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Amateur Actress

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Everything posted by Amateur Actress

  1. We are using the older version of this and like it. There are science experiments, not just reading biographies. It has a section on Ancient Science, Medieval Science, and modern science.
  2. We like Noeo, too, though it doesn't have Earth Science. We used Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space and I don't remember there being a "young earth" bent to it. We, too, are "old earth" creationists. We liked the Earth & Space a lot. Also used their Biology and again, I don't recall a "young earth" slant.
  3. We are using Economics for Everybody by RC Sproul. It's from a Christian perspective and though we've only done the first lesson so don't have a lot of experience with it yet, the mom from whom I bought it from raved about it, as did her teenage son.
  4. SpellWell is fun with varied activities and minimal prep/parent participation. http://eps.schoolspecialty.com/products/literacy/spelling/spellwell/about-the-program
  5. We have used Spell Well and liked it. This was awhile ago, as I have middle- and high-schoolers now. Lots of variety to the activities and easy to implement and pretty independent.
  6. Besides AmblesideOnline, which is great for book lists and actual schedules for each term, you could look at Simply Charlotte Mason. They have a scheduling book you can buy for all those Enrichment activities, only costs about $17. Someone above said these kinds of activities can be hard to implement and I totally agree, having failed at it in the past. This book has been great. SCM also sells Picture Study Portfolios on many different artists and similar items for composer study, hymn study, Shakespeare, scripture memory (free download from their website), poetry study, nature study, and handicrafts. But you don't need to buy their stuff. Get CDs from the library. Mike Venezia has great books for children about artists and composers which most libraries have. Get a children's Shakespeare book from the library, as well as children's poetry books. Robert Louis Stevenson is a great poet with which to start...lots of cool children's poems. For nature study, start small...Give each child a small sketchbook and walk around your yard seeing what insects, leaves, animals you can find and have them draw that. It is helpful to have field guides for identification and A Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Botsford Comstock is popular. It is important to note that each of these "studies" only needs to be done once a week for 15-30 min. Short lessons are key to keep interest. Of course you can tweak things to fit your family.
  7. Guest Hollow has anatomy curriculum for 3rd-8th grades (also K-2 and high school). http://www.guesthollow.com/homeschool/science/anatomy_jr/jr_anatomy_curriculum.html
  8. We are using Le Français Facile (The Easy French) for my 6th and 8th grader. Haven't started it yet, but looks fun. It comes with 2 CDs with songs, a storyline, and printable activities.
  9. Take a look at Guest Hollow's Biology course or their Anatomy course. Lots of hands-on and living books.
  10. The Bronze Bow A Place in the Sun Anna of Byzantine Hittite Warrior God King
  11. Oscar Wilde...The Inportance of Being Earnest or The Ideal Husband George Bernard Shaw-Pygmalion Noel Coward-Blithe spirit
  12. What about the Berean Builders curriculum by Jay Wile? It's elementary science in chronological order...Science in ...the Beginning, ...the Ancient World, ...Scientific Revolution, ...Age of Reason. If I had elementary kids, I would use these! https://www.bereanbuilders.com/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?display=home
  13. Guest Hollow has a new, inexpensive, high school Chemistry curriculum with low/no math. http://www.guesthollow.com/homeschool/science/chemistry_highschool/chemistry_home.html
  14. Guest Hollow has anatomy curriculum for middle school (also K-2 and high school). http://www.guesthollow.com/homeschool/science/anatomy_jr/jr_anatomy_curriculum.html
  15. There seems to be two schools of thought on this: 1) Start at the beginning with ancient and go chronologically 2) Start with American because that is your and your kids' history and it will make it more relevant and exciting for them.
  16. You can usually find Math-U-See levels for pretty cheap.
  17. Beautiful Feet has a History of the Horse Science curriculum. Not sure of the age for it, but it would give you ideas anyway.
  18. Physical Science freshman year is fine...the Christian high school here requires it for freshman. I also took it as a high school freshman back in the day.
  19. Check out the Explorer's Bible Study series. They have 4 levels...Beginnings I for preschool; Beginnings II for Early Elementary; Discovery for Upper Elem; and Quest for middle and high school students.
  20. Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Preamble to the Constitution "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost
  21. Christian Kids Explore Chemistry from Bright Ideas Press is geared for 4th-8th grades.
  22. https://sites.google.com/site/middleschooljournalism/current-events-sites-for-students This site has several choices for current events for middle school.
  23. The Story of Philosophy by Brian McGee comes to mind. Also, in my college freshman philosophy course, we watched the Woody Allen film, "Crimes and Misdemeanors". ETA: Sorry, his name is spelled Bryan Magee.
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