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Everything posted by Tiramisu

  1. Very interesting. Thanks! I got my shots after my dog got into a fight with a groundhog. I got saliva on me and I didn't know where it came from, my dog or the groundhog. It was chaos and I don't know where the saliva went in terms of my mucous membranes. It was a *lite* exposure with an animal that may not have had rabies but my county health department and my state health department considered me at some risk because rabies is relatively common where I live. It's good to know I might have some long lasting immunity, but I guess the shots I got are different from what vets get.
  2. Thanks for your reply. I never knew about what had to be done in the case of exposure for a completely unvaccinated dog. That's scary. No wonder our service sog organization requires we keep puppies inside or in our yard until they are fully vaccinated. I did see an article that the immunity from vaccines might last longer, but it's never worth risking it. I was told by the health department that the reason the rabies shot is given only at the ED is because it's very expensive but it expires quickly. So in that way, it makes sense to keep it at one place. The local ED charges at a primary care co-pay rate after the first visit with insurance. without insurance, I hate to think what it would cost if it's at an ED.
  3. I'm curious what state you are in. In our state, the only place for humans to get rabies shots is at the ED. There is no health department option. And the series is very expensive without insurance, as you mentioned. I've known several dogs--all of which were vaccinated--who had rabies boosters after an exposure, all at different vets. We live in an area where rabies is relatively common among bats, raccoons, etc. So are you saying these dogs would not have been given shots had they been unvaccinated?
  4. Not the PP, but the OP should be able to get a rabies booster for her pup, and might want to do so in any case. Even when vaccinated pups in our service group have a rabies exposure, a booster is generally recommended.
  5. My D also had MRSA around 8. That was about seven years ago and she hasn't had it since. Hers was a little pimple in her nostril. The only reason I took her in was because it was so painful it made her cry in her sleep, which told me it was not normal. Hers was "taken care of" and completely cleared up with an antibiotic that MRSA isn't supposed to respond to. (We found out it was MRSA only after the lab report came back.) Besides antibiotics the doctor suggested we all wash with hibiclens from what I remember. When dd had appendicitis last year, I brought up her MRSA infection after I heard another family questioned about any MRSA history in the pre-op room. We were never asked. Maybe an oversight? Once it was confirmed it with a call to our pediatrician, D had a preventative pre-op IV of a special antibiotic in addition to the others she got while waiting for surgery. That might be something to keep in mind for the future.
  6. I'm sorry that happened to you. We had a dog attack recently while out for a walk. The owner had to pull his pit bull off of my puppy's throat TWICE. I couldn't stop shaking even after we got away. There was a puncture wound so pup got a rabies booster and antibiotics. We used a trainer years ago who cautioned us about dog parks, but H loves to take our dog to the dog park. I always got nervous about the kids going there because there were a couple of adult regulars who needed knee surgery after dogs ran into them at high speed. Our service organization we raise puppies for won't let us take their puppies to dog parks at all, ever. I guess they are known for issues. :(
  7. I haven't accomplished anything yet. I haven't heard from the girl after leaving a message. I haven't heard from the program she had been registered with after I talked with them yesterday about what a kid in this situation could do to graduate. I looked at some websites for jobs locally that might lead to long term opportunities: jobs in the county library systems, jobs at the expanding cc, jobs in a local and expanding health care system, etc. There are options but she needs a diploma.
  8. And I just checked our local state uni. They will accept a GED but they want to see the scores from the GED and SAT scores and the incomplete high school transcripts.
  9. That's terrible. I hope you can find something that works for the sleep. Any updates regarding a sleep study?
  10. I looked at another we'll know provider's diploma requirements and she meets those, too. It might be not be good enough for college admission but she would likely go the CC route in the future anyway.
  11. I just sent her sister a message. Hopefully, I'll here from her soon.
  12. I just looked at the basic diploma requirements from one privately accredited provider, which is based in their minimum state requirements (not our state). She meets or exceeds all the academic requirements. With the art and PE classes she did at coop, she meets the number of credits, too.
  13. . To be honest, we are surrounded by a couple of the best, most innovative CC's in the country. But she didn't follow up.
  14. Nothing beefy. I can try to ask her what coop classes she took which were in addition to the other curriculum. I looked up the curriculum she did and it divides grammar & comp and literature into two classes for freshman and sophomore year. Some Catholic curricula do that. There also seems to be a public speaking class that could be an English. ?? She helped organize a youth group retreat and gave a presentation that awed my D with it's beautiful structure, grammar, and vocabulary.
