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Everything posted by LND1218

  1. That was the standard when I had braces in high school. In fact, I have a permanent retainer in my mouth on the bottom. And dh and I both still have/wear retainers...
  2. You are doing Greek - that's great. I don't intend for my kids to do Latin when they are doing Greek (aside from some review and stuff to keep the skills sharp.)
  3. I am not expert, but I believe the 6 months to comply was August 08 to Feb 09. And from what I read on their site all inventory made prior to Feb 2009 can't be sold after that, so it must be destroyed. At least that is what I read....
  4. I have one in Foundations (Master) and Essentials, and I have one in Foundations (Apprentices). I have 2 little ones too. We don't do any co-ops or other things like that. We do do piano, Latin and sports. Well, I will skip the specifics of CC in general since you probably know them. It's a large program - 37 families. We choose it first because it was classical, then because of the families and we stay with it because it works!!!
  5. No - but I love that idea. Dh and I are debating moving, but if we did that and stayed put, we'd be a lot happier!
  6. I totally agree about discipling for attitude - whining, crying and all that just isn't okay. It's not enough for them to do the task they must do it with a good attitude. When I give an instruction, they are to say Yes mom and do it. We also expect first time obedience. I can't say every day/time is perfect, but boy does it really make things better!
  7. In a state like VA, it's so hard to pick just one... Fredericksburg has a lot to offer - so does Williamsburg and Jamestown. The new visitor center at Mt. Vernon is amazing! We love so many places here, but if I had to just pick one (that wasn't already picked!), I would pick Appomattox Courthouse. And I have to throw this one in for upstate New York because I just love it - Genesse Country Village and Museum.
  8. We are using IEW and really liking it. I have never tried CW.
  9. Doing it at home depends on what you are looking to do... Foundations can be done at home. But Essentials and Challenge can't be done at home. Those guides are not available for purchase unless you are in a community. There are aspects of it that you won't have access to outside a community. CC makes some resources available only through their communities. Yes, you can meet together with another family or two for support monthly. While you can do a co-op setting with CC materials because no one would stop you, CC doesn't encourage that. Cost can be a factor for some, but yes tutors get paid. Depending on the size of the program it can cover several kids. So this is how most who can't afford it make it happen. Also there are scholarships available locally. We did some locally, and I believe CC is working toward offering scholarship as well. CC does make background material available through their connected community. That is a very beneficial and time saving resource for tutors and parents.
  10. We have liked Latin for Children. But we also liked Livey Latin too.
  11. :lol: Yeah that would be weird - I guess because I wear glasses I thought glasses not sunglass. That would totally bother me. If you, picture the guy in sunglasses and a hat and it's creepy!
  12. Hmm why is that weird? I do agree I would have been concerned with men alone, but not necessarily because he wore a hat and glasses. Lots of men wear hats inside - esp balding one. My dh always forgets to take his hat off. And well glasses - lots of us wear them in a movie theater to see the movie. I have been in a theater by myself with my kids and had a man alone come in - that was really freaky. And it bothered me the whole movie. I just made sure I could see him at all times - I didn't really enjoy that movie at all. I think too many parents think movie theaters and libraries are safe and they drop their kids off there by themselves, so it makes a lot of sense that these are places you would find creepy people too. I can tell you my kids aren't going to the movies or the library alone anytime soon...
  13. I checked it out from the Library to see if I liked it, but I wasn't at all happy with it. I am glad I didn't buy to find out.
  14. One calls me Mama, one calls me Mom and one calls me Mommy...
  15. For us it depends, on where we are. It hasn't been too hard so far. But as ds gets older it does worry me to send him in alone. I am glad to see more and more places with family bathrooms or single bathrooms. Certain places I will never let them go alone. Back home about 10 yrs ago a women sent her 9 yr old nephew into the mens restrooms at the beach. She was standing at the door. Her nephew was killed. It was horrific. And it all happened so fast.
  16. The UK has seen a rise in crime since then. I have family in the UK - violent crime has risen as have crimes with a gun. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/1440764.stm http://rebirthoffreedom.org/freedom/guns/uk-gun-ban/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_politics_in_the_United_Kingdom
  17. This is what we use - it holds a lot. I also take it to used book sales and HS conventions.
  18. I went with the Keeper (not sure why) instead of the Diva, and I really like it. But I haven't used the Diva...
  19. My dh usually goes away on a fishing trip that weekend not because it's Father's Day but because that's the weekend they can do. If he doesn't go away, we do something together. It's never bothered us that he goes away - we usually stick something in his bag. So the kids have fun planning and doing that. He spends a lot of time with the kids on a regular basis, so they are fine with it.
  20. I love it. Of course, I didn't pay $80 for it. I am not sure if it's worth that much. I got an amazing deal on mine - I got it for $30, and I love it. My floors look great! I have saved that much in swiffer cloths, so I am happy with it... It is lightweight, and I don't expect it to last forever. After this, we will get a bigger steamer with mop attachments for an all in one product.
  21. It was like this when I was in school. I went to ps for high school years ago! (It started my jr year.) If you more 5 unexcused days (meaning anything that wasn't on their approved list of sickness, death of immediate family member - extended family didnt' count, and vacation - no way!) you were held bad and fined. If you have more that a certain number (I can't remember) of excused days, you would also be held back reguardless of grades. I had a friend who got mono and was very sick. She had to come back or be held back - she was a straight A student even when she was sick.
  22. Oh no, I relate to that. I used to get asked all the time why my dd wasn't in school or worse potty trained! I would reply that it's because she's 2!
  23. That's what we get - the opposite because our kids are tall. They are expected to do more and behavior better and the like. It's tough either way I think.
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