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  1. Your perception of what admissions is like at most colleges does not match my perception. In addition to what other people are saying, I dare say the overwhelming majority of incoming freshman who want to major in, (say), electrical or biomedical engineering do so because they want to work in that field. Why else would you pick such a major?
  2. This is a good article. I bet the majority of students don't even know if their instructors are adjuncts or professors. And I think different institutions treat their adjuncts very differently. Even if an adjunct is the greatest teacher in the world, if they don't have an office they can meet students in, if they have to have a huge teaching load just to make ends meet, it isn't going to be good for the students.
  3. I was a bit disappointed in this book, because it talked about the memory palace, and other techniques for memorizing random lists like a shuffled deck of cards.. These methods didn't apply things I'd like to memorize: poems, bits of literature, etc.

    It is almost like she's used social media to create a reality TV show experience for herself, and all that entails.

    The deal with the land contract is they don't really have a landlord. The owner of the title may not be able to break the contract for anything except non-payment. And, do you really think Canada would accept them as immigrants? There are generally pretty stringent requirements on income and stability in order to immigrate. Keep in mind the Canadians are the people who had the good sense to foist off Justin Bieber on us.

    I wondered about this too. On "the other page", someone did some research, and the county records show that "their" property is still owned by Kentucky Land company, a real estate company that apparently does land contracts. I had never heard of land contracts before. A land-contract a form of seller-financing that can be used by people with poor credit. Basically, the seller keeps the title until the contract is paid off directly from the buyer to the seller. Terms can vary, but in some cases, if the buyer defaults before the property is paid off, they are evicted, the title stays with the seller, and the buyer retains zero equity. Effectively that's like renting, but with a big down payment that you could potentially lose. Just another way where it can be very expensive to be poor. Now, if I were a landlord, I don't think I'd rent to this family, but that raises the question: where can they live? Building a reasonable structure on this current property may be their only option.

    I'm not sure about that. She never thought much was wrong to begin with. Now, CPS doesn't owe us an explanation, but it seems like Nicole doesn't have a firm grasp what what specific conditions CPS would like to see before the kids are returned. Seems like she thinks that just cleaning up some of the broken glass and trash is sufficient. My guess is that CPS would also like to see a structure with solid walls, access to water, and many other things. Of course, from her postings, she doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on a lot of things: the diatribe about how evil it is to go into debt, and how they would never do that, because they want to be "free" contradicts the $20k they took from Capistan at 1% per month interest: http://capistan.com/projects/blessed-little-grooming-company/ or the loan they assumed for their property.
  8. If this were true, wouldn't Harvard and the Ivies have the least amount of tuition increase?

    This is the picture I'm thinking of: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/05/12/04/287EB9F100000578-0-This_kind_of_free_range_life_has_become_a_talking_point_in_Ameri-a-42_1431403042348.jpg
  10. NOOOOOO!

    This may be the most insignificant thing to carp about, but for someone who defines herself as (among other things) a cloth-diapering mama, isn't the cute (but dirty) baby on the property wearing disposables? And how would you manage cloth diapers on the homestead? I'm sure that a diaper service is not an option, both financially and ideologically. They rely on a laundromat in town to wash their clothes.
  11. I'm sorry, but this doesn't pass the sniff test. While some universities are enrolling more students than in the past, others aren't. All have seen dramatic rises in tuition. How much has Harvard's tuition risen in the last 30 years? How many more students do they enroll? My Big State University's enrollment has been pretty constant for the last 20 years, but tuition has risen substantially. Perhaps (perhaps!) high school students aren't as prepared as they were. But numerically, there are many colleges that are enrolling basically the same numbers of students as when their tuition was much lower.
  12. It has, ahem, been a while, but I don't remember any of my college classes taking attendance.
  13. NOOOOOO!

    If you google for her blog with "homebirth", you'll find (of course) pictures and a blog entry about her unassisted homebirth. This entry was from when she was still living on the grid, but it seems clear that she plans to give birth to the current baby with an unassisted homebirth on the "homestead". Homebirth with a CNM in a home with hot running water, mod cons, etc. is one thing, but in a lean-to outside, with no running water or modern facilities or midwife? We had a lively discussion on the previous thread about what CPS would do in such a case, especially if the older children had all been taken away.
  14. The only thing I don't understand is if you wouldn't go to Harvard and other Ivies even if accepted, why bother applying?
  15. NOOOOOO!

    I wonder if CPS even has the expertise to judge whether the "homestead" is safe. I'm just a city mouse, as I'm sure the rest of the social workers are -- I know about city stuff, like not having exposed electrical wires, and keeping cleaning fluids out of reach of littles. I have no idea how to manage wastewater without a septic system, proper procedures for livestock, etc. etc. I wonder if CPS even has guidelines about this kind of stuff.
  16. How much daily practice does the guitar, clarinet, band, symphony and voice/piano require? You measure the amount of time the lessons themselves take, but usually, don't most musicians spend way more time practicing than in their lessons?
  17. Typically, if these projects are paid out of segregated fees, the students don't pay until construction is finished, so those who vote neither get to use the facilities nor have to pay for it.
  18. So, how would that work? Social services would be hanging out at their place, waiting for the birth, then swoop in and take the newborn? That seems cruel. Take the newborn after a few days? If anything happened to the mother or child in that time, God forbid, social services would catch hell for waiting. Surely, if the family expected something that, they'd go on the lam.
  19. Great questions! Also, are the foster parents allowed to get the kids tetanus and other shots? Birth certificates? SSNs?
  20. Jailing the wife does seem extreme. At least her youngest child, and maybe more, have been unassisted home deliveries, according to her blog, though I think they weren't living on their homestead at the time. Presumably she wants to do this with her current pregnancy, and presumably at the homestead. If you don't think you can jail her, but you do think the children should be taken away, what to do about the baby? What if she insists on an unattended home delivery at the homestead?
  21. If you aren't paying for a service, you aren't a customer. You are the product they are selling to their real customers.
  22. And she's pregnant! Sleeping in the freezing van can't be healthy.
  23. Here's the bit I find incongruous: She's taken money donated to her, and is building a pet salon grooming business in a strip mall, complete with four sturdy walls, several rooms, a roof of modern construction, running water, and working HVAC. Her kids don't get to live with any of these amenities of life.
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