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Just Me

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Everything posted by Just Me

  1. Grandfather - WWII - Army (?) Father-in-law - Air Force - Korea, Viet Nam Father - Air Force - Viet Nam And I think I am forgetting someone...I'll come back later...
  2. Well, if you will notice my user name, you will see that I have a problem with that also! And Rea - my other punctuation of choice is the dash - it has so many great uses!
  3. My kids are closer to my parents because they live in town. My MIL is great, but she tends to interact with children when they are babies, and then again when they are older. She just doesn't really enjoy the middle years. She doesn't travel here, we always go there (about two hours away), and doesn't really call much. That said, she really loves the kids and I think she tries. But she is just as active as we are, and just doesn't make that extra effort, KWIM? My parents are here and while they only live about three miles away, never come over. We go there, too. But, unlike MIL, they are always willing to have the kids over and do fun stuff with them. Now that I am thinking about this, I am wondering why no one wants to come to my house?! Maybe there is a common thread here! Must be DH! :lol:
  4. I use a lot of exclamation marks when I type! I don't use them when I am writing! Why do I think everything is so exciting?! I have really never noticed this before! Honestly, I don't walk around talking in exclamations! So, why this insane need to be so excited about everything I type?!
  5. My youngest ds has said for years how unfair it is that "everyone else in the family has an animal but me!" He is 9 1/2 now, and dh and I decided that he has shown tremendous responsibility this year, so we are getting him an early Christmas present. Give me reminders before we bring this sweet girl home. We currently have a Border Collie, who rules the roost, and a mini-poodle/JRT mix, who is tiny (think 5 lbs). The girl we are getting is a 15 month old pom/peke mix. So she is the same age as our poodle. What is the best way to introduce them all to each other? I think I remember hearing outside...? How about the best way to get her to bond to #2 son? I really want him to be loved by this dog, if possible. This will be his dream come true! And I'll take any other tips and reminders you would like to give me! Bring it on! And by the way, I can't wait until this afternoon, when I will have the thrill of giving him this gift! He doesn't know yet and will be so surprised.
  6. Well, I'll brag one more time! Last year, in November, my daughter and her best friend were chosen to be finalists for America's funniest Home Videos. Both girls and we the parents were flown to California, and were in the audience for the taping of the show. They put the finalist families on the top row, so we weren't seen during the taping, and then moved us to the front after the voting was over. We were instructed when to clap and yell. And we had a great time - and won second place!! There were a couple of funny things about the taping of the show. For one thing, they tape three different openings to use for reruns. And the voting you see when Tom B. tells the audience to "vote now" is fake!! They actually voted about 15 minutes before that!! :D
  7. I haven't read all the replies, but my oldest ds does have long-ish hair. And he spends almost no time on it! He washes it every day, and then shakes it out to dry. Just like his Dear 'ol dad did when he was in high school and I was dating him! I happen to (usually) like longer hair on a guy, so this is a non-issue for me.
  8. My almost 10-year-old wants a puppy!! Probably not the help you are looking for, though!
  9. I love this, and am getting ready to copy you! :) Don't worry, I will give you all the credit!!
  10. Oh, I so agree!! I am, I think, finally past the painful stage (5 days later) and am at the dry, crusty stage. Unfortunately, I didn't catch this one early enough with Abreva to keep it small. I appreciate your ideas about ice though. I will try it next time.
  11. 2005...I think!! I also remember Colleen's baby, but I remember he was young (infant). I know I started reading these boards in October, and then Ree's (at the time) new blog just a few months later. I have been reading both, faithfully, ever since! I think I was a Michelle in NC at the time, but there were other (lots of other) Michelle's, so I changed my name to Just Me and started going with the "Life is Good" theme
  12. How much I hate a cold sore. I don't think you can spend a more miserable week! My poor youngest ds asked me today if I was sad. No dear, mommy just can't smile because her face hurts too badly!! :sad:
  13. That is so cool! I love when people are willing to share. Of course, if you are all in a really giving mood, I could use a little cold, hard cash! :w00t: Just kidding...a little...no really...kidding...
  14. I spend $500, and there are 5 of us. Our restaurant budget is $60 per month. ETA: Milk here is anywhere from $3.20 - $3.99 depending on where you get it.
  15. I voted "other" because our year-round schools are open, but the others aren't. We are also taking the day off, but only because my ds's best friend tracks in tomorrow.
  16. I walked in, checked in, got my ballot with no wait at all. It probably took me longer to actually fill out the ballet than it took me to get it! All in all, no wait and about 4 minutes total! That was at 11:15 this morning. I then left and got my free Chick-fil-A Sandwich!! Yum!
  17. My oldest ds and dd (13 and 12) will be a 50's greaser and poodle skirt girl. My youngest just got his ninja costume and sword. He may wear it until Saturday!
  18. I know how you feel. I was in the same place recently. I talked with a few friends who felt the same way, and now we meet at the gym at 5:45 am. This way, we are all done and home by the time our dh's need to get going. It is SO HARD to get up this early, but now that my body is adjusting, I am finding that I love this time away from home with good friends.
  19. I have had them a few times, and liked them. I just didn't have time or money for the upkeep at the time. I have a friend, though, who has had them for years, and loves them.
  20. 1) What's for breakfast at your house? I don't eat breakfast - just coffee. Kids almost always have cereal, unless dh makes waffles. 2) What kind of car do you drive? Ugh! We just sold our Jeep Cherokee, which I loved, and are currently driving a '93 Mazda Protege', which gets great MPG's, but it is so ugly! We call her Ugly Betty 3) What's your weather today? Beautiful, sunny, and about 50-ish degrees. 4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? Yes, they are a reddish/orange 5) Read any good books lately? What was it? I just finished Nightmare Academy (pre-read for ds), and am reading 40 Fabulous Dates. 6) Is your bed made? Covers are pulled up, but not a complete "make" 7) What's for dinner? I just ordered pizza - it is church night and I just got home. 8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. My youngest gave me a hug to "keep me warm". It is very cold in our house. 9) What color is your bathroom rug? We have tile, so I have a couple of rugs to keep my feet from freezing. One is yellow, the other is khaki. 10) Who's your favorite artist? HHMMM, what type of art? I love Monet. 11) What's your favorite morning beverage? coffee, Coffee, COFFEE!! 12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? My parents still have my Cabbage Patch doll in their attic. 13) Do you collect anything? I have a few Willow Tree figurines, but I try not to collect things. I am not much of a "stuff" person. 14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate) Yes!! I love Christmas, with Thanksgiving running a close second. I love the sights, sounds, and smells of it. Can't wait to get the tree up and light a fire in the fireplace. 15) What are you wearing today? Jeans, wine-colored sweater, multi-colored blazer, brown socks, brown shoes.
  21. The typical Republican is happy coming home to a 62-inch television, pulling out a fine bottle of cognac or Scotch, putting his feet on the table and enjoying the fruits of his labor, but not caring what’s going on in the world outside their living room ... and their gated community.’’ Huh...and here I always thought I was typical.
  22. I replied "other" because our two dogs are mostly indoors, with frequent trips to the backyard when needed - or when a squirrel is spotted. Our Border Collie is 4 years old, and no longer sleeps in a crate. Our Mini-poodle is 1 year old, and puts herself to bed at night in her little crate. It is so cute, because it is the only time of day she ever goes in it! We always say "Fibi must be ready for bed" If the door is shut, she will stand in front of it waiting for us to let her in. So cute!
  23. Hey Bev - I love the idea of your group, and would love to be allowed to join. Thanks so much for all your work in setting this up!

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