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Everything posted by ma23peas

  1. Keen Bali or for leather, I got a pair of Romika sandals on huge discount at SierraTradingPost.com they retail at Zappos for over $100 but got my pair with 3 discounts for under $20...fit like a glove and sooo comfortable!!
  2. I would not let money be a reason why I do not attend a niece's/nephew's party! It is a special day to celebrate...it makes me wonder whether you just don't want your kids to see another family go 'all out' for fear it will make you look bad, or you just don't condone going all out so don't want to be around it, or don't have enough money to buy gifts and don't want the stress of being looked down upon..all of which are coming from the wrong place....this is a child's birthday, by all means go and celebrate it to reinforce that you care for this child and love him...those are the things that mean more than all the fluff and stuff. I honestly would never say 'no' to a party if I was invited...especially family....it is so important to shower love on these young children..not gifts..the biggest and best gift you can give is your attention/love/care....not sure why this is not the first thought?
  3. NO way no how! I would give a baby soda!!! I could see if a toddler were very thirsty and it's all you had, but to willingly give that?? I diluted our apple juice, 3 parts water to 1 part juice because of the high sugar content...no way would I introduce chemicals in soda to a baby! I even went cold turkey on all caffeine during all my pregnancies and no sodas...just not gonna do it...I would be firm but kind and not let them around my child..now if it's the Dad....hmmm...work very hard on the parenting skills! :confused:
  4. Go IN person to the hospital administrator, the administrator of the anethesiologist and any other person you can physically see about this...Take in your Tax returns to show your income, explain your debt to pay ratio...to give you encouragment!! Most if not all hospitals have a program where they 'write off' debts for some patients. My farrier's wife suffered a horrific kick from a stallion they were tending...total medical bills were $120,000!!! He is a very honest and hard working man, but with his career they would be paying well over $30,000 a year for coverage since his career is considered high risk. They had no insurance. He went to each of those listed above and explained how in the world could his wife be in the hospital for 3 days (pins and surgery related to 5 breaks in her legs) and the bill be over 100k...long story short, he was convincing and honest. He had to show is tax returns (hence why I said bring them) to the hospital admin...but they cut his bill down to ...wait for it....$11,000!!!!! He will have that paid off in a year!! He pays cash for everything, has no mortgage no car payments and is the most amazing farrier I know...sooo very proud of him for tackling the system!
  5. Owning up to your shortcomings is an awesome lesson for the entire family...give it the attention it needs but do not dwell on the impact, or it will just grow needlessly...your family is blessed to have a mom with a caring and reparative heart!! :)
  6. Yep, perfectly undrstand it! You just described my mil...but just add in alcohol and you're there...it hurts like a bee sting...hits you quick and sharp...then has this annoying lingering effect to remind you of the initial impact. That said, you are dealing with a creature that took a lot of warping to get that way...it truly is a sad condition. She is terminal, try your best to use this opportunity to teach your child how to love a cactus...it is a very tough lesson but one that makes us all better...love with a bit of distance, make note of any (even if only one glorious bloom...your husband) blooms and do not expect to get a warm fuzzy hug and go unscathed. If at all, help this cactus realize the world is full of all kinds of creations, not all are prickly.
  7. Stretch your proteins... Instead of a chcken breast per person, chop up two and add them with veggies or fried rice... Use a 1/2 pound of beef for spaghetti sauce, dice up ham in potato soup, crumble bacon for salads, add sausage to omelets...proteins are the mst expensive product, just be creative! I can make enough chicken tenders (chicken piccatta) for five people using 3 breasts and slicing them into 6 slivers... Cut up pork for pasta dishes, stick to block cheese on sale, we feed our family on $450 a month...and we buy only organic milk and eggs, never buy frozen dinners, cookies, chips, sodas...mostly fresh veggies, fruits, whole grains, dairy and meats. Oh, and a son who is 6'3 and rows competitively and two competitive dancers...they EAT! :)
  8. Yes! Even though you believe the sermon was directed at you, what he was relaying is a universal problem all churches have, especially during summer months, lack of volunteers...pray for your ministry team earnestly...seek the Word and do not let assumptions weaken relationships that are meant to build the body...prayer is the best approach then honest discussion to share your ideas.
