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Posts posted by awisha.

  1. I'm watching this right now (the credits just started rolling as I'm typing) and I was curious if anyone else has watched it now that it's on Netflix. I looked and didn't see any threads about it.


    I'm horrified. If you haven't heard of it, the documentary isn't about factory farm practices (though there's a bit of that addressed here and there) but rather is about how raising animals for meat and dairy- whether in a factory farm or through organic free-range farming practices- is the number one cause of environmental destruction worldwide, and that the major environmental groups are (possibly) being paid off by these pro-meat lobbying groups to cover it up. (Thus the "cowspiracy.")


    Even if you don't think there's actually a conspiracy here, it's pretty hard to argue with the numbers, and that cutting way, way back on meat (or eliminating it all together) is really the only solution to many of our environmental problems.


    Thoughts? I'm especially curious to hear what the people on high-protein diets that eat a ton of meat and dairy products think about this. I'm not vegan or vegetarian myself, but I'm certainly considering going that way after watching this.

    You should watch Earthlings next but with the warning that it is *extremely* graphic.


    I'll be a vegan for one year 1st Oct, but I went vegan because meat started tasting bad to me. I've learnt SO much about how animals are treated, speciesm, agriculture practices, health etc that there is NO way I can go back.

    There are a heap of good vegan cookbooks and you can veganise pretty much any recipe out there.

    My husband is omni and, unfortunately, my kids are too but I have them using plant milks instead of animal milks. They eat 1-2 omni meals a week, and then whatever vegan food I make the rest of the week.

    • Like 2

    A blacksmith in his kilt. Because we are all about the kilts.

    '       ,        '       '                   :=<]       '          *__       /      (          (___/     e     '  )        ('L')    /    ')('          \=/____/   ( )  )')      |   |    ( /(( )      \____m=====\   )')(( ) )      +()+      (")|| -_-_-_-_-||   ++vv++     ======||-_-_-_-_-_||  +++++++       \/||-_-_-_---_|| ++++++++       /\||-_-_-_-_-_||   // ||       /  \||-_-_-_---_||  (__D(__D    /    \==============

    Your Scottish fella has quite the collection of ghasts.



  3. You know, I'm a little disappointed that we didn't get anyone saying they draw clothes onto the nude paintings with a permanent marker. There always used to be at least one...

    I like to use a big, fat, black permanent texta to draw clothing on the offending pictures.


    I have also been known to glue the pages together, or rip them out, and, if the book is particularly disgusting, burn it before my darling childrens eyes are befouled by the horrendous naked pictures.






    Satisfied?? :lol:

    • Like 4
  4. I use GDI with my two and we all enjoy it.

    There are 7 workbooks in the series and I could only find my E, F and G books to give you details and page counts. I found the teachers manual not very helpful but it might be more useful for you.


    Book E is the 5th workbook

    Reviews basic italic and covers the total cursive program. Writing practice covers natural history-plants, volcanoes, cities. Explores history of the alphabet.

    7 pages of basic italic review

    43 pages on cursive italic

    6mm, 5mm body height


    Book F is the 6th workbook

    Reviews basic italic and covers the total cursive program. Writing practice emphasizes figures of speech (e.g. homophones, puns, metaphors, acronyms). Explores history of the alphabet.

    7 pages of basic italic review

    43 pages of cursive italic

    6mm, 5mm, 4mm body height


    Book G is the 7th workbook

    A comprehensive self-instruction program in basic and cursive italic. Writing content follows a central theme-the history of our alphabet. Suitable for older students.

    13 pages of basic italic review

    25 pages cursive italic

    10 pages edged pen italic

    5mm, 4mm body height


    Written in the front of each workbook is:

    Book A - basic italic - 14mm body height

    Book B - basic height - 11mm, 9mm body height

    Book C - Basic italic and introduction to cursive - 9mm, 6mm body height

    Book D - Basic and Cursive italic - 6mm, 5mm body height




    I hope this is helpful for you.

  5. I am very moved by your condolence messages. Thank you so very much for your kindness and friendship. Tom really loved being on these boards!


    Tom lived with the mets for a few years and went through a lot in terms of treatment, appointments, side effects, etc.. His teams always remarked that he was the healthiest looking sick person - you would never guess if you saw him. His strong, positive attitude and proactive approach combined to create a situation that was absolutely remarkable -  incredibly inspirational!


    More recently things became different and we had months of coping with emergency hospitalizations and a severe change that he was very aware of and did not like one bit. He remarked that if this would just go away he would be feeling better. It was the truth but was not meant to be for him.


    It was the greatest honor for me to hold both of his hands as he passed very rapidly from this life.


    Words cannot express how dearly he will be missed. After 30 years of being together, I have a gaping hole in my heart.

    My daughter describes her relationship with Daddy as "like two peas in a pod."

    We are eternally grateful for every moment we had together.


    Many Thanks to You Again for being a friend! It really meant a lot!



    I am so sorry for your and your daughters loss Lisa. Your DH had a wicked sense of humour which will be missed.

  6. I think what I was trying to say came out wrong (as usual). I could've written an essay but then it would be a case of TL:DR.

    Sorry for the confusion... some of the replies have touched on what I am thinking but they knew how to express the feelings/words better.

  7. A precious child and a respected board member have recently passed away and there have been far too many inane, pointless, downright rude and disrespectful threads being made.


    I think it would be a good idea to have a month of only positive, happy, fun and good threads made on the chat board out of respect of those who are dealing with the loss of a loved one.


    If you agree with me (or not) please vote in the poll and if there's enough interest maybe we can get the mods to do something.

  8. Giggled at this one too...


    Even the skeleton looks embarrassed to be there. He's got this gobsmacked expression, like he can't understand how his life decisions brought him to a point where he's in a creationist museum, of all places.


    "I'm not with these guys," he's saying to the camera. "Tell the Photoshop person to crop me out. I'd slink out of here in a heartbeat, but these damn steel rods."

  9. :lol:


    I love, love, LOVE this comment...


    Wait, being a soulless lying jerk who decives people for a living comes with a free Allosaurus skeleton that's largely complete?


    Why the f**k did no one tell me this when I chose not to sign up for team a**hole?

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