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Everything posted by curlylocks

  1. :iagree: Lots of prayer...lots of deep breathing...more prayer. (rinse, lather, repeat) :)
  2. Hmmm....well if her hair is oily, she definitely doesn't want to use anything "hydrating"...that will only exacerbate the problem. She really wants a clarifying shampoo...
  3. My middle child had similar "upsets" for about the first 6 months of her life. It was heart wrenching... My pediatrician recommended Mylicon drops -- they helped but didn't completely end the "upsets". We ended up on a special formula -- I think it was "Nutramigen". Eventually we were able to "wean her over" to regular formula and then cow's milk.
  4. Yes...I did that a few years ago and we had wonderful potatoes!! :)
  5. I have an HP Photosmart that takes 6 cartridges. (1 black and 5 color) I bought them at Amazon at an amazing price. They are NOT starter cartridges. I have been very happy with them.
  6. :iagree: -- this is how we approach it as well.
  7. Her mastectomy is scheduled for Tuesday. The surgeon said chemo is a definite, but radiation is still a question mark. Thanks for the website...I'll check that out.
  8. Thank you for the prayers!! Medical-ese has been very frustrating for my sister...but the research has been sort of therapeutic for me. Thanks for the :grouphug: I am the designated secretary as well -- I keep a little red notebook in my pocketbook.
  9. BCIS: Breast carcinoma in situ (BCIS) is a cancer that’s confined to the milk glands or the ducts that carry milk from the glands to the nipple. BCIS is highly curable when diagnosed early. But when not discovered in the formative stages, this condition commonly develops into invasive breast cancer. There are currently more than 54,000 new cases of BCIS diagnosed every year in the U.S.
  10. :blink: My sister was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. The surgeon had never seen these types of cells before and sent the slides out to Columbia for a second opinion. They just got the results back. The results are: "metaplastic spindle cell carcinoma associated w/ BCIS" The surgeon said basically "really rare, bizarre breast cancer". Oh, and it is the triple negative variety. So, what exactly does that mean? I tried googling, but I can't make heads or tails of it...
  11. Thank you!! I gave my friend the info...she is very excited. :)
  12. I would not worry about mustard, ketchup or relish. The only condiment I worry about is mayonnaise. I would throw that out after being out all night.
  13. If you are so inclined please pray...I am feeling completely overwhelmed right now. - Our oldest is getting married April 21st. - MIL is "going downhill" quickly. We suspect Alzheimers. There are NO facilities that can take her...the waiting lists are at least 6 months. We are making plans to move her into our home...at least until something becomes available. - My sister (37) was just diagnosed with breast cancer. The surgeon is moving quickly...she is having the "workups/pre-surgery stuff" this week. A mastectomy is scheduled for Monday. Chemo is a definite and radiation is a question mark right now. She has 3 children -- 13, 10 and 3. The doctor mentioned genetic counseling...which may/may not include me. It's a "wait-and-see" until the slides come back.
  14. :grouphug: -- I'm right there with you. I opened up a little the other night and shared 2 prayer requests at prayer meeting. I acknowledged that I was struggling to keep up and learning how to balance all the plates. Later that night I received an email saying (and I quote): "Go to God He never gives us more to do then we can handle so if you can't handle it, it is because you have taken on something that God does not ask you to do. Not always the easiet thing to figure out but you will know when you have it right." :001_huh::glare:
  15. I don't use Horizons, but a friend does. :) Can you share which catalog this is?? (I couldn't find it on the Horizons website just now...:confused: )
  16. AAH has a Student Activity Book: http://www.christianbook.com/american-history-explorers-jacksonians-student-activity/celeste-rakes/9781892427113/pd/427117?item_code=WW&netp_id=422258&event=ESRCG&view=details Also, in the TM, there is a section entitled "Adapting This Curriculum for the High School Student". The author suggests 4 ways to make a high school credit: * Assign the majority of the For Further Study projects * Assign some of the Activity Ideas * Require the use of some of the optional forms in the SAB * Compile the For Review questions for tests Hope this helps!! :)
  17. These might be helpful: http://tapestryofgrace.com/llc/training/freevids.php They also offer the Foundational Sessions on CD: http://tapestryofgrace.com/llc/training/foundational.php The one entitled "Holding Socratic Discussions" might work.
  18. It's not discussion outlines persay, but the Pop Quiz includes index cards with questions for each level...just a thought. ;)
  19. VIPRE...its not free, but it is pretty reasonable. (and effective)
  20. I'm pretty sure we're going to use it next year... :) I'm going to supplement a grammar program -- just not sure which one yet.
  21. Unfortunately it is typical -- of all age groups. No, you are not old-fashioned -- it is rude and disrespectful. OT: I hosted a bridal shower this past weekend. One lady sat there texting the ENTIRE time...:glare:
  22. :iagree:I have used that same workbook for all 3 of my kiddos...worked like a charm! :)
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