  9. Exactly! I am very aware that the DSM has changed, that is why I referred to the DSMIII where it was labelled as such. You choose to go to the inflammatory...I do not, I am looking at reasoning...as stated before..this lifestyle was considered deviant...there is nothing in the Bible about mixed race marriages...in fact, many instances it is stated there were mixed marriages...that is not a moral basis that originates with the Bible. But, homosexuality is. I can not attest to anyone's faith, as a Christian I am bound by the Word, I can not pick and choose what I 'like' to believe is fact and what is not. There are those who believe in God and those who believe in a God. The former requires a level of devotion and adherence to and honoring of His will...again, the only comparison I am making to homosexuality and pedophilia is their progression...many pedophiles are jumping on the homosexuality agenda to help legitimize their position...the same arguments that the LBG proponents stand for are the same ones that pedophiles stand for....the point is, where is that line drawn? I do not draw that line, it has already been drawn for me. I can no more defy my Lord than I can deny my faith. However, the barbs/accusations/stinging comments thrown my way increase with the more I express my faith. To cry foul when one lifestyle is persecuted and to persecute another's choice is quite alarming. I am not offended...just expecting more civility from the opposing side...
  10. We all have feelings, I have feelings that if you're not 'on board' with the gay rights agenda, then you are labelled a bully...instead of respecting my right to choose a faith that demands I honor His Word...I am labelled a cause for suicide. Do you know how many anorexics commit suicide each year? Someone also mentioned that why is there a comparison to homosexuality and pedophilia...actually, there are several...those that claim pedophilia as a lifestyle (if you would read the articles related you may be enlightened) also claim that they are homosexual...both forms of alternative lifestyles were identified as deviant in medical journals for decades...so now, we are asked to embrace one and not the other..my underlying question leads back to at what point do we draw the line? It was culturally accepted in ancient Greece (pedophilia) and eventually became cast out as an option...same for homosexuality..then one must ask, where do they get their moral compass? For me, it is the Bible- God's word...it in no measure makes me responsible for someone taking their life...I am not condemning them, I am condemning the sin, all sins as I stated are equal in the eyes of God. It has come to a point in our society where legislation is being asked to be changed, and I have a voice, am I going to stand first for my faith or bow down to the pressures of a society that like to label me as part of the problem. I always will put my faith before pressures. i think it is time that society stop trying to compromise or make others choose one way or the other...there is a way to allow people their faith and their choice in lifestyle..but not to force it on one or the other...and for those who claim to defend one lifestyle but condemn another solely for their faith choice, hypocrisy abounds.
  11. All right, I have a handle on this weight loss thing...lost 100 pounds my freshman year in college (if you ask, my parents had a tumultuous period in my high school years and I gained 90 pounds in one year!) As soon as I left, it just melted off! Kept it off until my first pregnancy 10 years later...unfortunately, my pregnancies had me nauseous for 9 months, food was all that helped, gained 65 with first, 35 with second and 25 with third, but never lost in between...and had 3 children in 4 years...lost 70 pounds of that in one year. Got two mortgages for 31 months and put on 90 pounds!! Dear goodness, but at this point (age 44) the weight has taken much longer to come off, in one year I am down 60 pounds!! I am on a path of losing 2-3 pounds a week FINALLY after having many months of only getting 5 pounds off. The difference is I have had to work MUCH harder and adjust my eating...for what it's worth, here is what is working for me... Exercise: Walk 30 miles a week...first mile I up my speeds, but still walk, no running (bad knees from having seizures in college...which I honestly believe were triggered by phenylalanine in Slim Fast!, another story) second mile I alternate inclines going higher each week, third mile I use weights for upper arm workouts, in other words, utilize ALL major muscle groups. Food: Almost