her practice those. I just didn't see the point of spending a lot of time on practice words she all ready knew. She is an AVID reader, and I think that's why she's so good at spelling and vocabulary. She scores 99th percentile and post college level on achievement tests in those areas.
  18. I do agree that with the right leader it could be very good. I will say that I helped in a group, and I felt that the information from the council and in the books was very feminist. It seemed it was all about "girl power". I consider myself almost an anti-feminist, so it wasn't the message I wanted for my dd. We just started attending Keepers at Home, but I think this particular leader isn't as organized as I would like.
  19. Here's a link: http://www.gwnews.com/ They actually publish Pk-12th grade. The magazines are broken down into age categories. (PK-1st, 2nd-3rd, 4th-5th, 6th-9th, and 10th-12th) I don't know if they let you start mid year, but it's worth checking out.
  20. I've only bought 1 gift for my niece, and that was because I had to order it from a candle party of my sister's. My niece LOVES candles. I don't know why I haven't started yet. I seem to have so many things on my plate right now, and don't get much time out for shopping. I only have to buy for our own family, a nephew, and 5 adults. This number doesn't include any teachers at church, kids gifts for parties, or neighbors, but those won't be huge in number and will be relatively easy and affordable. My family is only buying for the kids this year. My husband's family always buys for everyone, but as you can tell, it's small. We have 2 of the 3 grandchildren on each side. A friend (who also homeschools) and I have been talking of doing our own Mother's Day Out and watching each other's kids for the purpose of shopping. I can always go in the evening and my dh watch as well. I need to schedule it so it will get done.
  21. God's World News. My kids LOVE this monthly magazine. They can't wait for it to come each month, then don't want to put it down when it gets here. I don't know if they will like next month, though, because it's going to be online. I guess it's the Christian version of Weekly Reader, but it's once a month now. There are all kinds of relevant and interesting current events. There are posters and puzzle pages as well. If you've considered it in the past, but haven't taken the plunge, here's one person who's very glad they did it and think it was money well spent.
  22. We have been discussing this some lately as well. Our dd knows that things are potentially looking down for our country. We have told her that, although we may go through hard times, God will always be there for us. We've seen him do so many miracles in our lives that there's no need to think He'll stop now. Our trust is not in this economy, but in Him. We are a family. We have each other, and we can get through anything.
  23. Thanks for all the advice and experience. I have a math degree, so I feel comfortable teaching the concepts. My dd was in private school until 3rd grade and all own teaching experience has been mostly high school math. I guess because he is "mathy", I want to give him the best I can so that he'll be ready for whatever. I think I could manage mental math by myself. As far as word problems, I could probably manage that some myself, and possibly find some online. The used book idea is a very good one.
  24. When we are heading on a long trip, I go to the dollar stores and buy up some new, but cheap, toys, activity books, treats, etc. I fill bags that I hand out every couple of hours. After the second time, they realize more might be coming. They get excited every time. Yours are young, so you might want to hand them out closer together. I am so blessed! My children travel GREAT! We have family as far as 10-11 hours away, so I am so thankful. We traveled 12 hours in one day when our dd was 4, and she didn't complain one time. Have fun!
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