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Everything posted by PeacefulChaos

  1. This is all very interesting. We are a family that is all about modesty - but at the same time I have never covered my swimsuit with a T-shirt, nor would I expect my daughter to. I don't have a problem with 2 piece suits as long as they are well fitted and she can move around properly - I used to wear different ones than I do now (3 kids later... lol) but now I wear a more 'covering' 2 piece (tankini top with board shorts, etc - but not long ones - as long as my belly and top of my thighs are covered, I'm happy! haha) My dd is 2, so we don't really have any swimsuit issues yet - but she has a tankini for easy diaper changes. And I have never, ever, owned a Rash guard for either of my boys. I don't know that I would, either. I feel like it's just kind of a trend and for some people to try to say that boys need to wear one for modesty (which no one on here has said, but I have heard it before elsewhere) is just ridiculous...:glare: anyway that was kind of a rant. sry. :)
  2. I think Romans would probably be fine - I second the idea of something like Philippians, Ephesians, etc, also. (on a side note, I love the book Do Hard Things!)
  3. I'm sorry - what is NOEO??? (Hopefully soon I'll know what everyone is talking about!:blink:
  4. Ok, I'm a new homeschooler - just started our first year last week (the 18th) with our 5 and 7 yo. So I am curious about what other people do for science... we are using the First Animal Encyclopedia and going over a different animal each week like it recommends in the book... but I'm not sure my 5yo is getting anything out of it. He's just starting to learn how to read and he's just not into doing narrations, coloring, art of any type, etc... I want to make sure he's actually learning something and that it is actually semi enjoyable for him. My 7yo is doing great. I just don't know if maybe I need to try to do something a little more hands on? Any opinions?? Oh and ftr this is what our typical day includes : 5yo: Saxon Math 1, FLL, Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading, SOTW Vol 1 or 1st Animal Encyclopedia, Art (coloring from the Masterpieces workbook or doing a project) or Music (learning about different instruments, listening to different types of music, and piano lessons), PE (3 days a week structured, 2 days free play), Reading (whatever we have), Bible (Telling God's Story), Zaner Bloser Handwriting... I think that's it. The 7yo does the same stuff only his level, of course. Anyway, I'm looking for any general opinions of good curricula and whatever. I'm pretty happy with most everything but just want to be sure to keep my 5yo engaged! (oh, and I'm new, like I said, so I don't know what all the abbreviations for curricula are. So if you don't mind... :) Thanks!!) K
  5. email - bad idea. Sounds like a good idea at first, but trust me, it never ends well!!! I would just forget she said anything. :001_smile:
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