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Posts posted by howie4

  1. Have you told your mother what's appropriate and acceptable? If not, I'd let it slide, and have a talk with her. If you have talked to her and she's ignoring you... well, my mom did that with toys. When she called back and asked how DD liked them, I made no bones and no apologies about exactly why I had sent them to the Salvation Army. I warned her. She finally got the message that sending toys the kids were not allowed to play with simply wasted HER money and made HER look like the bad guy, not me (which is what she was aiming for).


    'Course, now she only buys them junk from Dollar Tree... That doesn't even make it to SA, it goes in the trash. :glare:


    I agree that if a conversation about acceptable gifts has not occurred, that should be top on your list before any other gift-giving opportunities arise. I think {for the most part} our parents and in-laws truly want to love our children and give good gifts, but culture has changed so drastically that buying age-appropriate gifts that we approve of can be a challenge if they're not around us enough to see our taste and what we already own.

  2. I do wear makeup almost every day. I prefer to get ready for the day before breakfast and school...doesn't always happen. I don't like to leave the house without it, though, and figure if that's the way I want other people to see me, that's the way I should present myself to my best friend {husband}, too. I also have horribly dark under eye circles, so concealer and my eye makeup are good friends :)

  3. When you walk in our front door our school "table" is visible, but I usually don't mind :) We had a separate school room (our third bedroom) before we moved a year ago, but now the boys have separate rooms and {althought they're sharing the same room for fun right now} we need the spare room for friend and family guests. So we moved school to the kitchen. Once I got fed up with having to move EVERYTHING off the table for lunch and dinner I pulled out one of our card tables. The height is better for our boys (our kitchen table is bar-height) and we have just the right amount of space for math and language times. We usually take science and history to the living room, anyway. If we're in the middle of something it just stays on the table and we move on to the meal, but I do pick up finished work each day to file away. It also comes in handy when we have guests~a "kids" table is already set up and ready to go...as soon as I clear off the remaining school stuff!

    As to tidyness...I like a tidy house, too, but I don't stress over a busy school table/counter~it means we've been working. I did not like it all over our kitchen table, though.

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