  15. And a sincere thank you to everyone who replied. Every response was so kind and supportive.
  16. Last night my D told me the girl really doesn't want to do school anymore and we can't force her. She just wants her GED. I'm not sure how to proceed. I'm speculating that she *nearly* completed three English, three math, three science, three history, and three theology. Not to mention art classes. I think she might be able to *graduate* if she gets in one more English. ***Can I have feedback on the minimum she would need to complete academically for me to make a transcript (by subject not date) and diploma and have her mom sign it? I don't want to cheat or do anything that might look too weird down the road that it might come back to hurt her.*** There are two related issues I'm worried about. 1. Her not doing anything, which could lead to further depression and paralysis. 2. Her insecurity related to education. She knows her family never had a typical school experience and now she thinks she can't measure up to other kids out there. I think this is why she never followed up on cc even after everything was set up. ETA: She is very bright and an incredibly gifted artist. She has nothing stopping her cognitively from being successful.
  17. I pushed for cc this summer. Our state will issue a high school diploma with cc classes. Her mom took her down, did the paper work, scheduled a placement exam...and then never went back. There is a cc near us that lets high school students take classes at half price. And another friend offered the girl to drive her along with her kids. But she did not take her up on the offer.
  18. She says she only needs to take the final exams.
  19. Yes. I feel like I'm stepping on the mom's toes. And I feel guilty for not talking to her about my plan, but I've tried and it doesn't get anywhere. I also feel guilty for judging her. I know she explained a great loss and I want to be sympathetic, but I really don't agree with some of her choices right now. Because of that I feel incapable of having another heart to heart now. DH was her DH's best friend and he gently talked to her about some concerns, and she said others had come to her with the same worries. But it is what it is for now, and meanwhile we just let the kids know that we are here for them. I talk to the oldest girl and another mom friend has been spending time with the younger girls. DH is close to the boys, and at least they are in a good school situation. There really are a lot of people that want to help them but no one really knows what to do. Their material needs are being met. But they need attention and TLC.
  20. I need some prayers and good thoughts for a situation I'm involved with. There is a hs family we have been very close to for ten years. The father died suddenly less than a year ago. The younger kids are now in ps. There are three older ones not in school. They are high school age and were very behind before the death of the dad. The mom has zero interest in hsing. It was the Dad's wish. The oldest D is now 18. She never finished jr year of a curriculum from a hs company that issues transcripts. Her parents always wanted that accredited diploma for her. Her mom wants her to get a GED and she just wants high school done. But she has a hard time preparing because she is on her own with it. She needs more structure and support. The girl wants to talk a lot. I think she feels I support her and care about her, which I do. And she came to me today because she has applied everywhere for a job and no one will hire her. She isn't doing anything with her time and she's discouraged. I offered , as I have before, to have her come over so she could finish her diploma with me. I took steps to see what she would need to officially finish her junior year. I feel bad in not talking to the mom but she is just done with this, according to her own admission, and is not in a position to help or support now. When the mon reached out to us for help, we gave recommendations and strongly suggested counseling but nothing is followed up on. The mom is dealing with grief by going on with her own life and the kids are lost and lonely. I hope I am doing the right thing. I always believed mom's know their kids best but I think this girl needs an intervention for the sake of her future. So good thoughts and helpful ideas are welcome.
  21. Coming here late but melatonin occasionally makes orthodtatic problems worse in people prone to them. Hopefully that isn't much of an issue. My D's legs became restless while sitting when she went on an SSRI. It's not ideal but it's a trade off that has been worth it. I wish you well in getting the sleep issues under control. I'd been inclined to try the sleep med. If sleep can be normalized, other things might improve, too.
  22. Not to complicate things for you, but before you even shared what the PT said, I could tell the geneticist you saw wasn't the best for evaluating EDS because we went through the same thing. You might not want to worry about this now, but someday, visit a geneticist who is really familiar with how EDS affects all systems and doesn't limit evaluation to looking at a few joints. I'm sorry that happened to you.
  23. I wanted to update everyone who kindly replied to my post here. My Dd saw an ophthalmologist today, confirming that her optic disks are abnormally large. Even the tech could see it right away. The doctor did a thorough eye exam, dilating her pupils, checking her pressure, etc. She had a visual field exam. I think it may have been a little iffy because it requires attention and apparently kids usually don't do well in it the first time. It is actually a lot like a computer ADHD test. But it didn't show anything specifically abnormal either, like the pattern they were looking for to confirm a problem. They also took pictures of her optic disks and did something else with a camera device that showed even though her disk were large they were normal. So now we have a baseline record with the visual field test and the pictures of her optic disks. She will need to go back every year to make sure there are no changes. The doctor doesn't think it is related to her very slow focusing and confirmed that her vision is normal, though I could see that she took note of the slow focusing when D did the eye chart stuff. I read that low blood pressure can be related to normal pressure glaucoma. Poorly regulated blood pressure and heart rate runs in our family on both sides so it makes me wonder. But it could be just they way she's made and not caused by anything. Let's hope!
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