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Everything posted by PeacefulChaos

  1. I think he'll get used to it. :) I can see why he would suddenly feel a little insecure, but as time passes and he sees that you are still you and that you still love him, it'll all be good. :) And he'll really like the new wardrobe as time passes, too.
  2. :iagree::iagree: I'm with these two :) In regards to ties/tie breakers...I can't even fathom that, sorry. We've never been so at odds about something that we had a 'tie' or needed a 'tie-breaker'. There have been times he was thinking about doing something and I was like nope, not a good idea, and he said ok...what if I did it this way? And I was like, yep, makes more sense. In all honesty, I probably call a lot of shots here, but I would still consider us patriarchal. I still consider him the head of our family. I'm just the CEO. :)
  3. :iagree: :lol: For us, I absolutely love Christmas. I think that whatever people choose to do - celebrate it or not - is up to them. I don't consider one group holier than another, everyone's convictions are different. I don't see any problem with it, and to me it's all good. :)
  4. We are giving them to some kids who don't have toys. (and that is what we actually do...we don't just tell them that.)
  5. I've seen good things about Hugo. But idk if we would go see it...we don't really go see movies much, too much money! :D ETA: I use pluggedin.com for family friendly movie reviews. They don't really spin it much, just give the basics of what is in there.
  6. Mine isn't Thanksgiving themed, either. Last week was DS6's birthday, so its a few shots from then.http://togethersolitude.wordpress.com/2011/11/23/wordless-wednesday-112311/
  7. Why do you need her permission to bring something?? :confused: We all just take what we want. We volunteer what we're going to bring ahead of time, and try to make sure all the bases are covered. I guess I just assumed everyone did it this way...
  8. Where you are now? Or somewhere else? Another town, state, country? Part of me is ready to pack it up and go somewhere else. Part of it is escapism ;). But I'm just curious. And remembering that thread awhile back about homeschool-friendly countries... heehee :D
  9. I haven't ever traveled out of the country, but I would love to. I'm hoping that we'll be able to start traveling abroad sometime in the next few years - right now, we are doing most of our traveling in the US. :) I've been thinking a lot about this sort of thing lately. Part of me feels like I was created for a more 'bohemian' type lifestyle - I've always wanted to go places, live different places, and just not have to 'settle down' in any one place for long. But so far, I've lived in the same town since shortly after we got married (10 years) so...yeah. :)
  10. Have you looked to see if Beth Moore has anything? She would be the first I would look at, her Bible studies are pretty good.
  11. Question: What is Advent? Why Advent Calendars? What's the point? (genuinely curious)
  12. I think gender has very little to do with how 'easy' or 'hard' a kid can be. :) It's all about personality. I have 2, absolutely opposite, boys. I have a girl who is a little like both of them. One boy was potty trained at a little over 2 during the day, but took waaayyy longer at night. One was completely potty trained, day and night, in ONE day right before he turned 3. DD doesn't care (and I know several girls who were similar with potty training). So yeah, I really think gender doesn't have a whole lot to do with basic personalities of kids. They'll prefer different things, but other than that... Personally, if I had to choose between a house of all boys or a house of all girls, I'd go for all boys, hands down. But that's just me. :D
  13. Well, I love Hondas, so I wouldn't bother with the Nissan (personally. Though I have heard good things about them, I would never buy anything but a Honda if I have the choice) - the Pilot is a bit of a pain because of the 3rd row seat, getting in and out. The Odyssey is much easier. We looked at a Pilot before we had DD, and decided not to go with that for that reason. :)
  14. We have the tree up. It's earlier than usual, but only by 2 weeks. (We put it up Friday night, usually do it the day after Thanksgiving). But my grandparents are coming this week, too, and we're doing our 'Christmas' with them, so it made sense to me anyway. ETA: I don't see it being over-commercialism, just because some people choose to put their decor up a little early. I'll admit, it is my favorite time of the year. I just like the 'magic' of the season, and like the idea of it being around a little longer this year. I'll probably take the decor down the week between Christmas and New Years. Thanksgiving has never really been a big deal to me. I don't know how people 'decorate' for it. I don't really think it's that big of a deal... that said, I don't decorate for any holidays except Christmas, so maybe that's why?
  15. My reasons are pretty much the same as the others posted. Family spread out across the country. Lots of them I would never hear from or see pics of them/their kids if it weren't for FB. Not everyone is into Christmas cards, etc. And honestly, all they would get from me is a Christmas card if I wasn't on FB, also. Whereas I think it gives us a little bit more of a chance to know what's going on in their lives. My cousin in Afghanistan could update how things were going periodically. He chatted with my grandparents on there a few times. Good stuff. I delete people if I don't want them knowing about my life. Right now it's only family and people I currently know, with the exception of a few close friends from years past. There are also a couple of people (family members who would be a little awkward to delete) that I hide so I don't have to see everything they say/do. I hate calling people. I don't really care if they call me, but it isn't always convenient. I text most of the time. I would MUCH rather text someone so they can respond when they have time than call someone and put them out. If someone sends me stuff in the mail - cards or something - with the exception of Christmas cards, which I set out as part of the 'decor', or the picture ones, which I put on the fridge, I throw it away. I don't know what I'm supposed to do with a bunch of junk people send?? And I can't even think of why anyone would write a letter. Can't they just email me? Nothing could be so important as to send a letter. I would read it and throw it away. Just seems like a waste. That's jmo. Whatever other people do is up to them. :)
  16. They are driving me insane. I don't even know what they are out there for. I don't know if THEY know what they are out there for. But really, what do they think they are going to accomplish? Besides having to see their stupidity on the news every night and crowd up public spaces. I'm ticked at them. Obviously. :glare:
  17. Depends on the kid. With DS7, lots of time no one will even know he has a fever til we touch him. I only medicate him if it's 102+, especially at night. During the day, it depends more on how he acts. With DS5, his fevers get high. He can get up to 105. He's never had a seizure from his fever being high because, from what I understand, the seizures are from how quickly it jumps, not how high it is. Him I usually medicate pretty often, he's a miserable kid with a fever. Terrible headaches, lots of pain. So he definitely gets the ibuprofen as often as he can, sometimes with the tylenol in between. Tylenol doesn't seem to help a whole lot, though, when it gets bad. With DD, hers doesn't get so high, highest is usually 103. She acts pretty normal, so like oldest DS I don't really medicate a lot, except for at night and for nap, so she can sleep comfortably and I don't have to worry about her fever jumping. I'm not a big worrier, though. I don't call the doctor unless I suspect something else, etc. I'm pretty laid back about it all...
  18. :iagree::iagree: This is what I was trying to say, but she said it so much better! :)
  19. our dr says 10 days before they think they should start looking at it. Our kids have had fevers/ congestion for awhile now. DS5 had it first, last Thursday morning thru Tuesday night, DD from Monday morning thru Friday night, and DS7 has it now, started on Friday night. DS5 is a high temperature kid. He's always the one who spikes fevers up to 105. His never went below 100, the entire time - the other two has stayed lower, anywhere from 99-103. and I don't bother calling the doctor unless there is other stuff going on. Kids get viruses. Doctors can't do anything for that...it bugs me that so many doctors now think they need to do a blood test to make sure its a virus. Seriously? :glare:
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