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Status Updates posted by awisha.

  1. Holy spam Batman!! Nearly 4 pages of spam in the Gen Ed board. Crazy!!

    1. awisha.


      Main spammer is already up to 118 spam posts.



      I guess that is why I saw so much in my email spam! Unreal

  2. New homeschool room furniture OR new homeschool curriculum?? Decisions, decisions...

    1. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      A little of both? lol


  3. Try saying 'Good eye, might' without sounding Australian

    1. Mommy22alyns


      Darn you, now I'm going to be saying that all day long!

    2. awisha.
    3. Dana


      Love it!!!

  4. The temperature is currently 45'C and the forecast for the rest of the week is 40+ temps. Kill me now...

    1. awisha.


      (113'F right now)

    2. Dana


      Yikes! Stay cool!

  5. Well that is certainly a unique way to bump up your post count and gain peoples attention!

  6. 2 weeks without FB!!! *woot*

    1. Χά�ων


      Congrats! I haven't been able to do without facebook but I rarely post anything since I friended a bunch of DS's friends.

  7. A whole 7 days without fb and it wasn't even a planned break lol.

    1. nmoira


      Good for you. :) I own two groups, or I'd be outta there myself.

  8. Good thoughts being sent to Kalanamak, her family and friends

  9. My boy is 6 today!! *waaah* Where does the time go?!?!

  10. We are schooling in our singlets and undies today!! We have had 30+°c days the last 3 days... *waaah*

    1. Rosie_0801


      33 here. *waaaaahhhh*


    2. Lucy in Australia

      Lucy in Australia

      Oh, I feel your pain! We had day after day over 40° here in Perth & we nearly lost our collective mind. Just keep repeating "this too shall pass..."

  11. Oh how I wish we could still tag threads...

    1. mommymilkies


      We can't tag threads? I saw some have something like tags. I will say that it doesn't seem as handy as before, though.

  12. Still too hot at 5.30pm. Tomorrow will be worse!!! :svengo:

    1. Rosie_0801


      You should have been at my place!

  13. My trolldar is making a lot of noise...

    1. Avila


      Beep. Beep. Beep. Or does yours honk? ;). Mine sounds like a truck backing up.

    2. awisha.


      Mine just screams "Intruder Alert! - Intruder Alert!"

  14. Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality. Open your eyes, Look up to the skies and see. I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy. Because I'm "easy come, easy go". Little high, little low. Any way the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me...

  15. Thanks to whoever posted the status 'Blinded by the white'.... I can't get the blasted song out of my head. Not cool!!!

    1. Dana


      Ha! Heard it on the way home from work tonight :)

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