Never: white flour, sugar, fried foods, sodas (diet) Not often: potatoes, rice (brown is okay), corn, bananas, apples Often: green veggies (spinach, brussel sprouts, lettuce, peppers, beans)..berries for fruits (raspberry, strawberry, blueberries)...whole grains and I eat these just once a day and usually at breakfast...serving size is key, I bought special bowls that only hold one cup once the 1/2 cup of skim milk is added...lean proteins with no added sodium...sodium is the KILLER!! If you have a fitness app that can track your sodium intake, you will be surprised that you're probably hitting 3x the recommended amount..I have found with age, this is the ultimate weight blocker! I never add salt anymore, if I get weak from my exercise routine I will add 1/4 cup of gatorade or coconut milk to my water and it perks me right up. I also get roast beef sliced at the deli for my low iron counts..works like a charm... I never eat more than 500 calories in one sitting...I eat about 100 for breakfast, snack on almonds (no salt about 10) for snack, eat around 300 calories for lunch, turkey wrapped around provolone and a small salad with vinegar and oil, then another 100 calorie snack and a dinner with 2 veggies and a protein...this eating AND the big workouts have really slimmed my body down, I only lost 7 pounds last month but lost 12 inches (measuring 5 body regions)!!! I love the energy I have, I do not crave the bad stuff as much, and if I want 10 M&Ms...I'll eat them, just not a king size bag! :) HTH!! I'm on my way to goal and it's been harder than ever to lose it, but worth the effort!
  12. This is the sweet truth! Almost ALL sins get a pass, that is the glory and miracle of the sacrifice made for all man. The Bible does speak about an unforgivable sin, but none of those mentioned above are those. Yes! All sins are forgiven and all sins are equal! We (in my understanding) were not put on this earth first to consider the feelings of man, but to honor and praise the being of God...that comes first. A humanist approach would put the feelings of man and create a paradigm of 'understanding' that tries to validate all feelings and all reactions. This is a very slippery slope...as seen with the example of pedophilia...many 'notable' psychiatrists have worked for years to validate the human 'condition' of pedophilia... http://www.greeleygazette.com/press/?p=11517 While many find the topic of pedophilia shocking and angers them, they do not have the same response with homosexuality or overeating...all are equal sins, indeed. Our world of 'humanity' has tried very hard to minimize them..there are even people who claim that being obese should be glorified and attained...I have suffered from sin, we all do..but to glorify/condone/promote a sinful lifestyle is not in accordance with honoring/glorifying our Creator. Therein, lies the crux of the issue. You can not serve God and serve man, you must choose one...just because I choose to serve God and honor His Word does not mean I do not love and feel deep pain for the affliction sin has caused each and every man...sin will not be taken away, but through the Holy Spirit they can be washed away...but to hold and embrace sin keeps you separated from that gift.
  13. I would pick neither of your two choices, labradoodles require loads of exercise...many shelters are overburdened with them bc they were too much for their owners...hot breed...too overbred. I grew up with cocker spaniels...they can be very tricky...good breeder...decent...otherwise they can come with a host of problems (skin, vision, organ diseases). I do believe blends of cockers are better choices...cockapoos are sweet and have less genetic issues. Honestly, our best family dogs have been the mutts from the shelters...pick a puppy that weighs less than 6 pounds at around 8 weeks, more likely to stay under 40 pounds...the shelter can help you as welll....our most recent rescue...part Boxer part?? Our older dog has a buddy!
  14. Here is the connection, for a very long period of time...homosexuality was considered deviant behavior just as pedophilia is. Society rejected both, now a segment embraces one but not the other. Just look at DSM III manuals from 20+ years ago. I never have maligned your intelligence or have so brazenly and openly attacked those who take a differing view...I was addressing flawed logic. Being personally attacked reflects more poorly on the sender than any impact on me...judging is not or me, but for my Lord. The fact that I use my brain to honor and uphold His laws and Word is what most who condemn here find offensive. Nothing new.
  15. Is this the ONLY thing she is on? I worked for the company that makes risperdal for 10 years, I know the drug well...and hate to see it abused...not saying it is, but there are key things to consider when upping the dose, especially if there are any other prescriptions being taken. I am very happy to hear the doctor halved the dose, but anytime there is that big an adjustment in dose, the patient needs to be monitored closely...keep her hydrated and pay close attention to her symtpoms (NMS and Tardive Dyskinesia are rare but can happen)...sending prayers!
  16. I am not typical...but way too tenderhearted to hear a puppy cry while in a crate...after raising 5..my method is to sleep on the couch with them, the minute they wake up, I take them outside and praise them when they pee! :). I keep water bowl up on the counter...giving water at least 6x a day...after they drink, I take them out...usually they pee 10 minutes after drinking, sooner for smaller dogs...I do this for 2 weeks and they are trained! It is like having a newborn, but saves me loads on accident clean ups! They also are pretty regular with number 2 ....I feed puppies 3x a day...about six hours apart, then move to 2x a day. What type of puppy? We have raised beagle, maltese, black lab, boxer mix, border collie...I helped train our Old English sheepdog as a teen. The key is consistency and loads of outdoor playtime! Enjoy and share pics!
  17. Firmly I believe this statement..."believe in the Lord and you will be saved" and "verily, I say unto you except a man be born of the spirit...he will not enter the kingdom" We have the responsibility of receiving Christ and be born again through the Holy Spirit...so, no...not everyone is saved...I am amazed at God's choosing of Paul...he was the communicator for the church at a time when it was greatly needed...God is mightily and supernaturally present..so much so that I am convinced the Word is God....I do not doubt it nor question it...but through my life experiences...sections that did not make sense to me..over time have had a profound illuminating effect on me...it is a gift that keeps on giving!
  18. Logic is flawed...what are the feelings of pedophiles working very hard to legitimize their lifestyle by removing it as an aberrent behavior in the DSM3...an aberrent lifestyle is just that and will have repurcussions...I can never condone or promote a sin...as someone who has struggled with overeating...I do not praise or condone it but must strive to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  19. YES! THIS!!! With age, we lose our muscle structure!! Unless we are using it and ACTIVELY, it whittles away, which means that 10 years ago when you burned 2500 calories a day, you may only burn 1800 calories a day! And, chasing after little toddlers all day was much more active than sitting at a desk grading papers :)...It only takes 3500 calories or so to make a pound so just by aging you could gain a pound a week with such drops in metabolism due to muscle loss and inactivity! You have to ratchet it up and be consistent! I have been walking 30 miles a week for over 8 weeks....I am losing consistently now and lost 12 inches last month alone!! But, if I do not do those miles, the scale will not budge!! One week I could only fit 15 miles in...at the SAME stuff and only lost .2 pounds!! CRAZY!! So, for me, I'm adding more weight training in to build up all my core muscles (thighs/abdominal/shoulders/arms)...it has really helped!! And I truly believe the exercise has helped balance out some hormones...my TOM was coming every 21 days (always has!) but now, they've stretched out to 28 days and I am thrilled!! Less cravings per month! :) Hope this helps!
  20. Brendan Fraser narrated Dragon Rider! Did an awesome job! Penderwicks was good, too.
  21. Four of my friend's seven children have everything you described...they moved from MD to the South...it s a lomg struggle getting help...praying for you and your family! Much has been learned over the years!
  22. I dig FB! I keep my profile secret (no one can find me) and I know all my kids' passwords (they know this) to catch the stuff they need to be praised for and cautioned about....I just love finding thoughtful, encouraging posts written by ny son about his faith...had such a tough year for him last year ad now he uses that to help others...there is much more good than bad for our family...but for children who have no moral compass it can be a detriment to their growth for sure.
  23. Fad diets did the trick for me! 3 day diet...mostly tuna, broccoli and cauliflower...after doing that for 3 days those blueberries tasted like heaven! So, I will do the diet when I see my old cravings slipping back and then it is easier...I am down 65 pounds this year...and still going down! I really do not crave cheetos and brownies like I used to and almost never have sugar!
  24. Immobilize it with a sling! Ice then heat feel better:grouphug:
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